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Date Title Duration Views Transcribed Play
2016-03-25 Crash Course Games Preview 01:57 339,631 Play
2016-04-01 What is a Game?: Crash Course Games #1 10:18 946,087 Play
2016-04-09 Ancient Games: Crash Course Games #2 11:02 553,608 Play
2016-04-15 The Dawn of Video Games: Crash Course Games #3 11:36 484,372 Play
2016-04-22 Atari and the Business of Video Games: Crash Course Games #4 10:19 369,065 Play
2016-05-07 The First Home Consoles: Crash Course Games #5 07:23 324,990 Play
2016-05-14 The Video Game Crash of 1983: Crash Course Games #6 10:51 450,421 Play
2016-05-21 Nintendo and a New Standard for Video Games: Crash Course Games #7 09:02 429,601 Play
2016-05-28 Sega and More Mature Video Games: Crash Course Games #8 10:47 370,024 Play
2016-06-04 Playstation and More Immersive Video Games: Crash Course Games #9 11:52 391,580 Play
2016-06-11 Microsoft and Connected Consoles: Crash Course Games #10 08:57 321,423 Play
2016-06-17 Casual Gaming: Crash Course Games #11 09:38 296,524 Play
2016-06-24 MMORPGs - Crash Course Games #12 08:54 311,244 Play
2016-07-01 Outtakes #1: Crash Course Games 06:25 74,660 Play
2016-07-09 Card Games: Crash Course Games #13 09:01 236,777 Play
2016-07-16 Board Games: Crash Course Games #14 08:25 227,648 Play
2016-07-23 Educational Games: Crash Course Games #15 08:16 230,743 Play
2016-07-30 Psychology of Gaming: Crash Course Games #16 08:47 261,047 Play
2016-08-06 The Olympics, FIFA, and why we love sports: Crash Course Games #17 12:02 216,869 Play
2016-08-19 Role-playing Games: Crash Course Games #18 10:10 282,945 Play
2016-09-02 Game Design: Crash Course Games #19 09:58 289,683 Play
2016-09-09 PC Gaming: Crash Course Games #20 10:18 230,386 Play
2016-09-17 Outtakes #2: Crash Course Games 04:51 63,552 Play
2016-09-23 The Future of Virtual Reality: Crash Course Games #21 09:15 166,031 Play
2016-10-01 Open World Games: Crash Course Games #22 12:00 180,174 Play
2016-10-08 Handhelds: Crash Course Games #23 11:08 157,762 Play
2016-10-22 Input Devices: Crash Course Games #24 10:30 128,273 Play
2016-10-29 The History of Game Shows: Crash Course Games #25 13:23 129,285 Play
2016-11-12 LARP: Crash Course Games #26 09:14 146,193 Play
2016-11-19 Gambling: Crash Course Games #27 11:45 135,398 Play
2016-12-07 The Pokémon Phenomenon: Crash Course Games #28 10:51 230,182 Play
2016-12-17 The Future of Gaming: Crash Course Games #29 09:33 155,315 Play
2016-12-23 Outtakes #3: Crash Course Games 04:59 53,267 Play