Esther Grace Earl Article
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Esther Grace Earl was a nerdfighter who died of cancer in August 2010, at the age of 16. A friend of John and Hank's, she was a major figure in nerdfighteria, particularly in helping run effyeahnerdfighters. Esther was also a huge fan of Harry Potter, wizard rock (wrock), Doctor Who, and she was a member of Catitude.
Esther Day was created to honor her birthday every year, which is August 3rd. The theme of Esther Day is to show and tell the people in your life that you care about how much you love them- and not just the romantic kind of love; the love you have for close friends and family.
The Fault in Our Stars, by John Green, was dedicated to her.
In January 2014, Esther's parents, Wayne and Lori Earl, published a book, "This Star Won't Go Out: The Life and Words of Esther Grace Earl", which features her journal entries, letters, fiction and sketches. She had four siblings, Abigail, Evangeline, Graham and Abe.
She was a very prominent internet citizen; her Twitter account, @crazycrayon, had over 14,000 posts, and she made several video blogs on her YouTube channel, cookie4monster4.