Video statistics

Date Title
2013-06-10 Meet Lindsey Doe! - Welcome to Sexplanations - 1 04:50 423,458 7,859 88 1,122
2013-06-12 SexShields - 2 04:29 333,068 6,435 68 854
2013-06-17 Ask Lindsey #1 - Rejection, Double Bagging, and Things - 3 04:40 239,485 4,970 42 725
2013-06-19 The Vulva - The Vagina's Neighborhood - 4 04:40 853,581 9,461 75 1,020
2013-06-24 Urinary Tract Infections - 5 04:19 178,022 3,892 19 606
2013-06-26 The Ellis Standard - 6 03:36 171,755 5,297 19 579
2013-07-02 Interthoughts: Interview with Eden Atwood, Part 1 04:52 144,485 4,004 123 1,132
2013-07-03 More Interthoughts: Interview with Eden Atwood, Part 2 08:30 100,574 3,903 29 472
2013-07-09 Rapid Delivery: Duck Lips, Asexuals, and Periods - 9 03:44 322,568 5,449 74 838
2013-07-11 Rapid Delivery: Penis Drawing, Firefly Sex, and Prostitution - 10 02:50 183,776 3,612 40 805
2013-07-15 How to Be a Sexologist - 11 03:33 130,591 3,787 26 289
2013-07-17 Sexplanations: Gag Reel - 12 04:43 126,940 2,995 37 281
2013-07-23 Sex Is Not Black & White - 13 02:57 182,722 4,405 41 499
2013-07-25 How to Get the Sex You Want - 14 04:23 319,011 7,229 52 575
2013-08-07 How to Know Your Body is Aroused - 15 03:25 517,875 7,618 56 467
2013-08-09 How a Nerd Describes Orgasms - 16 05:04 318,855 4,982 76 534
2013-08-13 A to Z: Sexual Terms - 17 03:51 198,054 3,687 44 430
2013-08-14 A Story of Sexual Terms: By Dr. Doe - 18 02:38 97,672 1,926 69 169
2013-08-19 Ask Lindsey: Lesbian sex & more - 19 04:28 229,661 4,533 51 638
2013-08-21 Dry Humping Saves Lives! - 20 03:50 464,371 6,386 114 564
2013-08-27 Heterosexuals: The First Perverts - 21 03:57 182,641 4,655 169 560
2013-08-29 How to Read a Sex Scale - 22 03:30 156,640 3,188 40 478
2013-09-04 How to Deal with Sexual Injustices - 23 03:08 104,955 3,141 52 437
2013-09-11 Ask Lindsey: Circumcision, Inverted Uterus, and Not Liking Masturbation - 24 04:22 145,787 2,961 39 612
2013-09-12 What Does Lindsey Read? - 25 04:14 70,732 2,756 8 149
2013-09-16 A Few of Lindsey's Favorite Things - 26 03:13 137,621 2,783 38 243
2013-09-19 5 Asexuality Experiences - 27 05:02 368,494 6,846 129 1,032
2013-09-23 Ask Lindsey #5: The Future of Sex, Books, and Other Types of Dry Humping - 28 03:52 89,912 2,217 18 220
2013-09-30 Ask Lindsey #6: Transvestites, Drag Queens, and Male Sex Toys - 29 04:46 103,692 2,584 34 395
2013-10-02 What is Consent? - 30 03:39 853,809 11,135 351 1,490
2013-10-08 CatalystCon West 2013: Part 1 - 31 04:07 57,619 1,694 12 146
2013-10-15 On Body Image with Queerie Bradshaw - 32 04:26 84,814 2,565 40 249
2013-10-17 Building a Vibrator - 33 05:18 326,324 3,659 65 239
2013-10-22 Sexgeekdom: An Interview with Kate McCombs 04:29 63,571 1,738 17 131
2013-10-23 Benefits of Sex 02:44 148,808 2,893 107 421
2013-10-28 What Is Herpes? 04:18 155,974 3,073 32 709
2013-10-30 Protecting Against Herpes 04:24 124,236 2,604 92 1,044
2013-11-07 Does Pulling Out Work? 03:58 672,879 10,240 155 995
2013-11-12 Sexplanations and Subbable 04:01 59,706 1,683 22 133
2013-11-14 Ask Lindsey #7: What is love, Dan Savage, and complaints! 04:03 100,092 2,399 218 769
2013-11-21 HIV: Why Get Tested 03:40 55,964 1,579 7 172
2013-11-25 Lindsey takes an HIV test -- no needles 05:09 67,661 1,652 6 148
2013-11-27 An HIV FAQ 02:22 53,119 1,156 10 72
2013-12-04 Sexual Terms: From Z to A... 05:43 141,644 3,261 19 437
2013-12-06 What is your style of love? 05:18 404,038 7,938 134 840
2013-12-10 I Am Mania 03:46 95,780 2,699 21 189
2013-12-12 The PLISSIT Model 04:33 137,837 2,599 15 119
2013-12-18 An Appointment With Doctor Doe 03:53 102,804 2,503 8 156
2013-12-20 Paraphilias 03:32 238,227 4,933 42 543
2013-12-22 Lindsey and Nick answer your Sexplanations questions 16:59 138,811 2,282 27 341
2014-01-03 AskLindsey #8: Getting Schooled 05:56 73,593 1,857 16 124
2014-01-08 Masturbation 03:33 3,653,105 15,348 936 1,184
2014-01-09 Masturbation Questions 05:32 991,921 10,969 130 813
2014-01-17 Nick on Identity 03:45 79,124 4,585 29 749
2014-01-22 Iceland and the Phallological Museum 03:58 231,681 2,282 28 176
2014-01-29 The Penis 04:37 689,819 8,043 170 616
2014-02-03 More on Condoms 03:59 313,001 6,501 51 363
