Videos with captions

Date Title Duration Views Transcribed
2013-06-10 Meet Lindsey Doe! - Welcome to Sexplanations - 1 04:50 420,767
2013-06-12 SexShields - 2 04:29 332,230
2013-06-17 Ask Lindsey #1 - Rejection, Double Bagging, and Things - 3 04:40 238,749
2013-06-19 The Vulva - The Vagina's Neighborhood - 4 04:40 848,129
2013-06-24 Urinary Tract Infections - 5 04:19 177,413
2013-06-26 The Ellis Standard - 6 03:36 170,982
2013-07-02 Interthoughts: Interview with Eden Atwood, Part 1 04:52 143,764
2013-07-03 More Interthoughts: Interview with Eden Atwood, Part 2 08:30 100,140
2013-07-09 Rapid Delivery: Duck Lips, Asexuals, and Periods - 9 03:44 322,205
2013-07-11 Rapid Delivery: Penis Drawing, Firefly Sex, and Prostitution - 10 02:50 183,464
2013-07-17 Sexplanations: Gag Reel - 12 04:43 126,647
2013-07-23 Sex Is Not Black & White - 13 02:57 182,228
2013-07-25 How to Get the Sex You Want - 14 04:23 316,017
2013-08-07 How to Know Your Body is Aroused - 15 03:25 507,445
2013-08-09 How a Nerd Describes Orgasms - 16 05:04 314,448
2013-08-21 Dry Humping Saves Lives! - 20 03:50 462,155
2013-08-27 Heterosexuals: The First Perverts - 21 03:57 182,118
2013-08-29 How to Read a Sex Scale - 22 03:30 156,159
2013-09-04 How to Deal with Sexual Injustices - 23 03:08 104,696
2013-09-11 Ask Lindsey: Circumcision, Inverted Uterus, and Not Liking Masturbation - 24 04:22 145,562
2013-09-12 What Does Lindsey Read? - 25 04:14 70,592
2013-09-16 A Few of Lindsey's Favorite Things - 26 03:13 137,539
2013-09-19 5 Asexuality Experiences - 27 05:02 367,188
2013-09-23 Ask Lindsey #5: The Future of Sex, Books, and Other Types of Dry Humping - 28 03:52 89,786
2013-09-30 Ask Lindsey #6: Transvestites, Drag Queens, and Male Sex Toys - 29 04:46 103,590
2013-10-02 What is Consent? - 30 03:39 851,679
2013-10-08 CatalystCon West 2013: Part 1 - 31 04:07 57,523
2013-10-15 On Body Image with Queerie Bradshaw - 32 04:26 84,714
2013-10-17 Building a Vibrator - 33 05:18 323,147
2013-10-22 Sexgeekdom: An Interview with Kate McCombs 04:29 63,444
2013-10-23 Benefits of Sex 02:44 148,536
2013-10-28 What Is Herpes? 04:18 155,299
2013-10-30 Protecting Against Herpes 04:24 123,783
2013-11-07 Does Pulling Out Work? 03:58 669,222
2013-11-12 Sexplanations and Subbable 04:01 59,510
2013-11-14 Ask Lindsey #7: What is love, Dan Savage, and complaints! 04:03 99,974
2013-11-21 HIV: Why Get Tested 03:40 55,841
2013-11-25 Lindsey takes an HIV test -- no needles 05:09 67,487
2013-11-27 An HIV FAQ 02:22 52,984
2013-12-04 Sexual Terms: From Z to A... 05:43 139,455
2013-12-06 What is your style of love? 05:18 403,176
2013-12-10 I Am Mania 03:46 95,650
2013-12-12 The PLISSIT Model 04:33 136,167
2013-12-18 An Appointment With Doctor Doe 03:53 102,606
2013-12-20 Paraphilias 03:32 235,352
2013-12-22 Lindsey and Nick answer your Sexplanations questions 16:59 138,538
2014-01-03 AskLindsey #8: Getting Schooled 05:56 73,499
2014-01-08 Masturbation 03:33 3,614,893
2014-01-09 Masturbation Questions 05:32 985,834
2014-01-17 Nick on Identity 03:45 79,033
2014-01-22 Iceland and the Phallological Museum 03:58 231,162
2014-01-29 The Penis 04:37 682,421
2014-02-03 More on Condoms 03:59 312,101
2014-02-12 Confiscating Your Valentines: Anthony Comstock 04:33 68,767
2014-02-18 Ask Lindsey #9: Humor, First Times, and Spitting 04:03 710,622
2014-02-25 Figuring Things Out: Heuristics 03:37 156,866
2014-03-04 The Bystander Effect 04:29 398,283
2014-03-12 Ask Lindsey #10: Career Questions 04:30 52,380
