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MLA Full: "Kemosabe Teeth Trimming." YouTube, uploaded by Animal Wonders Montana, 20 June 2014,
MLA Inline: (Animal Wonders Montana, 2014)
APA Full: Animal Wonders Montana. (2014, June 20). Kemosabe Teeth Trimming [Video]. YouTube.
APA Inline: (Animal Wonders Montana, 2014)
Chicago Full: Animal Wonders Montana, "Kemosabe Teeth Trimming.", June 20, 2014, YouTube, 07:22,
Kemosabe the prehensile tailed porcupine, Coendou prehensilis, needs the growth of his teeth monitored. Since he's a rodent and has ever growing teeth, about every 3 months his teeth become too long and we need to have the veterinarian come out to trim them down to a proper length.

We've found that having the vet come to Animal Wonders is the least stressful way of doing this procedure. Kemosabe starts eating again the same night, which tells us this isn't that stressful for him. When we used to have him travel to the vet clinic and be put under general anesthesia for the trimming, it would take about a week for him to be back to his normal behavior.

Even though he's not much of a fan of the whole process, he's much happier once his teeth are trimmed!

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JESSI: Hey guys, today we have a really special person here. This is Dr. Card and, um, she comes and takes care of all of our animals for us. Um, she is here to help Kemosabe today because his teeth are way too long and so she's going to come and help trim off his teeth. Thank you, Dr. Card 


[Both laugh]


DR. CARD: It's always fun to come and see all the different animals. 


JESSI: Yeah, we have a - a nice collection.


JESSI: Hey bud, oh, I know, I'm sorry, I woke you up. Come on down. I know. I know.


So the best procedure that we found with Kemosabe is that we're gonna go and get him calmly into his crate, um, and then Dr. Card is going to inject him with an immobilizer and, uh, a sedative so that we can safely and, uh, easily Dremel his teeth down. 


So right now you're seeing us - we're going to put him in the crate, and we're lifting the crate up so we can get his thigh close enough to the side so we can get an easy access to his muscle, and we're going to give him his injection. 


Nice work. We're gonna set you down. 


And now we're going to cover him up so that he gets nice and drowsy in a calm fashion, and he's going to just relax into that sedative and immobilizer, and he won't fight through it. Sometimes, if they get too riled up, their adrenaline can actually overpower the medication, so we're just gonna keep him nice and comfortable under a towel.


We're looking at Ash the chinchilla now, and Ash has been having some struggles with some respiratory infections and some eye infections as well, and we've been taking him into the vet and found that he has had overgrown molars. His top left molars are overgrowing, so we've been working with Dr. Card to try and figure out how we're going to, um, manage Ash's condition.


DR. CARD: He's way better than he was.


JESSI: So do you think we got ahead of it?


DR. CARD: I think so.


JESSI: Do you think we'll need to go in for another exam - I mean, should we - should we do it preemptively?


DR. CARD: We should.


JESSI: Okay. Alright, so let's schedule an appointment and just see where it's at.


DR. CARD: Yeah.


JESSI: When do you think he'll be ready to do shows again? We haven't done anything with him.


DR. CARD: Let's take a look in his mouth.


JESSI: Okay.


DR. CARD: And then -


JESSI: And see.


DR. CARD: And see.


JESSI: Okay.


DR. CARD: Yeah.


JESSI: And then I want you to look at Pearl's - there's a baton under this towel, just so you know.


DR. CARD: Oh, thank you. [Both laugh.] Oh, that's fantastic.


JESSI: Her tongue is so crooked.


DR. CARD: Yeah, may always be like that. But that looks great. 


She had an infection, um, in her mouth, actually in the bone of her jaw. Um, it started out over on this side - it was right in here - then it moved over to this side and, um, was just a nasty osteomyelitis in her jaw, which - there's no evidence of it at the moment, which is good. Yeah.


JESSI: Good girl, Pearl. And can you check Joy's beak?


DR. CARD: Yeah.


JESSI: It's really long, but I want to see if it's too long. We were concerned that Joy's beak was too over-grown, so we asked Dr. Card her opinion, and she agreed that it's grown too much. And so she wants to file it down just so it doesn't grow too far. 


The problems with that are going to be difficulty eating, and then also it can grow all the way down into the neck and that would obviously be a bad thing. 


Want to go down on the floor? I have a towel just for you.


So the way that we're going to restrain Joy, we're not going to use any kind of immobilizer or anything like we did on Kemosabe. Instead, we're just going to use a towel, and that's gonna help cover her body and restrain her wings, and then we're gonna restrain her cheeks so that she can't bite herself, the towel or us.


DR. CARD: Okay. She did do really good.


JESSI: Good girl.


DR. CARD: Are you ready? Are you a sleepy bear?


JESSI: All right. Kemosabe is nice and sedated right now and, um, he's breathing good - we gave him the proper amount of sedative and immobilizer and he's doing great. We're gonna lift him up onto this table and now we're going to examine his teeth and see how much growth that they have accumulated in the last three months.


So you can see Dr. Card is now - she's filing down - she's using a Dremel. She's going to find the placement where she's going to Dremel the teeth so that they're short enough, but not too short. And so you can see some of the dust from his teeth going up in the air. 


And now we're done, and we're gonna trim his nails just to make sure they're all - they're all at the right size. 


Now he's gonna go back in his crate and he's going to just relax in there until the medications wear off and then he'll slowly wake up and we'll let him go back home.


DR. CARD: Hear him complaining in there?


JESSI: [Laughs] A little bit. He's already starting to wake up a little bit.


DR. CARD: Yeah? Don't mash your nose. There you go, bud.


JESSI: You're all cozy in there, right? All right. Sleep tight, buddy. See you in a couple hours.


Well, thank you so much for coming and helping out and, um, we'll see you in three months again - or Kemo will see you in three months again.


DR. CARD: Okay.


JESSI: Thank you.


DR. CARD: It went really great today.


JESSI: It did. Oh, I'm so happy. Thanks. Thanks, guys.