2014-02-12 Confiscating Your Valentines: Anthony Comstock 04:33 69,330 2,332 7 188
2014-02-18 Ask Lindsey #9: Humor, First Times, and Spitting 04:03 711,066 6,570 23 513
2014-02-25 Figuring Things Out: Heuristics 03:37 157,021 3,117 19 154
2014-03-04 The Bystander Effect 04:29 398,641 7,481 48 1,629
2014-03-12 Ask Lindsey #10: Career Questions 04:30 52,470 1,637 7 111
2014-03-19 Attraction 04:10 223,251 6,886 36 1,056
2014-03-25 Flirting 05:32 995,682 22,746 110 1,863
2014-04-02 Ask Lindsey #11: On Attraction and Flirting 05:15 152,946 3,776 26 208
2014-04-09 Cognitive Dissonance 03:49 85,841 3,033 19 166
2014-04-22 Anal Sex Prep 04:12 7,196,102 28,050 2,253 2,111
2014-04-30 Anal Sex 04:41 6,836,440 26,320 2,039 1,817
2014-05-07 69: The Sexiest Number 05:56 319,015 5,201 125 349
2014-05-15 Ask Lindsey #12: Oral Sex Questions 05:17 569,882 8,599 54 489
2014-05-21 Are you sex lucky? 03:25 204,820 5,438 123 794
2014-05-29 Examine 03:23 88,648 3,064 35 353
2014-06-04 Less Harmful Language 05:42 116,427 4,647 167 629
2014-06-12 One Year and 16 Questions 18:46 86,931 2,639 20 332
2014-06-19 What is My Sex? 04:57 138,635 3,858 95 635
2014-06-30 Hello From VidCon 2014 03:37 108,084 1,677 16 139
2014-07-09 The Gender Map 03:31 206,640 5,868 306 933
2014-07-17 Regaining a Healthy Sex Life 04:56 113,107 3,287 25 245
2014-07-24 Sexplanations Quiz Show: Animals, Erections, and Pubic Hair 03:30 66,221 1,795 23 234
2014-08-01 22 Sex Topics 04:20 117,393 2,796 17 244
2014-08-07 Polyamory 04:34 714,939 12,490 410 1,111
2014-08-15 Ask Lindsey #13: Muppets, M to M, and Flogbrothers 03:59 70,712 2,125 15 203
2014-08-21 10 Sexhacks for College 04:08 418,220 7,540 92 489
2014-08-29 BONUS VIDEO: ALS Challenge 02:25 434,859 4,928 23 267
2014-08-29 Circumcision 03:41 701,231 8,617 163 2,645
2014-09-06 Kinsey's College Test 03:23 139,193 2,696 71 331
2014-09-11 First Time Tips 04:31 1,743,441 17,137 230 859
2014-09-19 Menstruation 04:18 185,293 3,942 26 539
2014-09-24 Period Pregnancy?! 03:01 192,670 2,795 18 221
2014-10-03 AskLindsey: Morning Wood and Mail 04:14 314,730 3,526 63 276
2014-10-09 Bring Your Sexy Back 03:38 116,932 3,381 28 233
2014-10-18 PCOS 03:33 121,082 3,030 25 364
2014-10-23 Ask Lindsey #15: Sex Addiction & Penis Size 03:37 168,294 3,015 17 214
2014-10-31 Is it Okay to be Sexy? 04:43 1,221,135 16,480 135 1,544
2014-11-06 Sex Analogy FAILS 04:18 191,437 6,590 74 628
2014-11-15 How to Talk To Kids About Sex 03:23 157,625 3,911 88 370
2014-11-21 Trans Awareness 03:49 101,197 4,875 48 630
2014-11-27 Blowjobs in the Dungeon 01:27 475,983 9,439 186 388
2014-12-04 Bad Sex Ed 04:04 451,368 6,824 153 1,631
2014-12-12 2014 Outtakes 03:43 41,898 1,665 9 116
2014-12-19 Monsters & Masturbation 02:07 191,726 3,754 67 196
2014-12-24 2014 Chat Wrap! 04:54 29,768 1,361 7 192
2015-01-09 Quick Update: DoeEyes 00:26 52,124 919 10 26
2015-01-13 Pregnancy Prevention 04:59 181,115 3,878 34 404
2015-01-20 Choice - a short biography of Margaret Sanger 05:14 67,726 3,422 35 334
2015-01-24 Female Ejaculation 04:13 5,669,384 36,678 494 2,445
2015-01-29 Sexual Identities : Prefixes 04:57 76,115 2,792 44 364
2015-02-03 PrEP 03:43 64,641 2,364 10 198
2015-02-12 Kissing 04:34 414,009 7,920 45 452
2015-02-20 Kissing Questions 04:46 224,253 4,883 29 177
2015-02-27 Mamalode Sex Questions 04:41 117,174 1,671 28 69
2015-03-06 Kegels 03:57 334,971 7,359 95 368
2015-03-12 Vaginal Orgasms??? 04:34 783,327 9,840 104 382
2015-03-16 Sex Ed Funding 03:35 60,188 1,957 23 141
2015-03-26 Eff Ya Tea Time! 03:14 82,694 4,765 57 502
2015-04-04 Stay Curious! 03:59 61,845 2,565 23 131
2015-04-10 Gratitude 04:56 40,832 1,816 11 180
2015-04-17 Sex Smells 04:34 1,064,147 13,520 153 685
2015-04-24 Sex Ed Maps 03:42 104,961 3,872 48 736
2015-05-01 Sexytime 16:15 28,878 438 23 234
2015-05-01 Sexytime2 1:12:57 10,666 358 14 19
2015-05-01 Nick's Goodbye 12:54 48,530 1,655 22 208
2015-05-08 Cunnilingus 05:27 2,407,423 20,878 267 1,249
2015-05-15 Dr. Doe on Porn 04:32 723,027 14,935 228 863
2015-05-22 Sexytime 3.dkfasdiweh 1:04:01 7,429 181 6 49
2015-05-22 Sex Shower Thoughts 02:21 151,162 3,339 53 127
