Transcribed videos

Date Title Duration Views Transcribed
2015-04-18 Podcast Because Awesome: Operation Poopsmith, The Quickening 35:26 5,019
2015-04-20 Day One: Operation Pauline - CHICAGO @ METRO 16:28 2,456
2015-04-21 Day Two: Significant Urinary Demand - DETROIT @ THE MAJESTIC 14:33 947
2015-04-21 Day 3: Operation Fix Craig - CLEVELAND @ THE AGORA 23:31 947
2015-04-22 Day Four: Operation Gateway Legume - PITTSBURGH @ THE REX 25:35 764
2015-04-24 Day 6: Operation Free The Giraffes - PHILLY @ UNION TRANSFER 21:00 866
2015-04-25 Day Seven: Operation Rat Kicker - DAY OFF 17:22 662
2015-04-26 Day Seven: Operation Congressional Tour - DC @ BLACK CAT 26:24 1,736