The Fault in Our Stars Article
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The Fault in Our Stars is a novel written by John Green. It was published in 2012 and drew heavily from John's experiences as a hospital chaplain as well as his relationship with Nerdfighter Esther Earl. John agreed to sign all pre-ordered copies of The Fault in Our Stars, which amounted to signing 150,000 books.
The story of Augustus Waters and Hazel Grace Lancaster begins when they meet at a support group for cancer patients and survivors. The two meet, and they quickly fall in love. The story follows the two through their story, and each of their struggle with cancer.
Hazel Grace Lancaster: A 16-year old cancer patient pulled out of school at 13, and is rather asocial. Diagnosed with clinical depression, she is forced by her parents to attend Support Group, a support group for teenagers with cancer.
Augustus Waters: A 17-year old cancer survivor (osteosarcoma), ex-basketball player, and amputee. Attractive, and very aware of the fact. He is obsessed with metaphor, and attempts to seek it in every circumstance, and creates it where he can.
Isaac: A mutual friend of Augustus and Hazel who suffers from eye cancer, and attends Support Group with Hazel.
Peter van Houten: Author of Hazel's favourite book, An Imperial Affliction, a book about a cancer patient which Hazel has become so obsessed with that she rereads it hundreds of times, again and again.
Significant Quotations
"I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, then all at once." "That's the thing about pain... It demands to be felt." "Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book."
Will All Pre-Ordered Copies of The Fault in Our Stars Be Signed? Side-effects include: Feels. SO MANY FEELS.