2015-05-23 Sexytime May 22nd 1:05:31 10,620 247 6 157
2015-05-26 Last sexytime 1:03:26 13,154 257 10 222
2015-05-29 Male Ejaculation 04:03 2,857,699 14,160 680 1,065
2015-06-03 Rapid Ejaculation 04:44 537,784 6,831 125 303
2015-06-11 Ask Lindsey: Happy 2 Years! 04:01 37,571 1,681 9 123
2015-06-18 History of Pride 04:26 62,436 3,291 84 300
2015-06-25 Ask Lindsey #17: Orgasms, Virginity, & Bidets 04:39 113,317 2,868 66 673
2015-07-03 Effects of Porn 03:35 782,176 13,884 321 804
2015-07-09 Dr. Doe's Pelvic Exam 05:45 14,239,920 29,329 3,882 2,126
2015-07-15 Dr. Blake: Q & A 08:11 236,903 4,274 24 253
2015-07-24 How To Choose A Professional 04:32 73,604 1,957 8 100
2015-07-30 Dr. Doe's Favorite Sex Sites 03:28 661,026 10,169 150 290
2015-08-06 Sex Drive 03:34 296,166 5,172 69 254
2015-08-12 Ask Lindsey: #18 - Ejaculate Volume & Vagina Nail Polish 04:00 108,524 2,264 23 220
2015-08-20 Sex For Sale 04:04 230,502 4,930 89 417
2015-08-26 Sexual Interpretation 03:42 94,711 2,414 18 200
2015-09-02 Bondage 101 04:04 1,460,450 18,526 345 574
2015-09-10 Ask Lindsey: #19 02:48 75,275 1,924 11 124
2015-09-17 The Most Sexually Repressed Culture in the World 03:21 477,208 9,580 317 925
2015-09-24 The Most Sexually Liberated Culture In The World 03:41 999,137 12,663 588 1,141
2015-10-01 Was It Assault? 04:04 97,015 4,058 34 327
2015-10-08 Happy, Healthy, Horny 02:32 145,130 3,555 35 220
2015-10-15 Cock Rings 03:06 800,979 6,829 169 310
2015-10-23 An Interview With Jamison Green 04:21 34,701 1,761 34 134
2015-10-29 Where Do Babies Come From? 04:12 514,730 5,141 178 716
2015-11-05 10 Conception Misconceptions 04:38 163,656 5,067 89 387
2015-11-12 Testicles 03:05 486,595 6,209 73 628
2015-11-20 Mismatched Sex Drives 03:59 232,175 5,626 116 307
2015-11-26 Are You a Douchebag? 04:28 204,370 8,379 152 802
2015-12-03 Sex Toys 101 08:03 2,385,298 20,634 494 1,130
2015-12-10 Sex Toy Q&A 04:59 200,601 3,967 41 177
2015-12-17 Unrequited Love 05:42 240,005 8,193 54 665
2015-12-23 The Christmas Sex Story 04:20 134,915 3,768 199 472
2015-12-30 2015 End of Year Chat 10:22 34,958 1,560 5 191
2016-01-07 The Ultimate Blowjob - Part 1 04:11 10,192,631 45,957 1,705 2,404
2016-01-14 The Ultimate Blowjob - Part 2 06:07 7,375,083 54,788 622 2,517
2016-01-20 The Clitoris 04:22 1,764,528 13,009 291 738
2016-01-28 Hank Green on Monogamy 06:12 378,486 12,430 181 917
2016-02-04 Crushes 03:49 271,492 9,223 94 847
2016-02-11 Romantic Fortune Telling 02:35 58,057 2,559 84 178
2016-02-25 Over 150 Sex Acts! 06:18 428,746 9,456 113 648
2016-03-03 Ask Lindsey: #20 04:26 73,992 2,981 11 175
2016-03-10 Self-Induced Abortions 03:57 1,000,849 10,968 557 1,257
2016-03-17 Pubes & Friends 03:16 1,636,139 12,967 77 1,000
2016-03-24 10 Things You Should Know About Fantasies 05:51 267,083 8,804 70 538
2016-03-31 Sex & Alcohol 04:09 220,357 5,113 321 691
2016-04-07 Ask Lindsey: #21 03:14 57,671 2,304 26 182
2016-04-14 Period Products 05:00 167,561 4,908 48 608
2016-04-21 Sex & Drugs 04:04 249,960 3,853 53 321
2016-04-27 Why Do We Moan and What Are the Benefits? 03:58 1,981,420 21,240 272 1,384
2016-05-05 What should you say to kids about their genitals? 03:22 171,334 4,091 84 286
2016-05-12 How can we go to the bathroom? (An investigation of potty politics) 05:58 176,551 5,214 178 543
2016-05-19 Ask Lindsey: #22 03:54 97,510 2,253 16 251
2016-05-26 Being Your Own Sexologist 04:50 78,337 2,842 16 191
2016-06-02 Dr. Doe Goes To Mexico 05:21 61,287 3,088 34 234
2016-06-09 7 Sex Superheroes 05:24 71,835 3,260 37 270
2016-06-16 Love Triangles 03:08 150,555 5,207 44 229
2016-06-22 How to Have a One-Night Stand 03:45 833,806 12,587 509 1,149
2016-06-29 Talk à Trois (ft. Hannah Witton & Shan Boody) 04:41 196,853 5,915 35 214
2016-07-07 Sex at 79 06:40 3,276,232 19,835 71 1,135
2016-07-14 Honeypotting 03:23 4,387,137 28,446 1,440 2,210
2016-07-21 The Beauty Bias: Why we treat each other and ourselves unfairly 05:27 130,117 6,666 55 562
2016-07-28 Is Sex Safe? 04:15 200,069 3,344 29 481
2016-08-03 Signs of Sexual Abuse - trigger warning 05:20 524,159 13,687 148 1,522
2016-08-11 Ask Lindsey #23 04:12 71,077 2,382 15 203
