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Date Title Duration Views Transcribed Play
2017-02-17 Crash Course World Mythology Preview 02:00 1,854,115 Play
2017-02-25 What Is Myth? Crash Course World Mythology #1 13:02 2,624,359 Play
2017-03-04 Creation from the Void: Crash Course World Mythology #2 12:22 2,032,842 Play
2017-03-11 Cosmic Sexy Time, Eggs, Seeds, and Water: Crash Course World Mythology #3 12:22 1,353,398 Play
2017-03-17 Earth Mothers and Rebellious Sons - Creation Part 3: Crash Course World Mythology #4 12:07 1,174,692 Play
2017-03-25 Social Orders and Creation Stories: Crash Course World Mythology #5 10:33 1,023,665 Play
2017-04-01 Humans and Nature and Creation: Crash Course World Mythology #6 11:03 981,561 Play
2017-04-07 Pantheons of the Ancient Mediterranean: Crash Course World Mythology #7 13:08 1,304,183 Play
2017-04-14 Indian Pantheons: Crash Course World Mythology #8 12:31 1,683,504 Play
2017-04-22 The Greeks and Romans - Pantheons Part 3: Crash Course World Mythology #9 12:46 1,203,908 Play
2017-04-30 The Norse Pantheon: Crash Course World Mythology #10 12:45 1,565,438 Play
2017-05-06 Crash Course World Mythology Outtakes 1 04:07 98,610 Play
2017-05-12 African Pantheons and the Orishas: Crash Course World Mythology #11 11:10 1,375,871 Play
2017-05-22 Theories of Myth: Crash Course World Mythology #12 12:15 594,735 Play
2017-05-28 Great Goddesses: Crash Course World Mythology #13 11:11 758,066 Play
2017-06-02 Fire and Buffalo Goddesses: Crash Course World Mythology #14 12:27 607,778 Play
2017-06-09 Archetypes and Male Divinities: Crash Course World Mythology #15 11:46 627,692 Play
2017-06-16 Noah's Ark and Floods in the Ancient Near East: Crash Course World Mythology #16 10:23 714,608 Play
2017-07-01 Yu the Engineer and Flood Stories from China: Crash Course World Mythology #17 09:25 592,234 Play
2017-07-09 American Floods: Crash Course World Mythology #18 09:00 449,153 Play
2017-07-14 The Dying God: Crash Course World Mythology #19 10:44 760,917 Play
2017-07-21 Tricksters: An Introduction: Crash Course World Mythology #20 10:10 659,782 Play
2017-07-28 Outtakes #2: Crash Course World Mythology 03:33 55,423 Play
2017-08-06 Hermes and Loki and Tricksters Part 2: Crash Course World Mythology #21 12:00 785,839 Play
2017-08-12 Coyote and Raven, American Tricksters: Crash Course World Mythology #22 12:33 673,536 Play
2017-08-18 The Apocalyspe: Crash Course World Mythology #23 12:03 885,321 Play
2017-08-26 Ragnarok: Crash Course World Mythology #24 12:20 2,157,889 Play
2017-09-02 The Hero's Journey and the Monomyth: Crash Course World Mythology #25 13:20 850,180 Play
2017-09-08 The Epic of Gilgamesh: Crash Course World Mythology #26 13:46 2,897,908 Play
2017-09-22 Rama and the Ramayana: Crash Course World Mythology #27 13:25 1,521,835 Play
2017-09-29 Galahad, Perceval, and the Holy Grail: Crash Course World Mythology #28 13:32 709,732 Play
2017-10-07 The Mwindo Epic: Crash Course World Mythology #29 12:42 442,529 Play
2017-10-14 Herakles. Or Hercules. A Problematic Hero: Crash Course World Mythology #30 12:52 711,441 Play
2017-10-22 Ma'ui, Oceania's Hero: Crash Course World Mythology #31 13:24 923,060 Play
2017-10-29 Mythical Caves and Gardens: Crash Course World Mythology #32 10:41 378,735 Play
2017-11-05 Mythical Mountains: Crash Course World Mythology #33 11:42 390,931 Play
2017-11-12 Mythical Trees: Crash Course World Mythology #34 11:27 399,120 Play
2017-11-18 Cities of Myth: Crash Course World Mythology #35 12:25 563,849 Play
2017-12-01 Monsters. They're Us, Man: Crash Course World Mythology #36 10:30 873,851 Play
2017-12-17 Mythical Horses: Crash Course World Mythology #37 11:17 396,321 Play
2017-12-23 Serpents and Dragons: Crash Course World Mythology #38 11:24 727,928 Play
2018-01-12 Witches and Hags: Crash Course World Mythology #39 09:41 629,036 Play
2018-01-20 Freud, Jung, Luke Skywalker, and the Psychology of Myth: Crash Course World Mythology #40 12:55 472,023 Play
2018-01-28 Mythical Language and Idiom: Crash Course World Mythology #41 12:49 369,595 Play