Transcribed videos

Date Title Duration Views Transcribed
2014-05-19 6 Surprising Tips for Getting a Job Promotion (ft. Hank Green)! 06:16 77,813
2014-07-14 4 YouTubers Share Their Best Adulthood Advice (ft. Rafi Fine, MinutePhysics, & ASAPScience)! 02:17 26,235
2014-08-12 How to Drive a Manual Transmission! 06:53 34,340
2014-09-01 How to Get Your Dream Job (ft. Emily Graslie)! 04:36 54,129
2014-09-17 Renters Survival Guide: How to Find an Apartment/Flat (ft. Liam Dryden)! 04:12 134,973
2014-09-22 How to Start an Awesome Business (ft. Alan Lastufka)! 03:45 21,998
2014-12-02 THAT'S IT, I QUIT: How to Quit Your Job! 05:42 113,019
2015-01-06 How to Get Published! (featuring Josh Sundquist!) 05:28 32,987
2015-01-23 How to Do ALL THE THINGS (ft. Hank Green)! 05:21 92,272
2015-03-27 10 Simple Tips to Be a Professional Networking Superstar! 05:32 48,952
2015-05-01 On Being an Adult and Dealing with Identity (ft. Ashley Mardell!) 05:42 29,558
2015-05-28 Decisions, Decisions: How to Make Hard Choices! (ft. Dr. Lindsey Doe!) 02:24 38,772
2015-05-29 How to Break Up with Someone the RIGHT Way (ft. Dr. Lindsey Doe!) 02:34 48,255
2015-07-03 How to Drink Alcohol (Responsibly), ft. Wheezy Waiter! 07:44 55,653
2015-08-14 How to Learn New Skills Quickly (ft. Thomas Frank!) 06:06 78,832
2015-11-13 Sexual Consent 101 (ft. Hannah Witton) 02:48 46,223
2016-04-14 How to Embrace Your Inner Child (ft. Jonathan Carlin)! 07:42 50,455