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Date Title Duration Views Transcribed Play
2014-12-15 Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology Preview 01:53 2,115,878 Play
2015-01-06 Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #1 11:20 9,976,784 Play
2015-01-12 Tissues, Part 1: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #2 10:43 5,729,083 Play
2015-01-19 Tissues, Part 2 - Epithelial Tissue: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #3 10:16 4,091,088 Play
2015-01-26 Tissues, Part 3 - Connective Tissues: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #4 10:29 3,058,381 Play
2015-02-02 Tissues, Part 4 - Types of Connective Tissues: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #5 09:43 2,320,823 Play
2015-02-09 The Integumentary System, Part 1 - Skin Deep: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #6 09:40 4,639,889 Play
2015-02-16 The Integumentary System, Part 2 - Skin Deeper: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #7 09:57 2,371,090 Play
2015-02-23 The Nervous System, Part 1: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #8 10:36 9,274,753 Play
2015-03-02 The Nervous System, Part 2 - Action! Potential!: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #9 11:44 7,035,220 Play
2015-03-10 The Nervous System, Part 3 - Synapses!: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #10 10:57 4,668,353 Play
2015-03-17 Outtakes #1: Crash Course A&P 04:32 124,094 Play
2015-03-23 Central Nervous System: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #11 10:08 4,539,903 Play
2015-03-30 Peripheral Nervous System: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #12 10:02 2,955,256 Play
2015-04-06 Autonomic Nervous System: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #13 08:49 3,046,306 Play
2015-04-13 Sympathetic Nervous System: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #14 10:44 2,418,669 Play
2015-04-20 Parasympathetic Nervous System: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #15 10:17 1,857,176 Play
2015-04-27 Taste & Smell: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #16 10:30 2,396,769 Play
2015-05-05 Hearing & Balance: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #17 10:40 3,306,406 Play
2015-05-11 Vision: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #18 09:39 3,749,131 Play
2015-05-18 The Skeletal System: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #19 10:38 5,388,009 Play
2015-05-26 Joints: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #20 09:23 3,411,986 Play
2015-06-01 Outtakes #2: Crash Course A&P 05:03 72,007 Play
2015-06-08 Muscles, Part 1 - Muscle Cells: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #21 10:24 6,840,713 Play
2015-06-15 Muscles, Part 2 - Organismal Level: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #22 10:41 2,771,217 Play
2015-06-22 Endocrine System, Part 1 - Glands & Hormones: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #23 10:25 6,237,805 Play
2015-06-29 Endocrine System, Part 2 - Hormone Cascades: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #24 09:34 2,705,449 Play
2015-07-06 The Heart, Part 1 - Under Pressure: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #25 10:08 6,642,764 Play
2015-07-13 The Heart, Part 2 - Heart Throbs: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #26 09:34 2,765,838 Play
2015-07-20 Blood Vessels, Part 1 - Form and Function: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #27 09:30 2,816,432 Play
2015-07-27 Blood Vessels, Part 2: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #28 09:04 1,669,985 Play
2015-08-03 Blood, Part 1 - True Blood: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #29 10:00 3,716,957 Play
2015-08-11 Blood, Part 2 - There Will Be Blood: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #30 10:01 1,912,238 Play
2015-08-17 Outtakes #3: Crash Course A&P 03:56 68,056 Play
2015-08-24 Respiratory System, Part 1: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #31 09:22 4,987,655 Play
2015-08-31 Respiratory System, Part 2: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #32 10:23 2,640,108 Play
2015-09-07 Digestive System, Part 1: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #33 11:05 5,065,696 Play
2015-09-14 Digestive System, Part 2: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #34 10:55 2,658,848 Play
2015-09-22 Digestive System, Part 3: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #35 10:24 1,903,531 Play
2015-09-28 Metabolism & Nutrition, Part 1: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #36 10:33 3,656,921 Play
2015-10-05 Metabolism & Nutrition, Part 2: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #37 10:07 1,567,352 Play
2015-10-12 Urinary System, Part 1: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #38 10:18 4,767,973 Play
2015-10-19 Urinary System, Part 2: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #39 09:51 2,362,039 Play
2015-10-26 Reproductive System, Part 1 - Female Reproductive System: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #40 10:15 5,247,241 Play
2015-11-02 Outtakes #4: Crash Course A&P 05:48 62,696 Play
2015-11-09 Reproductive System, Part 2 - Male Reproductive System: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #41 10:44 2,787,610 Play
2015-11-16 Reproductive System, Part 3 - Sex & Fertilization: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #42 09:59 2,140,860 Play
2015-11-23 Reproductive System, Part 4 - Pregnancy & Development: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #43 10:45 1,755,341 Play
2015-12-01 Lymphatic System: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #44 09:20 4,160,141 Play
2015-12-08 Immune System, Part 1: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #45 09:13 6,159,201 Play
2015-12-15 Immune System, Part 2: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #46 09:44 3,707,144 Play
2015-12-21 Immune System, Part 3: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #47 09:37 2,850,487 Play
2016-01-04 Outtakes #5: Crash Course A&P 05:15 54,547 Play
2016-01-11 Outtakes #6: Crash Course A&P 05:32 54,393 Play