Transcribed videos

Date Title Duration Views Transcribed
2018-01-02 BRING IT IN 2018 03:54 262,768
2018-01-05 Making a Better YouTube 04:00 257,411
2018-01-09 Your Attention 03:25 284,061
2018-01-12 5 Songs You've Never Heard That You've Heard 1000 Times 03:59 4,323,860
2018-01-16 My Hollywood Star, Brexit Pears, and Hank's Book: It's QUESTION TUESDAY 03:41 311,963
2018-01-19 Many Years Ago, Someone Gave Me a Whole Bitcoin...then I lost it. 03:46 191,666
2018-01-23 On Emergencies 03:43 235,006
2018-01-26 I Wrote a Book. I WROTE A BOOK. How did I do that? 03:47 286,416
2018-01-31 Hank, I Have Some Advice 03:17 354,440
2018-02-02 What is That Plane Rainbow? (It's Question Tuesday) 03:51 173,508
2018-02-06 Sawdust Bread 03:23 257,893
2018-02-09 This is Going to Seem Dumb, but Stick with Me 04:00 346,388
2018-02-13 What Can't a Billion Dollars Buy? 04:01 579,821
2018-02-16 Thoughts from VERY Dead Animals 03:56 155,785
2018-02-20 When Your Friend Runs for Governor 03:58 223,993
2018-02-23 Dear Young People, You Terrify Me 03:58 615,738
2018-02-27 Ode to a Dog 03:46 273,386
2018-03-02 The Best (Recent) Book Covers Including MINE! 04:00 216,027
2018-03-06 The Broccoli Tree: A Parable 03:55 614,993
2018-03-09 John's Best Gift to Me 03:59 247,016
2018-03-13 Who Should We Root For? 03:38 227,027
2018-03-16 The Most Popular Word in the World 03:49 298,290
2018-03-20 The Russian Reversal 03:55 284,372
2018-03-22 Trump, Guns, and Net Neutrality...With Governor Steve Bullock?! 11:37 234,057
2018-03-27 A Weird and Beautiful Story 03:57 240,077
2018-03-30 The Stories We Tell Ourselves: Thoughts from Amsterdam 03:11 142,078
2018-04-03 On Punctuality 03:17 329,704
2018-04-06 How to Stop Being Late Forever (advice for myself and other chronically late people) 03:56 282,814
2018-04-10 Who Do Tax Breaks Benefit? 03:57 187,568
2018-04-13 Who is in Control? 03:58 256,417
2018-04-17 John Green Answers Your John Green Questions 03:56 692,631
2018-04-20 This Video is About Marijuana 03:40 365,185
2018-04-24 This Video is about Red Eyed Tree Frogs? 03:30 159,978
2018-04-27 Finding Respite in 2018 03:59 193,710
2018-05-01 How to Win 03:29 237,263
2018-05-04 When to Attack a Moose 03:54 179,410
2018-05-08 Old Man Yells at Cloud 03:45 319,180
2018-05-11 Looking for Alaska Movie (BUT BETTER) and YouTuber Things 04:00 188,187
2018-05-15 Seven Maps to Better Understand the World 04:01 296,714
2018-05-18 Laurel or Yanny and Baby Dance Moves - It's Question Friday 03:57 192,876
2018-05-22 The Liger Delusion 03:51 259,265
2018-05-25 Please Unsubscribe 04:00 450,333
2018-05-29 How to Cook Eight Peas 03:32 288,870
2018-06-01 Destroying My Router with a Hammer (and etc.) 03:08 180,063
2018-06-08 Intentionally Ignorant: Does Free Will Exist? 03:42 176,550
2018-06-12 Your 4-Minute Guide to ALL 32 TEAMS at the 2018 World Cup 03:59 519,347
2018-06-15 Sports are Dumb 03:53 213,881
2018-06-19 My Signature Move 03:19 245,209
2018-06-22 Stumping EDU Creators - Trivia at VidCon 03:32 107,055
2018-06-26 How's the Water? 03:29 249,059
2018-06-29 Why is the Disney "D" So Weird? 03:59 715,800
2018-07-03 How Does This End? 03:47 352,060