2016-08-17 Butthole Maintenance 04:46 1,632,945 14,645 119 1,383
2016-08-25 Vagina Mysteries Solved 04:38 680,103 11,918 96 798
2016-09-01 Age of Consent 03:54 565,624 10,128 281 1,445
2016-09-08 How to Make Toy Vaginas 04:50 30,995,951 213,288 15,728 21,471
2016-09-15 Dealing with Sexual Side Effects 03:46 250,840 3,516 47 166
2016-09-22 Trans Sex 04:21 477,035 7,474 173 517
2016-09-29 How to Use a Tampon 04:01 3,638,714 15,139 655 1,371
2016-10-05 First Day of Sex School 04:35 220,497 3,516 76 303
2016-10-13 Boner Stories with Mike Falzone 05:53 1,104,041 10,000 427 801
2016-10-20 Condoms In Porn?! 07:16 346,746 8,003 151 523
2016-10-27 Sex & Poop Fun Facts 04:13 296,570 5,824 90 524
2016-11-03 BDSM Dungeon Tour 03:10 2,482,005 26,151 860 1,229
2016-11-10 What Turns Us On? 06:40 411,828 8,100 170 431
2016-11-17 Disney Princess Sex (Ft. Jon Cozart) 06:28 275,547 7,659 319 919
2016-11-24 50 Ways to Hold a Vibrator 03:23 354,003 8,038 135 582
2016-12-01 4 Word Sex Questions 03:23 102,856 3,424 48 218
2016-12-08 Handling Sex Negative Therapists 04:56 94,339 2,724 34 185
2016-12-15 Working in Porn 05:13 528,640 10,241 161 550
2016-12-22 Vulva Confidence (feat. Stevie Boebi) 03:40 122,539 3,869 35 253
2016-12-28 2016 End of Year Chat 07:43 40,635 1,941 21 284
2017-01-05 Foreplay 04:49 1,997,326 12,281 455 352
2017-01-12 15 Mini Lessons in Sexuality 04:45 255,727 7,195 30 330
2017-01-19 Are Your Kids Having Sex? 04:15 299,805 11,476 127 876
2017-01-26 Dr. Doe's Gift Suggestions 04:03 70,836 3,197 23 234
2017-02-01 Revictimization 04:40 115,906 7,024 34 426
2017-02-09 12 Things Harming Your Sex Life 05:35 346,383 9,163 38 500
2017-02-16 33 Masturbation Tips 07:29 2,936,196 27,166 583 1,623
2017-02-22 Friends With Benefits 04:19 1,915,240 21,308 472 1,469
2017-03-02 Maddening Arousal 04:05 241,816 6,853 73 370
2017-03-09 Late Bloomers 04:52 361,154 7,998 103 721
2017-03-16 Sexual Racism 04:35 202,528 9,254 6,047 4,298
2017-03-22 Any Day Sex 03:24 505,901 6,362 287 755
2017-03-29 Cucking 02:47 1,479,980 15,392 951 1,977
2017-04-06 10 Things You Should Know About Peeing 05:02 190,578 6,946 52 334
2017-04-12 Ask Lindsey #24 04:12 101,285 3,529 83 320
2017-04-19 Disability and Sex 06:24 217,699 6,087 118 604
2017-04-27 My Sex Life 04:11 1,230,203 23,926 107 1,320
2017-05-04 What Causes Early Menopause? 04:44 78,994 2,620 20 195
2017-05-11 Dating 04:21 142,402 5,579 45 324
2017-05-17 I’m Being Harassed 04:33 113,007 8,426 99 915
2017-05-25 LGBTQuestioning 05:17 98,499 4,230 229 539
2017-05-31 Power of Touch 03:51 115,799 4,277 29 180
2017-06-08 4 YEARS & ANNOUNCEMENTS!! 07:42 50,936 3,757 37 316
2017-06-14 10 Hot Hookups 05:10 338,195 8,385 152 757
2017-06-21 Break Up First Aid Kit 04:33 87,942 4,820 25 233
2017-06-29 How to Date Long Distance 04:30 86,103 3,080 32 183
2017-07-05 Ask Lindsey #25 03:49 67,872 2,726 44 238
2017-07-12 Do I Have Sex With My Clients? 04:36 1,541,707 21,393 390 1,041
2017-07-19 How to Use a Sex Swing 03:10 2,607,288 15,430 596 1,154
2017-07-27 Sexplanations Podcast featuring Hank Green 06:09 71,661 3,022 32 230
2017-08-02 Sex Jewelry 04:01 329,558 6,470 127 229
2017-08-09 Does the Hymen Have to Break? 04:33 1,048,555 12,034 175 918
2017-08-16 Can You Get Pregnant From Anal? 03:33 1,387,554 11,539 383 873
2017-08-24 Pimple, Ingrown Hair, or Herpes? 03:48 381,729 4,380 129 806
2017-08-31 DIY Dildos 04:44 3,653,955 32,301 865 3,289
2017-09-07 How to Eat Ass 04:49 5,807,569 41,064 1,888 5,851
2017-09-13 Ask Lindsey #26 04:33 40,348 3,834 18 266
2017-09-15 Ask Lindsey #26 04:02 74,522 2,727 28 165
2017-09-21 How to Put a Condom on an Intact Penis 03:22 2,289,595 16,504 162 891
2017-09-28 How to Touch a Boob - Part 1 04:49 7,381,309 31,040 424 1,379
2017-10-04 How to Touch a Boob - Part 2 04:10 8,194,032 27,291 1,090 1,186
2017-10-19 What Is Two Spirit? 11:01 100,659 4,077 180 355
2017-10-25 Evolution of Masturbation 05:10 201,384 4,593 75 312
2017-11-02 The Truth About the HPV Vaccine (with Dr. Aaron Carroll) 10:40 56,238 2,898 75 531
2017-11-09 What is Ethical Porn? 05:16 153,080 5,136 321 753
2017-11-16 Relationtips 05:39 112,319 5,420 45 223
