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Date Title Duration Views Transcribed Play
2012-12-04 To: Kenyon College. Love, John Green 02:55 130,969 Play
2013-03-20 Pensive Moments with John Green: Brainteaser 00:39 1,891 Play
2013-03-20 Pensive Moments with John Green: Literary Tradition 00:40 1,755 Play
2013-03-20 Pensive Moments with John Green: Local Food 00:50 1,516 Play
2013-03-20 Pensive Moments with John Green: Apply 00:51 2,354 Play
2013-03-20 Pensive Moments with John Green: Visiting Campus 00:47 1,065 Play
2013-03-20 Pensive Moments with John Green: Alumni 00:32 1,264 Play
2013-03-20 Pensive Moments with John Green: Weather 00:49 778 Play
2013-03-20 Pensive Moments with John Green: After Kenyon 00:39 810 Play
2013-03-20 Pensive Moments with John Green: Studying Abroad 00:41 1,085 Play
2013-03-20 Pensive Moments with John Green: Faculty 00:46 760 Play
2013-03-20 Pensive Moments with John Green: Walk The Moon 00:40 2,100 Play
2013-03-20 Pensive Moments with John Green: Sustainability 00:51 505 Play
2013-03-20 Pensive Moments with John Green: Studies 00:51 537 Play
2013-03-20 Pensive Moments with John Green: Science 00:53 739 Play
2013-03-20 Pensive Moments with John Green: Athletics 01:08 1,039 Play
2013-03-20 Pensive Moments with John Green: Student Life 01:06 3,718 Play
2013-03-20 Pensive Moments with John Green: Student/Faculty Ratio 00:46 853 Play
2013-03-20 Pensive Moments with John Green: Campus Beauty 01:01 1,909 Play
2013-04-29 Kenyon College: Our Professors Are a Big Deal 00:57 5,889 Play
2014-02-13 Kenyon College: John Green - Thoughts on How To Make Things and Why 1:02:42 234,787 Play
2016-05-22 Kenyon College: John Green Commencement Address 13:57 149,773 Play
2016-06-03 Beneath The Beech: John Green Meets a Famous Person 05:16 7,636 Play