Transcribed videos

Date Title Duration Views Transcribed
2014-01-03 The Golden Gate Bridge Didn't Collapse!! 04:00 591,699
2014-01-07 Warm Things for Cold Times 02:35 490,694
2014-01-10 Global Warming and the Polar Vortex 04:00 506,646
2014-01-14 Giving Away Over $700,000 02:56 375,082
2014-01-17 54 JOKES! In Four Minutes! 04:00 1,785,309
2014-01-21 Are Poor Countries Doomed? 03:51 565,213
2014-01-24 The Naughty Professor: Hank and John at the Beach - REUNION! 03:56 861,893
2014-01-29 Question Tuesday! TFIOS Movie Trailer, Penguin Knees, and Backflips 03:56 889,235
2014-01-31 In Depth Viewing of the TFiOS Trailer 04:01 909,324
2014-02-04 Should We Raise the Minimum Wage? 03:47 1,333,601
2014-02-07 Kill All The Humans 03:28 625,470
2014-02-11 A Middle Aged Man 03:38 783,160
2014-02-14 Happy Third Chocolate Day! 03:48 436,579
2014-02-18 18 Great Books You Probably Haven't Read 03:25 3,046,265
2014-02-21 Ranting about Books 03:56 1,027,468
2014-02-25 John and Chris Meet in the Middle 03:57 391,469
2014-03-01 The Cost of Fun 03:15 568,376
2014-03-05 Understanding Ukraine: The Problems Today and Some Historical Context 06:59 5,162,345
2014-03-07 Thoughts from a Cruise 03:31 554,262
2014-03-12 Question Tuesday: TFIOS Movie, Existential Crises, and Symbolism 03:41 632,298
2014-03-15 Sexual Abuse, Consent, and Culture 03:58 898,741
2014-03-18 Is the American Dream Real? 03:33 812,141
2014-03-21 The Great Goose Migration 03:59 338,546
2014-03-25 I Gotta Go: Signing Off and Thinking about Inspiration 03:54 492,035
2014-03-28 New Album, New Channels, New Fabric, New Internet Thing! 03:58 321,528
2014-04-01 VELOCIRAPTORS 03:25 694,923
2014-04-05 Mass Incarceration in the US 03:41 2,388,267
2014-04-08 I Don't Even Know 02:53 693,313
2014-04-11 What Boys Look For in Girls 03:55 1,752,003
2014-04-15 Walking the Red Carpet: Thoughts from Los Angeles 03:07 833,462
2014-04-18 What is The Oldest Song? 04:00 695,547
2014-04-22 Understanding the Central African Republic 05:21 603,984
2014-04-26 I Love Science (Clean Version) (Uncensored link in the Description) 03:44 627,633
2014-04-29 Influence, Airports, and the Nerdfighter Book Club 03:39 418,366
2014-05-02 Hank vs. Hank: The Net Neutrality Debate in 3 Minutes 03:43 933,331
2014-05-06 TFIOS Movie Madness, Incongruent, and Headless Hotel People 03:21 405,914
2014-05-09 Oh JK Rowling - Kinetic Typography 03:59 701,709
2014-05-13 Perfect Puff and Endless Interviews: Touring and Hollywood Press Junkets 04:00 307,056
2014-05-16 The Myth of Greatness 03:57 511,857
2014-05-20 Deserving 03:39 791,726
2014-05-23 My Freakish Talent 03:51 615,749
2014-05-27 ALL THE SHIRTS (and some paths to community) 04:00 405,937
2014-05-30 Nerdfighteria Census 2014 Results! 03:59 401,585
2014-06-03 The Fault in Our Stars Movie Premiere 03:21 954,322
2014-06-06 Thoughts from the TFiOS Premiere! 03:59 622,984
2014-06-10 Our Old Friend Complexity: Behind the Beautiful Forevers 03:45 407,102
2014-06-13 How to Make Cinnamon Toast (two ways) 03:33 878,103
2014-06-17 Old. 02:46 625,569
2014-06-20 Pre-History of Online Video 03:55 401,902
2014-06-24 In Pursuit of Quiet 02:52 499,937
2014-06-27 My Day Before VidCon 03:45 451,441
2014-07-01 Why I Love Makeup 02:43 914,279
2014-07-05 13 Things to Know about Concerts 03:59 619,592
2014-07-08 The Future of Nerdfighteria 03:35 440,443
2014-07-11 Touring with a Rock Band in 1,8X&,00B Simple Steps 03:41 215,688
2014-07-15 Exciting Announcements and Mosquito-Borne Illnesses 03:01 403,545
2014-07-18 EVERY VLOGBROTHERS PUNISHMENT! 04:00 616,870
2014-07-22 Ambiguous Victories and Real Progress: Behind the Beautiful Forevers 03:44 322,220