2017-11-23 "Biosex" vs "Assigned Sex" with Ash Hardell 08:07 115,685 4,685 843 968
2017-11-29 How Lesbians Flirt with Stevie Boebi 06:58 375,906 11,390 299 702
2017-12-06 Does Size Matter? 04:34 3,350,052 42,474 664 3,588
2017-12-14 Dr. Doe's Sex Offices 05:13 187,364 5,770 66 375
2017-12-21 Bisexual Erasure with Peter Musser 08:05 93,119 3,968 125 428
2017-12-27 2017 End of Year Chat 08:53 29,056 1,432 16 126
2018-01-03 How to Have a Clitoral Orgasm 06:00 2,890,095 19,203 836 1,106
2018-01-10 Orgasmic Sex Positions 06:08 3,749,268 42,072 393 978
2018-01-18 Cross Cultural Intimacy 05:20 100,005 4,667 40 378
2018-01-25 7 Semen Myths 05:29 606,351 11,794 230 649
2018-02-01 Ask Lindsey #27 04:30 121,297 4,341 47 183
2018-02-07 Is It Okay to Hit on Me? 06:56 568,299 21,124 133 3,111
2018-02-14 Are Hickeys Harmful? 05:16 183,032 6,302 41 410
2018-02-23 Sexual Discipline 06:28 246,028 7,990 88 628
2018-02-28 Ask Lindsey #28 04:33 90,818 4,656 49 292
2018-03-08 Falling in Love 05:36 169,165 6,693 58 434
2018-03-14 Should You Have Sex When You're Sick? 04:09 189,880 3,552 52 186
2018-03-22 Erotic Choking 08:11 443,220 13,221 173 666
2018-03-28 Can You Be Allergic to Sex? 04:55 72,573 2,592 22 182
2018-04-05 Pegging 05:54 1,742,898 26,178 1,094 2,278
2018-04-11 Do You Ever Owe Someone Sex? 04:33 126,086 5,619 124 840
2018-04-19 A Trans History 07:08 149,734 7,877 268 707
2018-04-25 Wet Dreams 03:20 900,288 11,547 0 1,014
2018-05-02 21 Sex Mistakes 06:24 539,437 15,593 146 516
2018-05-09 18 Sexual Orientation Hypotheses - Part 1 05:52 68,948 3,230 2 281
2018-05-16 10 More Sexual Orientation Hypotheses - Part 2 06:14 55,729 2,862 43 191
2018-05-25 Genital Piercings 05:42 850,902 8,856 0 832
2018-05-30 Curved Penises 04:16 427,114 8,879 2 692
2018-06-07 Dealing with Demonetization 04:39 111,751 8,955 56 634
2018-06-14 Does Pee Come out of the Vagina? 02:53 936,020 8,378 6 705
2018-06-20 Are Blue Balls Real? 02:56 1,202,731 14,749 0 1,105
2018-06-27 Vaginal Fluid Handbook 06:41 1,608,261 37,353 685 2,790
2018-07-05 What's the A Spot? 04:09 426,284 11,192 0 549
2018-07-11 How to NOT Rape 04:44 199,031 11,754 14 1,678
2018-07-18 Why Sex Hurts 06:28 1,200,955 14,448 557 1,191
2018-07-25 Definition of Sex 06:06 137,348 4,457 0 369
2018-08-01 Am I Doing Kegels Correctly? 05:31 146,432 4,573 0 315
2018-08-08 Dealing with Sex Shame 05:37 143,216 7,268 1 747
2018-08-15 Vagina and Vulva Hygiene 06:12 419,859 9,118 2 816
2018-08-23 Yeast Infections 101 06:54 133,645 4,427 1 374
2018-08-29 Picking the Right Lube 04:26 210,952 4,470 76 358
2018-09-05 How to Queef 03:59 1,629,402 14,465 1 1,527
2018-09-12 My Sex Surprises 04:58 257,667 9,575 1 1,000
2018-09-19 The Biggest Dating Problem 05:15 152,626 7,756 5 506
2018-09-27 The Great Sex Checklist 05:34 148,771 6,122 1 345
2018-10-03 Coming to a Town Near You... 04:26 55,798 4,235 2 417
2018-10-10 Sexual Liberties 06:04 155,862 7,196 3 449
2018-10-18 States v. Abortion 06:41 56,012 3,723 8 1,073
2018-10-24 Dr. Doe's Guide to Great Sex 06:38 242,119 7,810 101 395
2018-10-28 NOMINATE YOUR CITY FOR THE TOUR 3:02:21 24,797 1,008 8 208
2018-10-31 Sex Ed Rhapsody (A Parody of "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen) 06:29 97,754 4,278 326 498
2018-11-07 13 Ways to Get Sexual Relief 06:29 660,981 16,119 318 881
2018-11-15 Why Teach Abstinence-Only Education? 06:18 79,009 4,845 1 723
2018-11-24 Vibrator Guide 04:53 304,728 6,187 1 351
2018-11-28 Demisexuality 04:20 166,134 7,885 10 1,037
2018-12-05 Anal Toy Unboxing 14:19 265,921 6,744 170 617
2018-12-13 Gender Affirming Surgeries 06:06 73,039 3,996 213 512
2018-12-20 What Are Our Sexual Fears? 10:00 156,864 6,521 2 1,020
2018-12-26 2018 End of Year Chat 10:23 41,866 2,232 28 198
2019-01-03 Is Masturbation a Sin? 05:46 402,540 10,001 5 3,153
2019-01-09 STIs (and Puppy Pictures!) 09:56 111,303 4,966 0 487
2019-01-16 The Front Hole Debate 03:54 1,724,381 9,946 7 2,365
2019-01-20 Evolution of Orgasms (ft. Brit Garner) 10:50 143,020 5,252 0 350
2019-01-22 Road Tour Livestream 10:46 22,870 875 2 87
2019-01-24 Sexual Frequency 06:46 433,355 10,292 8 1,005
