Transcribed videos

Date Title Duration Views Transcribed
2015-02-18 Crash Course Intellectual Property and Economics! 01:56 164,274
2015-04-23 Introduction to IP: Crash Course Intellectual Property #1 10:10 985,569
2015-04-30 Copyright Basics: Crash Course Intellectual Property #2 12:18 661,675
2015-05-07 Copyright, Exceptions, and Fair Use: Crash Course Intellectual Property #3 11:39 454,878
2015-05-14 Patents, Novelty, and Trolls: Crash Course Intellectual Property #4 09:51 403,489
2015-05-28 Trademarks and Avoiding Consumer Confusion: Crash Course Intellectual Property #5 11:20 293,731
2015-06-03 International IP Law: Crash Course Intellectual Property #6 10:00 217,006
2015-06-10 Outtakes: Crash Course Intellectual Property 04:48 58,284
2015-06-25 IP Problems, YouTube, and the Future: Crash Course Intellectual Property #7 13:30 197,625