2014-03-19 Attraction 04:10 222,616
2014-03-25 Flirting 05:32 992,024
2014-04-02 Ask Lindsey #11: On Attraction and Flirting 05:15 152,415
2014-04-09 Cognitive Dissonance 03:49 85,572
2014-04-22 Anal Sex Prep 04:12 7,008,138
2014-04-30 Anal Sex 04:41 6,791,516
2014-05-07 69: The Sexiest Number 05:56 315,858
2014-05-15 Ask Lindsey #12: Oral Sex Questions 05:17 564,827
2014-05-21 Are you sex lucky? 03:25 204,605
2014-05-29 Examine 03:23 88,470
2014-06-04 Less Harmful Language 05:42 115,950
2014-06-12 One Year and 16 Questions 18:46 86,877
2014-06-19 What is My Sex? 04:57 138,440
2014-06-30 Hello From VidCon 2014 03:37 107,840
2014-07-09 The Gender Map 03:31 205,981
2014-07-17 Regaining a Healthy Sex Life 04:56 112,589
2014-07-24 Sexplanations Quiz Show: Animals, Erections, and Pubic Hair 03:30 66,096
2014-08-01 22 Sex Topics 04:20 117,164
2014-08-07 Polyamory 04:34 713,018
2014-08-15 Ask Lindsey #13: Muppets, M to M, and Flogbrothers 03:59 70,521
2014-08-21 10 Sexhacks for College 04:08 416,065
2014-08-29 BONUS VIDEO: ALS Challenge 02:25 434,147
2014-08-29 Circumcision 03:41 695,569
2014-09-06 Kinsey's College Test 03:23 138,994
2014-09-11 First Time Tips 04:31 1,725,018
2014-09-19 Menstruation 04:18 184,797
2014-09-24 Period Pregnancy?! 03:01 192,439
2014-10-03 AskLindsey: Morning Wood and Mail 04:14 314,620
2014-10-09 Bring Your Sexy Back 03:38 116,373
2014-10-18 PCOS 03:33 120,869
2014-10-23 Ask Lindsey #15: Sex Addiction & Penis Size 03:37 167,921
2014-10-31 Is it Okay to be Sexy? 04:43 1,212,967
2014-11-06 Sex Analogy FAILS 04:18 190,686
2014-11-15 How to Talk To Kids About Sex 03:23 157,146
2014-11-21 Trans Awareness 03:49 101,076
2014-11-27 Blowjobs in the Dungeon 01:27 473,445
2014-12-04 Bad Sex Ed 04:04 448,849
2014-12-12 2014 Outtakes 03:43 41,839
2014-12-19 Monsters & Masturbation 02:07 191,232
2014-12-24 2014 Chat Wrap! 04:54 29,731
2015-01-09 Quick Update: DoeEyes 00:26 52,064
2015-01-13 Pregnancy Prevention 04:59 179,969
2015-01-20 Choice - a short biography of Margaret Sanger 05:14 67,617
2015-01-24 Female Ejaculation 04:13 5,638,174
2015-01-29 Sexual Identities : Prefixes 04:57 75,794
2015-02-03 PrEP 03:43 64,509
2015-02-12 Kissing 04:34 410,180
2015-02-20 Kissing Questions 04:46 223,264
2015-02-27 Mamalode Sex Questions 04:41 116,197
2015-03-06 Kegels 03:57 334,000
2015-03-12 Vaginal Orgasms??? 04:34 777,612
2015-03-16 Sex Ed Funding 03:35 60,010
2015-03-26 Eff Ya Tea Time! 03:14 82,591
2015-04-04 Stay Curious! 03:59 61,552
2015-04-10 Gratitude 04:56 40,774
2015-04-17 Sex Smells 04:34 1,060,247
2015-04-24 Sex Ed Maps 03:42 104,635
2015-05-01 Nick's Goodbye 12:54 48,473
2015-05-08 Cunnilingus 05:27 2,375,882
2015-05-15 Dr. Doe on Porn 04:32 714,692
2015-05-22 Sex Shower Thoughts 02:21 150,163
2015-05-29 Male Ejaculation 04:03 2,842,700
2015-06-03 Rapid Ejaculation 04:44 533,797
2015-06-11 Ask Lindsey: Happy 2 Years! 04:01 37,474
2015-06-18 History of Pride 04:26 62,219
2015-06-25 Ask Lindsey #17: Orgasms, Virginity, & Bidets 04:39 112,937
2015-07-03 Effects of Porn 03:35 778,847
2015-07-09 Dr. Doe's Pelvic Exam 05:45 13,199,883
2015-07-15 Dr. Blake: Q & A 08:11 234,049
2015-07-24 How To Choose A Professional 04:32 73,155
2015-07-30 Dr. Doe's Favorite Sex Sites 03:28 653,266
2015-08-06 Sex Drive 03:34 294,134
2015-08-12 Ask Lindsey: #18 - Ejaculate Volume & Vagina Nail Polish 04:00 108,364
2015-08-20 Sex For Sale 04:04 230,205
2015-08-26 Sexual Interpretation 03:42 91,711