2019-01-30 Penis Memories 07:18 290,886 7,538 505 457
2019-02-06 How to Find a Partner 05:29 243,882 7,956 2 994
2019-02-13 Guided Masturbation 05:16 846,997 8,276 2 570
2019-02-20 Sexual Healing (ft. Mija) 08:01 57,642 2,517 1 202
2019-02-27 Daddies (ft. Amp from Watts The Safeword) 09:17 92,700 3,882 121 363
2019-03-07 Ask a Sick Lindsey 05:39 80,987 3,177 2 332
2019-03-13 Should We Have Kids? 07:15 84,138 4,889 223 790
2019-03-22 My Time at the Brothel 07:19 1,487,971 21,139 2 1,765
2019-03-28 My Conversation with a Madam 07:27 104,735 4,252 92 276
2019-04-04 Experiencing Intimacy at the Science Museum at Trinity in Dublin 07:29 116,770 5,410 1 249
2019-04-11 Sex Educational RV Wrap Reveal 05:25 51,980 3,028 37 318
2019-04-17 Everything you need to know about IN CONDOMS 06:04 173,856 5,350 3 286
2019-04-25 Is your water-based lube safe? 05:45 137,063 5,106 1 356
2019-05-09 Now Not Then (Tag) 04:51 115,258 3,720 137 219
2019-05-15 What is NOT sex education? 07:49 116,303 7,101 6 639
2019-05-22 Exploring Our Erotic Heritage 03:53 257,339 3,745 22 144
2019-05-30 Grapefruiting & Friends 05:05 321,924 7,886 321 570
2019-06-06 Does Anal Sex Cause Rectal Prolapse? 05:10 576,007 8,921 20 832
2019-06-19 DIY Sex Toys 04:41 2,715,924 17,275 2,062 841
2019-06-28 The Greatest SEXpedition 17:59 128,726 3,835 66 332
2019-07-04 Do I have genital warts? 05:28 146,004 4,207 74 601
2019-07-10 New Toys to Unbox 12:39 227,588 5,497 174 397
2019-07-18 Genital Hygiene for Kids 08:32 138,172 5,239 2 406
2019-07-24 Quick Q&A with Dr. Doe 06:08 199,977 4,587 0 309
2019-07-31 Incorrect: An inventory of my mistakes 05:06 85,140 5,929 0 321
2019-08-08 100 Reasons Delayed Ejaculation Happens 07:33 228,848 4,550 4 346
2019-08-15 37 Clit Pics 06:21 2,697,450 20,467 4 1,407
2019-09-04 How Sex Feels 06:11 478,081 7,936 2 1,130
2019-09-11 Virginity 101 07:20 355,499 10,993 288 994
2019-09-19 What Causes Fetishes? 07:56 642,783 21,470 2 3,139
2019-09-25 Dr. Doe's Sex Toy Cleaning Experiment 06:39 107,909 3,697 66 249
2019-10-05 8 Effing Sex Projects 05:31 66,197 3,269 3 138
2019-10-09 Surprising Sex Stats 05:38 367,835 7,106 4 621
2019-10-16 Penis Tingles (an erection story) 05:14 278,458 4,088 1 259
2019-10-25 Sexplanations Live Stream 3:27:18 225,273 2,051 12 180
2019-10-30 Tree F***ing Facts 06:08 314,173 7,504 119 2,021
2019-11-07 Sex vs. Masturbation 09:12 302,126 9,249 173 698
2019-11-13 Condom Time - Let's Play 12:44 176,395 4,906 3 393
2019-11-21 Answering your sex questions 04:59 105,633 3,474 18 289
2019-11-28 Large Object Insertion 07:18 1,228,147 15,027 53 1,105
2019-12-04 Mammal 03:29 50,880 2,483 11 279
2019-12-12 Kinky Answers to Your Sex Questions featuring Amp & Kristofer from WattsTheSafeword 16:13 103,186 4,983 5 332
2019-12-18 90s Sex Pamphlets 13:03 77,275 2,735 0 302
2019-12-26 Sexual Awakenings with scientist Jenny Ballif 12:51 94,973 4,028 1 307
2020-01-02 Folsom Street Fair 02:42 65,023 3,667 9 406
2020-01-08 Reading/Reviewing Old Sex Books 18:31 73,898 2,466 2 256
2020-01-16 How to Show Desire with Celeste and Danielle of the Somatica Institute 05:48 275,285 8,327 179 439
2020-01-22 ASK LINDSEY: Nutsacks and NoFap 06:10 238,663 7,618 3 622
2020-01-30 Sex with Women 07:51 300,791 6,873 269 544
2020-02-05 Clit Stimulators?! 05:27 97,184 3,135 50 225
2020-02-13 Sexual Negotiation featuring Midori 17:32 205,014 6,502 5 403
2020-02-20 Vaginismus 101 05:47 90,705 3,786 3 266
2020-02-27 Sex Problems 08:25 156,486 4,896 2 386
2020-03-06 #UnDiaSinMujeres #UnDiaSinNosotras 10:38 66,666 2,921 5 298
2020-03-12 My Favorite Penis Part 06:13 758,799 11,808 6 1,506
2020-03-18 Guess that gear! with Amp from WattsTheSafeWord 17:39 535,113 10,277 2 341
2020-03-26 How to Have Phone Sex 10:19 1,311,973 13,635 404 832
2020-04-01 Sex Toys Unboxing (please read description) 11:47 133,350 4,360 80 363
2020-04-09 Testosterone -- what it does, how too much or too little affects us, what to do about it 07:58 380,365 9,011 129 663
2020-04-16 I'm Here to Listen 09:10 67,332 4,232 10 1,044
2020-04-22 Thigh-rubbing, thigh-clenching, cross leg masturbation orgasms 05:41 3,118,365 17,545 1 1,526
