Videos ready for captioning

Date Title Duration Views Transcribed
2014-11-03 Soon Raccoon Adventures into: Ancient Egypt! 01:46 24,163
2014-11-03 Soon Raccoon Time Travels into Evolving Planet 02:55 20,487
2014-11-03 Soon Raccoon Travels into the Pacific 03:30 20,729
2014-11-03 Soon Raccoon Adventures to the Ancient Americas 03:35 19,128
2015-08-21 Taking a short break -- see you soon! 00:49 44,942
2015-10-14 Spiders: The First Web Developers 05:31 143,038
2015-12-03 Fisher Dissection: Harvard Adventures, Part 2 18:23 151,442
2016-01-13 Painting the Diorama 07:14 56,715
2016-05-20 Endangered Species: an explainer 07:51 52,762
2016-08-31 New Series Announcement! | Natural News from The Field Museum 01:02 40,304
2016-09-21 Behind-the-scenes on our new set! 08:51 58,636
2016-10-19 Why did King Tut have a flat head? 07:56 5,204,738
2016-11-03 How Bird Vomit Helps Us Understand History 08:03 65,351
2016-12-02 Mammoths vs. Mastodons: Can we 'de-extinct' them both? 03:58 484,148
2016-12-09 T. rex Arms & BEARDOGS! | Natural News from The Field Museum | Ep. 6 06:30 61,710
2016-12-14 Shoes 10:05 96,904
2017-02-13 Updates! 02:51 46,944
2017-02-14 The Evolution of Human Birth 09:24 204,233
2017-04-10 I'm Marching for Science! 04:42 29,567
2017-04-26 Inside Insect Nests 07:38 83,231
2017-05-11 Wolves can be a bit Coy 16:44 120,419
2017-05-18 Coyote and Wolf Skinning 11:53 73,061
2017-05-31 Fossil Myths: Cyclopes, Griffins, & Magic Fairy Bread 05:43 71,270
2017-06-14 I waited 4+ years for this: the World Taxidermy Championships! 07:41 343,903
2017-07-19 The Human Biology Collection 14:24 401,405
2017-08-02 Can Peace be Purchased? 10:18 45,549
2017-08-16 Camel Spiders: Neither Camels, nor Spiders 07:37 1,514,259
2017-08-30 Meet the Museum's only Field Biologist 08:59 49,945
2017-09-20 Preserving the Migration of Giants: Guyana's Arapaima 06:47 68,491
2017-10-19 The Rare Book Room! 08:54 121,147
2017-10-30 The Case for Saving PARASITES. 09:38 82,428
2017-11-30 GLOW ROCKS 08:33 63,772
2018-01-17 The 'Sistine Chapel of Taxidermy' - Conserving Akeley's Elephants 07:36 81,694
2018-04-11 The Animal Sound Library 14:31 55,364
2018-06-28 Meteorite or MeteorWRONG? 13:43 492,972
2018-07-24 I'm Lichen this Car Door [60 Second Specimens] 01:20 27,189
2018-12-05 Inside the Whale Warehouse! 10:10 247,682
2018-12-20 What Fossils Reveal about Today's Climate Change 13:01 57,368
2019-04-19 The Egg Collection! 12:13 106,920
2019-05-08 Misfits of the Mineral Collection 13:53 53,876
2019-06-12 Ghost Lineages 12:13 105,478
2019-11-01 In search of the Destroying Angel || The Mushroom Hunt 11:59 34,319
2020-01-23 What should museums do with their dead? (w/ Caitlin Doughty!) 24:52 224,346
2020-06-09 Going out on a limb for Quetzalcoatlus 10:09 93,922