2014-07-25 Towering Mountains of Ignorance 03:52 527,926
2014-07-29 Listen: Thoughts from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 03:21 480,762
2014-08-01 PUNISHMENT OF PAIN AND SCIENCE! 03:56 577,951
2014-08-03 Happy Esther Day! 01:33 381,280
2014-08-08 Who Owns a Monkey's Selfie? And a Song About Meningitis! 03:59 407,808
2014-08-12 EBOLA! (...meningitis) 03:57 558,784
2014-08-15 The Bizarre State of Copyright 03:57 530,454
2014-08-19 Baby Names: Thoughts from Rural Ethiopia 04:00 423,488
2014-08-22 Kidneys, LlamaJohn, Frankenstein, Back to School, and The Nerdfighter Online Video Workshop! 03:59 351,354
2014-08-26 Food Is Weird: Understanding Agriculture in the Developing World 07:18 520,409
2014-08-29 What's the Difference Between A and Z 03:56 481,325
2014-09-02 MORTIFICATION 03:37 455,672
2014-09-05 REUNION TUESDAY! FRIDAY! WHATEVER! 03:58 688,872
2014-09-09 Bill Gates and John Green Discuss Global Health 02:27 303,392
2014-09-09 Going to College (in Ethiopia) 04:01 336,614
2014-09-12 Jetpacks and Certain Death: JOIN THE HANGOUT 01:36 32,959
2014-09-13 Hanging with High School Hank 03:57 743,123
2014-09-16 It's Question Tuesday! Cheesy Jokes, Paper Towns Movie, and Dinosaur Butt Brains 03:53 671,737
2014-09-19 The Oculus Rift is Freakin Me Out 03:59 367,003
2014-09-23 Looking Away 03:17 343,992
2014-09-27 Gettin' Real with Hank 03:56 501,554
2014-09-30 Keeping it EVEN REALER 04:00 528,002
2014-10-03 Hong Kong Protests Explained 06:38 852,658
2014-10-07 I Kind of Hate Batman 03:28 1,041,881
2014-10-10 I Kinda AM Batman 03:55 683,002
2014-10-14 A Minor Crisis 03:56 592,228
2014-10-17 MY FACE ON A BUS 04:00 411,839
2014-10-21 Ebola: What IS Terrifying 03:34 593,914
2014-10-24 #Octothorpe - A Symbolistic Journey 03:42 328,158
2014-10-28 The Paper Towns Movie IS HERE! 03:43 939,289
2014-10-31 Ten Terrible Reason to not Vote (and two good ones) 03:31 643,889
2014-11-04 Mustaches and Movies: Day One of Paper Towns 03:07 464,904
2014-11-07 New Crash Course and Pizzamas! 04:00 303,607
2014-11-11 The Woman Without a Face - Pizzamas Day 1 03:47 333,400
2014-11-12 Lacey and Angela Question Tuesday: Pizzamas Day 2 04:00 479,898
2014-11-13 The History of Pizza John! 03:53 687,973
2014-11-13 The History of Pizza and the History of John: Pizzamas Day 4 03:12 349,818
2014-11-15 A Surprise Relationship Between John and Hank! 03:50 522,887
2014-11-17 Combines and Movie Magic: Pizzamas Day 6 02:53 358,216
2014-11-18 How to Never Feel Embarrassed Again 04:00 734,798
2014-11-20 The Future of the Project for Awesome: Pizzamas Day 8 04:00 272,820
2014-11-21 Announcing VidCon 2015! 03:59 289,121
2014-11-21 The Sleepiest Sleepyhead in Sleeptown 03:14 342,917
2014-11-25 Tyler, Ingrid, Troye, Hannah, Mandy, Jenn, and Rosianna Visit Paper Towns 03:53 560,596
2014-11-28 Global Health and Human Hair: What the Vlogbrothers are Thankful For 03:54 340,500
2014-12-02 What You Eat Of Those You Love 03:00 354,725
2014-12-06 A Brief History of Homestar Runner 04:00 573,102
2014-12-08 I'm Home! Time to Get Ready for the 2014 Project for Awesome 02:47 292,531
2014-12-10 Question Tuesday with Cara Delevingne of Paper Towns 03:47 3,070,451
2014-12-12 NONSENSE: P4A 2014 - Partners in Health 03:49 142,998
2014-12-16 Jelly Face, Sharpie Face, Peanut Butter Face, and Mummy Dancers: The 2014 Project for Awesome 02:36 222,411
2014-12-19 BUTFARTMAN Is Coming To Town! 03:59 180,354
2014-12-23 Agloe, New York 03:08 295,328
2014-12-27 The Best and Worst of 2014 03:10 401,657
2014-12-30 Racism in the United States: By the Numbers 03:56 1,497,003