2020-04-29 Sex Answers for Sexpla(i)nauts 05:25 70,762 3,439 4 217
2020-05-08 How did we learn there were sperm? 07:28 90,750 3,290 4 248
2020-05-13 What's bad about vibrators? 06:07 327,555 8,489 2 478
2020-05-20 Emergency Contraception - Plan B, Morning After, Copper IUDs 06:39 57,314 2,817 40 216
2020-05-27 Sex Emojis 04:43 125,578 4,048 147 316
2020-06-10 Sexplanations Anniversary Episode Music Remix 04:40 91,308 3,065 3 233
2020-06-17 Doggie Style: What I've Learned from Dogs about Sex 07:29 157,667 4,141 187 328
2020-06-25 How to make artificial semen 05:36 478,579 8,520 10 637
2020-07-02 Sexplanations Subtle Vibrations 08:16 210,200 3,222 122 220
2020-07-08 LOVING ON EACH OTHER Sexual Fears Part 2 18:34 79,308 2,634 4 298
2020-07-15 What's the cervix? How do you stimulate it? 07:53 152,842 7,056 2 437
2020-07-24 My Sex Curiosities 07:20 185,322 5,614 133 737
2020-08-05 Strapless Strapons 07:35 792,302 13,201 3 1,175
2020-08-19 9 Intriguing Sex Facts 08:10 245,730 9,467 16 514
2020-08-26 Sex Talk with My Dad -- When am I ready for sex? 13:50 152,259 5,893 73 665
2020-09-02 Responding to Abuse -- may be triggering 16:15 124,799 9,614 82 1,401
2020-09-09 Sexplanations Math Class (Livestream) 57:38 76,867 2,068 38 231
2020-09-17 Masturbation Frequency (a partial rant) 09:18 633,747 16,615 54 1,172
2020-09-23 Saying No 06:49 80,832 6,631 54 510
2020-10-07 Ask Lindsey - Rough Sex, Pregnancy, and Sex Drive 13:40 122,339 4,755 34 354
2020-10-21 Sex & Covid 08:48 135,768 4,007 13 286
2020-10-28 50 Dates with Sydney 15:49 136,163 3,182 17 461
2020-11-08 Child Safety with Detective Katie Petersen 23:05 35,524 1,922 34 222
2020-11-11 Masturbation Q & A - No Nut November and Anhedonia 07:10 257,162 6,080 93 201
2020-11-18 Did I Come? Rotating Clitoral Massager Edition 05:54 241,115 4,801 89 276
2020-12-03 20 UTI Facts 07:17 60,407 2,554 27 191
2020-12-10 AM I AN ETHICAL SLUT???? & book review 07:23 134,537 5,945 5 324
2020-12-21 Bacterial Vaginosis 101 07:51 83,411 3,093 1 254
2020-12-25 A New Definition of Cunt 05:31 213,808 6,470 15 886
2020-12-30 Spit or Swallow?????? 06:41 756,226 15,872 5 1,047
2021-01-15 Sex and Cancer 08:45 69,897 2,700 30 161
2021-01-21 Sex Q&A with Santi 13:07 59,377 1,713 0 249
2021-02-12 Sexual Rejection 07:16 121,593 5,739 130 648
2021-02-18 10 Things Sex Taught Me about Covid including That I Had It. 06:05 108,261 5,775 145 378
2021-02-25 Prostate Massage 08:22 1,986,524 23,836 7 1,099
2021-03-04 Polyam Lingo 06:09 87,559 4,304 5 398
2021-03-24 Breast Q&A with my friend Kayla 11:51 200,930 4,061 85 254
2021-04-03 Testicle Trivia 04:21 278,146 4,710 71 271
2021-04-09 Virtuous Pedophiles? 04:07 127,063 5,719 1,016 2,083
2021-04-15 Sex Toy Memories 04:34 112,379 3,618 52 199
2021-04-23 Boners vs. Condoms 08:23 325,618 9,509 4 593
2021-04-28 Dear Audience 04:43 160,202 9,907 0 957
2021-05-06 ASK LINDSEY: TMS, Muffing, & Moresomes 06:58 201,694 4,423 102 293
2021-05-27 Lube Talk with Alex: a wet masturbation review 10:31 68,131 2,677 1 245
2021-06-04 I have questions for you 06:51 143,135 4,973 0 525
2021-06-17 Unboxing 12:32 486,607 7,509 135 472
2021-07-09 Reading and Reflecting on My Puberty Journals 13:41 78,217 2,863 1 211
2021-07-14 When I'm Sex Negative 06:12 105,065 5,514 7 338
2021-07-21 VULVAS & VAGINAS *remake* 11:57 1,063,141 10,262 1 552
2021-07-30 Sex & Autism 12:12 407,635 17,899 113 1,627
2021-08-12 Sex Offender Registries TW: Abuse 08:30 92,872 5,277 1 954
2021-09-05 Your First Time Tips 16:31 138,061 5,014 1 301
2021-09-25 Sex Ed vs Censorship (the Show Me Debate) 06:16 71,215 5,828 28 810
2021-10-07 Show Me Debate - Part 2 02:20 97,297 3,234 31 286
2021-10-13 Two Toys to Unbox, double the entendres 06:41 73,392 2,877 3 186
2021-11-05 Vibrator Dependency? 06:22 200,703 5,986 3 277
2021-11-12 The toy that f**ks you - a Handy solution 11:23 500,158 10,877 6 600
2021-11-19 Sexplanations Live Stream 00:25 1,160 78 14 24
2021-11-19 The Climaxes 3:06:51 98,120 2,909 15 329
2021-12-11 Being Sex Educators with Reid the Megasexual 19:36 110,274 3,180 1 311
2021-12-29 Fingering 10:37 1,124,066 20,258 0 965