2018-07-06 This Ends in Death 03:58 248,888
2018-07-10 The General Crisis 04:00 287,931
2018-07-13 Why Do So Few Countries Have Nukes? 09:58 634,027
2018-07-17 How to Eat 213 Tomatoes 02:46 235,088
2018-07-20 Making Bad Decisions with My Dad 04:00 232,783
2018-07-24 Other John Greens 03:59 258,934
2018-07-27 Why Environmentalists Hate Captain Planet 03:58 493,225
2018-07-31 On Prepositions 03:37 259,547
2018-08-03 How Do Adults Make Friends? 03:59 350,585
2018-08-07 How I Made Friends 04:00 365,677
2018-08-10 My Giant Robot Suit 03:25 145,696
2018-08-14 Question Tuesday: Secrets & Primes 03:36 206,364
2018-08-17 My Worst Job Search Fail 04:00 236,082
2018-08-21 SYSTEMS!!!! 03:58 226,285
2018-08-24 The Top 10 John Green GIFs 03:25 170,275
2018-08-28 The Book Was Better? 04:00 327,306
2018-08-31 Beautiful if Damp: Answering Questions in Melbourne 03:42 138,554
2018-09-04 The Eisenhower Matrix 03:43 271,013
2018-09-07 Frightened Leech Science with Tessa Violet 03:49 128,439
2018-09-11 Surprise . . . 03:54 329,409
2018-09-14 Our Rivalry 03:52 222,708
2018-09-18 On the Participation Trophy 03:59 284,619
2018-09-21 The Parable of the Perfect Pot 03:58 188,379
2018-09-25 You Did It! 03:26 221,080
2018-09-28 REUNION!!! Mountain Goats Aren't Goats 03:48 313,789
2018-10-02 How Much Do You Love Each Other? It's Question Tuesday 03:13 367,104
2018-10-05 We've Got Some Weird Voting Laws... 03:59 149,014
2018-10-09 How Big a Problem is Mental Illness? 03:58 213,590
2018-10-12 Hank Reads from 'An Absolutely Remarkable Thing' 19:54 118,693
2018-10-16 Life's Library 03:13 166,685
2018-10-19 This is the scariest graph I've ever seen 03:41 304,361
2018-10-23 Why Are Humans Suddenly Getting Better at Tetris? 03:51 629,518
2018-10-26 The Rigged Election 03:59 245,717
2018-10-29 PIZZAMAS IS HERE! 03:37 150,029
2018-10-30 Watch My Dumb Dancing 03:55 117,386
2018-10-31 The Looking for Alaska Thing 04:00 408,586
2018-11-01 Should I Feel Guilty? 03:57 197,886
2018-11-02 Let Us Now Praise the Panda Person 03:51 134,571
2018-11-05 Reading Mean Comments with John 03:58 840,242
2018-11-06 Taking a Year Off 03:43 297,783
2018-11-07 A New Thing? 03:51 147,413
2018-11-08 Let's Talk Money: The Bank of Nerdfighteria's Semi-Annual Report 03:36 123,450
2018-11-09 I Don't Know What Work Is 03:55 171,910
2018-11-13 HAIRMERGENCY! 03:46 180,207
2018-11-16 Doing This Makes Me Happy, but Maybe it Doesn't' Seem that Way? 03:53 154,277
2018-11-20 Cause for Celebration 03:27 192,576
2018-11-23 Four Jokes from a Two year Old 03:59 332,623
2018-11-27 On The Melian Dialogue 04:00 230,374
2018-11-30 We just had our first interstellar visitor...and it's weird. 10:18 1,571,703
2018-12-05 When it All Seems Like Too Much 03:58 171,569
2018-12-07 BABIES! The 2018 Project for Awesome is here.... 04:01 60,269
2018-12-11 When the Internet Came Home 03:28 168,644
2018-12-14 Cute Goth Shock Collar Trivia Punishment for Charity 04:00 100,186
2018-12-18 On Companionable Silence 03:00 193,006
2018-12-21 The Psychology of Package Thieves 04:00 379,350
2018-12-28 The Cutest Thing My Son Has Done and More (With Katherine) 03:55 426,892