2015-09-02 Bondage 101 04:04 1,434,193
2015-09-10 Ask Lindsey: #19 02:48 74,899
2015-09-17 The Most Sexually Repressed Culture in the World 03:21 474,439
2015-09-24 The Most Sexually Liberated Culture In The World 03:41 964,747
2015-10-01 Was It Assault? 04:04 96,329
2015-10-08 Happy, Healthy, Horny 02:32 139,769
2015-10-15 Cock Rings 03:06 791,607
2015-10-23 An Interview With Jamison Green 04:21 34,559
2015-10-29 Where Do Babies Come From? 04:12 511,780
2015-11-05 10 Conception Misconceptions 04:38 163,459
2015-11-12 Testicles 03:05 463,233
2015-11-20 Mismatched Sex Drives 03:59 230,794
2015-11-26 Are You a Douchebag? 04:28 204,196
2015-12-03 Sex Toys 101 08:03 2,333,954
2015-12-10 Sex Toy Q&A 04:59 198,202
2015-12-17 Unrequited Love 05:42 239,187
2015-12-23 The Christmas Sex Story 04:20 134,694
2015-12-30 2015 End of Year Chat 10:22 34,909
2016-01-07 The Ultimate Blowjob - Part 1 04:11 9,789,172
2016-01-14 The Ultimate Blowjob - Part 2 06:07 6,973,457
2016-01-20 The Clitoris 04:22 1,751,950
2016-01-28 Hank Green on Monogamy 06:12 377,515
2016-02-04 Crushes 03:49 267,029
2016-02-11 Romantic Fortune Telling 02:35 57,962
2016-02-25 Over 150 Sex Acts! 06:18 424,630
2016-03-03 Ask Lindsey: #20 04:26 73,848
2016-03-10 Self-Induced Abortions 03:57 1,000,321
2016-03-17 Pubes & Friends 03:16 1,633,355
2016-03-24 10 Things You Should Know About Fantasies 05:51 265,867
2016-03-31 Sex & Alcohol 04:09 219,161
2016-04-07 Ask Lindsey: #21 03:14 57,623
2016-04-14 Period Products 05:00 166,916
2016-04-21 Sex & Drugs 04:04 246,347
2016-04-27 Why Do We Moan and What Are the Benefits? 03:58 1,973,702
2016-05-05 What should you say to kids about their genitals? 03:22 170,815
2016-05-12 How can we go to the bathroom? (An investigation of potty politics) 05:58 176,051
2016-05-19 Ask Lindsey: #22 03:54 97,415
2016-05-26 Being Your Own Sexologist 04:50 77,476
2016-06-02 Dr. Doe Goes To Mexico 05:21 61,170
2016-06-09 7 Sex Superheroes 05:24 71,745
2016-06-16 Love Triangles 03:08 149,779
2016-06-22 How to Have a One-Night Stand 03:45 824,132
2016-06-29 Talk à Trois (ft. Hannah Witton & Shan Boody) 04:41 196,308
2016-07-07 Sex at 79 06:40 3,222,393
2016-07-14 Honeypotting 03:23 4,358,761
2016-07-21 The Beauty Bias: Why we treat each other and ourselves unfairly 05:27 129,567
2016-07-28 Is Sex Safe? 04:15 198,958
2016-08-03 Signs of Sexual Abuse - trigger warning 05:20 517,064
2016-08-11 Ask Lindsey #23 04:12 70,911
2016-08-17 Butthole Maintenance 04:46 1,622,537
2016-08-25 Vagina Mysteries Solved 04:38 677,925
2016-09-01 Age of Consent 03:54 558,328
2016-09-08 How to Make Toy Vaginas 04:50 28,229,843
2016-09-15 Dealing with Sexual Side Effects 03:46 239,401
2016-09-22 Trans Sex 04:21 469,682
2016-09-29 How to Use a Tampon 04:01 3,624,091
2016-10-05 First Day of Sex School 04:35 219,615
2016-10-13 Boner Stories with Mike Falzone 05:53 1,103,358
2016-10-20 Condoms In Porn?! 07:16 346,059
2016-10-27 Sex & Poop Fun Facts 04:13 287,703
2016-11-03 BDSM Dungeon Tour 03:10 2,448,764
2016-11-10 What Turns Us On? 06:40 410,846
2016-11-17 Disney Princess Sex (Ft. Jon Cozart) 06:28 274,491
2016-11-24 50 Ways to Hold a Vibrator 03:23 350,904
2016-12-01 4 Word Sex Questions 03:23 102,711
2016-12-08 Handling Sex Negative Therapists 04:56 94,097
2016-12-15 Working in Porn 05:13 526,851
2016-12-22 Vulva Confidence (feat. Stevie Boebi) 03:40 122,358
2016-12-28 2016 End of Year Chat 07:43 40,554
2017-01-05 Foreplay 04:49 1,935,170