Orin Green Article
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Orin Green is Hank and Katherine's son, born on October 29 (or 30) 2016. Hank initially announced Katherine's pregnancy at the end of the video Building Poe Dameron's X-Wing, a lengthy and seemingly unimportant video, as he wished to announce the news softly and not make a big deal of it.
In mid-October of 2016, Hank began announcing plans for paternity leave, including having guests fill-in for his roles on Vlogbrothers and other outlets. On October 31, he tweeted the announcement that their child had been born, along with announcing the baby's name and gender (a boy named Orin). The next day, John made a video announcing the news on Vlogbrothers.
In mid-October of 2016, Hank began announcing plans for paternity leave, including having guests fill-in for his roles on Vlogbrothers and other outlets. On October 31, he tweeted the announcement that their child had been born, along with announcing the baby's name and gender (a boy named Orin). The next day, John made a video announcing the news on Vlogbrothers.
Date | Title | Duration | Views | Transcribed |
2022-01-07 | For Our 2000th Video: Just a Normal Snowy Day | 03:37 | 155,670 | |
2017-02-10 | Valentines Candy Tasting, VERY EXTENDED CUT | 38:36 | 149,207 | |
2017-02-10 | Valentines Candy Taste Test with Hank and Katherine | 03:57 | 276,267 |