Henry Green is the made-of-awesome son of John Green and Sarah Green. He was born on January 20, 2010. He has appeared in a few Vlogbrothers videos, but for the most part, John has decided to keep Henry's appearances to a minimum, for his son's safety and privacy.

This was decided, as stated in February 15, 2010's Hello Baby!!, for three reasons. First, that he wants for Henry to be able to decide whether his life is private. Second, so that there will be fewer embarrassing moments for everyone to see, instead of just his future partner. Last, this is so that strange YouTube users will not have access to footage of his son.

While this is true, there are a few videos which Henry is in. It has been suggested through the video Cooking with a 3-Year-Old: The Mac & Cheese and Communist Celery Edition (February 26, 2013) that Henry may or may not be a communist. This is due to his refusal of his father's suggestion that they put peanut butter on their celery. While John may disapprove of communism, he approves of his son's engagement in politics so early in his life. John has also written new lyrics to a well-known lullaby for Henry, explaining what he would buy for his son, "in the event that the mockingbird doesn't sing." Needless to say, this is a strange list which can be found in the video Adorable Baby is Adorable from May 19, 2010.

Date Title Duration Views Transcribed
2019-08-03 I Love John: Esther Day 2019 03:48 137,222
2019-02-28 Episode 13: Velociraptors and Harvey 20:37 7,061
2019-01-04 Bid Daddy Likes Pork Rinds - P4A Recap 2018! 03:57 88,197
2017-09-22 How to Invest (and other money questions with The Financial Diet) 03:53 174,412
2017-03-14 Green Brothers Reunited! 04:01 555,335
2016-03-01 Question Tuesday: The Potato Edition 03:43 562,246
2015-12-15 P4A 2015 - Condensed Soup 03:58 119,687
2015-12-07 Project For Awesome 2015 Livestream - Part 4 7:24:01 65,340
2015-06-16 Paper Towns Madrid with Nat Wolff! THE TOUR BEGINS 02:41 298,088
2015-01-20 REUNION MINIGOLF 02:59 618,247
2014-12-19 BUTFARTMAN Is Coming To Town! 03:59 180,316
2014-12-16 Jelly Face, Sharpie Face, Peanut Butter Face, and Mummy Dancers: The 2014 Project for Awesome 02:36 222,374
2014-12-13 Project For Awesome Part 5 5:30:30 64,251
2014-11-13 The History of Pizza John! 03:53 687,973
2014-06-12 World Cup Live Show with John! 57:20 21,310
2014-04-01 VELOCIRAPTORS 03:25 694,884
2013-12-10 Cooking with a 3-Year-Old: Slobber Carrots and Gross Barbecue 04:00 872,740
2013-02-26 Cooking with a 3-Year-Old: The Mac & Cheese and Communist Celery Edition 03:59 2,043,922
2012-06-13 Henry Green: The Miracle of Swindon Town #129 13:58 45,965
2012-06-01 Adorable Squirrel and Table Topics 03:44 497,309
2011-09-12 Adorable Baby and Insufficient Cartography 02:47 593,518
2011-05-05 IT'S HANKO DE MAYO!! 02:47 309,088
2011-04-21 John Green, welcome in the Netherlands! 02:38 35,927
2010-12-30 Baby on the Road: Thoughts from Places 02:58 842,351
2010-09-11 Giant Baby Attack 03:27 930,142
2010-08-22 Is Obama a Muslim? Examine the Evidence! 03:00 975,138
2010-05-19 Adorable Baby Is Adorable 02:50 1,533,603
2010-03-16 Cute OVERLOAD: The Ultimate Concern Edition 03:14 1,002,011
2010-02-16 Hello Baby!! 03:44 1,132,970