All videos

Date Title Duration Views Transcribed Play
2011-12-02 Crash Course Preview 00:39 436,996 Play
2014-04-02 Crash Course Surveys 01:12 108,149 Play
2015-03-16 Become a Crash Course Patron! 03:18 69,425 Play
2015-03-16 Crash Course Introduction (Patreon) 02:08 39,485 Play
2017-04-11 #ILovePBS 03:35 102,498 Play
2017-10-16 Changes to our Patreon 02:43 184,612 Play
2018-12-04 A History of Crash Course 19:52 246,120 Play
2019-11-07 What's new with Crash Course 02:54 116,587 Play
2020-05-01 Announcing the Crash Course App! 03:22 174,436 Play