2023-02-01 Heartfelt Explanations 07:18 132,885 13,162 0 1,580
2023-02-08 "Weirdest Sex Questions" Answered (@GoodMythicalMorning Reaction) #education #internet #questions 07:47 76,075 5,435 0 445
2023-02-17 Puzzling Pubic Postulation Psolved 00:13 40,159 2,381 0 171
2023-02-22 Squirting, thrusting tempo, and podcast -- Ask Lindsey sex questions answered 05:52 161,698 8,639 0 569
2023-03-05 30+ Sex Terms You Might Know 05:44 94,574 4,852 0 236
2023-03-16 Unsexy Origins of Intimate Things 21:04 50,764 3,328 0 316
2023-03-24 Does My Dentist Know if I've Given Head? 06:18 573,476 11,917 0 757
2023-04-02 Can a Penis Break? 06:41 184,496 4,583 0 323
2023-04-09 The Deepfake Debate 10:08 53,185 3,566 0 424
2023-04-16 Sex of Appearance : How lashes, lips, nails, hair, and padding relate to sex #education #makeup 08:54 59,315 4,473 0 307
2023-04-23 Drag Show Etiquette ft. Docturnal Emissions 06:34 31,155 1,476 0 229
2023-07-04 DOES THIS BRIDGE MAKE YOU HORNY? 05:18 332,666 5,709 0 434
2023-07-22 IS IT FAWNING? A flirty alternative to fight or flight 07:53 41,963 4,016 0 518
2023-08-03 The curious history and science of PENIS PUMPS 06:30 194,675 5,597 0 271
2023-08-17 TRYING OUT THE HYDROPUMP — Bathmate Review 09:05 306,518 3,700 0 239
2023-08-24 Should I Have Sex with My Ex? 06:21 46,108 2,626 0 222
2023-09-11 INTERVIEW WITH MY STUDENT: Then and now, sexual and gender identities 22:04 19,620 1,350 0 80
2023-09-19 TURNING THE INTERVIEW, Dr. Doe gets questioned 09:31 17,648 1,092 0 103
2023-10-20 IS SEX EXERCISE? Answering Predictive Text Questions About Sex 06:52 44,485 3,286 0 114
2023-10-30 SEMEN, PHEROMONES, AND CANNIBALISM: How Tarantulas Have Sex! 07:52 23,091 1,336 0 92
2023-11-11 Can I Relate Everything to Sex? | Sex Association 11:04 24,658 1,260 0 119
2023-11-20 EVEN MORE PLEASURE — vibe necklace upgrade 08:05 103,987 2,406 0 93
2023-11-23 Family Sex Ed 09:13 179,434 2,739 0 242
2023-12-07 Dear Boy 08:56 113,841 6,480 0 672
2023-12-16 MOON SEX, SWINGERS, AND TEARS | Fact-Checking 9 "Sex Facts" 06:23 260,298 4,612 0 187
2023-12-20 Puberterizing 07:13 29,024 1,293 0 88
2024-01-18 Birth Control Desk, Masturbating to Me, Sad Nipple, and Threesomes 06:41 378,705 7,032 0 298
2024-01-30 It's okay to be sad 07:55 42,893 2,946 0 550
2024-02-07 title without words youtube discriminates against so they will hopefully stop turning off comments 09:18 1,135,806 9,685 0 520
2024-02-27 Caricaturing Our Sexualities 06:55 36,129 2,161 0 135
2024-03-20 The Age of Curation: Sexuality Edition (with almost spoonless host Dr. Doe) 10:18 46,622 1,819 0 145
2024-03-29 WHALE PENIS DEATH ERECTION SEX EDUCATION (a dog travel story) 11:25 43,376 2,413 0 207
2024-04-25 Dr. Doe on a Bella Baxter -- a Poor Things conversation/livestream 45:01 18,665 723 0 80
2024-05-08 Unboxing Unique Sex Toys! 10:44 208 41 0 1
2024-05-30 Do you want to travel with me? 01:57 321 88 0 18
2024-06-06 A Very C0cky Makeup Tutorial 07:28 35,910 1,941 0 54
2024-06-13 Do You Know These Gay Mexican Slang Words? 09:00 12,899 1,183 0 82
2024-06-19 20 OUTRAGEOUS Facts About Sex Education in the U.S. 07:07 33,553 2,045 0 191
2024-06-26 Is the "One Penis Policy" Problematic? 09:16 55,893 3,243 0 522
2024-07-03 "How Can I Build Confidence to Approach Women?" A Letter to Dr. Doe 07:55 21,846 1,169 0 248
2024-07-25 Almost Perfect Synthetic Foreskin 06:30 51,716 2,109 0 328
2024-08-07 The Sexplanations Story 11:50 81,793 4,282 0 276
2024-08-21 SMELLS, FLUIDS, and HYGIENE | 14 Vagina Facts You Need to Know 06:29 45,171 2,170 0 115
2024-09-07 Looking into a Vagina 09:43 59,142 3,576 0 221
2024-10-02 Are IUDs Safe? 07:51 16,813 1,390 0 145
2024-10-10 Trying Oral Sex Gear Ft: My Friend Jamie 13:16 39,940 1,675 0 101
2024-11-02 Backfire 07:23 75,823 5,562 0 644
2024-11-14 This is what every day of a menstrual cycle looks like 11:27 17,969 1,487 0 130
2024-11-21 Aged 04:57 57,000 3,523 0 245
2024-12-03 This is Maia (Sexplanations' editor behind the scenes) 06:20 17,145 1,473 0 136
2025-01-16 Sexplanations Superlatives 09:32 495 91 0 13
2025-02-06 Are You Having As Much Sex as Your Peers? | Sex Frequency Across Age Groups 06:09 304 65 0 11