Videos with captions

Date Title Duration Views Transcribed
2013-03-21 Ambros the Cat 01:20 20,985
2013-07-23 Kemosabe's Tree Fort 03:48 3,026,127
2013-08-06 Lollipop the skunk digging 01:58 26,226
2013-09-06 Scorpling Food Fight 01:42 16,609
2013-09-24 Kemosabe is a Rodent! 03:40 77,861
2013-10-08 Rabbit Munches Banana 01:16 27,199
2013-10-22 Bettong Joey Project 05:05 33,622
2013-11-06 Skunk in a Box! 02:50 46,879
2013-11-19 Pumpkin Patch Animals 01:18 39,990
2013-12-04 Kemosabe and his Papaya - Unscripted 02:04 434,345
2013-12-17 Chopsticks the Quaker Parrot 04:53 334,717
2013-12-24 2013 Holiday Thanks 00:50 8,983
2014-01-07 Twirly the Veiled Chameleon's ballistic tongue 02:35 30,163
2014-01-22 Calm Rant : Snakes and Insurance 04:08 43,973
2014-03-18 Snakes and Insurance Update 00:30 20,771
2014-04-01 Hanging with the Hoppers! 02:23 31,512
2014-05-07 New Animal Wonders!! Ep. 1 01:54 52,984
2014-05-16 Yucca the Watch Tortoise 04:35 42,179
2014-05-23 5 Things About Jessi and Animals 04:25 41,213
2014-05-30 Chili Pepper the Patagonian Cavy 06:19 135,219
2014-06-06 Bettong Farewell 11:53 88,828
2014-06-10 Bettong Update 01:30 20,465
2014-06-13 Ask Jessi # 1 06:34 46,631
2014-06-20 Kemosabe Teeth Trimming 07:22 100,036
2014-06-26 Skunk Spray Stinks! - Featuring Lollipop 08:31 177,611
2014-07-03 Behavioral Enrichment 04:47 43,846
2014-07-11 Compost and 'Be Somebody' 05:34 22,081
2014-07-18 Ask Jessi 1.5 06:48 38,794
2014-07-25 What's a Conure? 06:48 929,730
2014-08-01 A Few Of My Friends -Unscripted 11:42 98,246
2014-08-07 How To: Clip Dog Nails 05:36 37,562
2014-08-15 Guinea Pigs! What, Where, and How 09:34 181,944
2014-08-21 Bird Finger Perch 02:16 58,629
2014-08-28 What's happening right now! August 2014 06:07 28,721
2014-09-05 Animal Wonders a History 09:56 79,455
2014-09-11 What Animals Wear 03:58 188,424
2014-09-19 Kemosabe, Quills, and Subbable 05:20 65,333
2014-09-26 Autumn Preparations 05:22 18,267
2014-10-03 Bundles of Cute 04:45 103,541
2014-10-10 Porcupine Stink 04:35 41,771
2014-10-23 Ash The Chinchilla's Rescue Story 05:49 75,169
2015-03-19 How To Hold A Rabbit 02:28 92,917
2016-04-15 5 Signs Your Bird is Sick 04:22 278,876
2016-07-07 Steve the Cockatiel 02:46 204,161
2016-07-14 Freeze the Food! 03:24 49,183