Transcribed videos

Date Title Duration Views Transcribed
2012-01-30 Carbon... SO SIMPLE: Crash Course Biology #1 11:57 8,074,692
2012-02-06 Water - Liquid Awesome: Crash Course Biology #2 11:17 5,096,560
2012-02-13 Office Hours: Water 03:11 121,809
2012-02-13 Biological Molecules - You Are What You Eat: Crash Course Biology #3 14:09 6,972,810
2012-02-20 Eukaryopolis - The City of Animal Cells: Crash Course Biology #4 11:35 5,685,644
2012-02-27 In Da Club - Membranes & Transport: Crash Course Biology #5 11:45 5,720,001
2012-03-05 Plant Cells: Crash Course Biology #6 10:28 3,149,810
2012-03-12 ATP & Respiration: Crash Course Biology #7 13:26 10,701,033
2012-03-19 Photosynthesis: Crash Course Biology #8 13:15 8,418,689
2012-03-26 Heredity: Crash Course Biology #9 10:18 5,076,000
2012-04-02 DNA Structure and Replication: Crash Course Biology #10 12:59 9,635,654
2012-04-09 DNA, Hot Pockets, & The Longest Word Ever: Crash Course Biology #11 14:08 5,525,043
2012-04-16 Mitosis: Splitting Up is Complicated - Crash Course Biology #12 10:48 6,777,530
2012-04-23 Meiosis: Where the Sex Starts - Crash Course Biology #13 11:43 5,149,601
2012-04-30 Natural Selection - Crash Course Biology #14 12:44 3,366,961
2012-05-07 Speciation: Of Ligers & Men - Crash Course Biology #15 10:25 1,687,087
2012-05-14 Animal Development: We're Just Tubes - Crash Course Biology #16 11:32 1,125,963
2012-05-20 CrashCourse Biology Outtakes with Hank Green 05:39 340,395
2012-05-21 Evolutionary Development: Chicken Teeth - Crash Course Biology #17 10:57 883,285
2012-05-28 Population Genetics: When Darwin Met Mendel - Crash Course Biology #18 11:04 1,682,769
2012-06-04 Taxonomy: Life's Filing System - Crash Course Biology #19 12:16 3,232,893
2012-06-11 Evolution: It's a Thing - Crash Course Biology #20 11:44 2,853,452
2012-06-18 Comparative Anatomy: What Makes Us Animals - Crash Course Biology #21 08:51 734,759
2012-06-26 Simple Animals: Sponges, Jellies, & Octopuses - Crash Course Biology #22 11:31 1,071,062
2012-07-02 Complex Animals: Annelids & Arthropods - CrashCourse Biology #23 13:15 787,883
2012-07-09 Chordates - CrashCourse Biology #24 12:09 1,011,352
2012-07-16 Animal Behavior - CrashCourse Biology #25 10:54 865,195
2012-07-23 The Nervous System - CrashCourse Biology #26 12:04 2,762,399
2012-07-30 Circulatory & Respiratory Systems - CrashCourse Biology #27 11:40 2,634,408
2012-08-06 The Digestive System: CrashCourse Biology #28 11:53 2,457,188
2012-08-13 The Excretory System: From Your Heart to the Toilet - CrashCourse Biology #29 12:21 1,876,366
2012-08-20 The Skeletal System: It's ALIVE! - CrashCourse Biology #30 13:11 1,087,428
2012-08-27 Big Guns: The Muscular System - CrashCourse Biology #31 12:52 1,690,753
2012-09-03 Your Immune System: Natural Born Killer - Crash Course Biology #32 15:02 2,263,551
2012-09-10 Great Glands - Your Endocrine System: CrashCourse Biology #33 11:21 1,930,158
2012-09-17 The Reproductive System: How Gonads Go - CrashCourse Biology #34 12:02 1,094,160
2012-09-24 Old & Odd: Archaea, Bacteria & Protists - CrashCourse Biology #35 12:17 1,892,438
2012-10-01 The Reproductive Lives of Nonvascular Plants: Alternation of Generations - Crash Course Biology #36 09:42 1,082,042
2012-10-08 Vascular Plants = Winning! - Crash Course Biology #37 11:54 1,571,340
2012-10-16 The Plants & The Bees: Plant Reproduction - CrashCourse Biology #38 10:24 1,073,111
2012-10-23 Fungi: Death Becomes Them - CrashCourse Biology #39 11:52 1,694,038
2012-10-29 Ecology - Rules for Living on Earth: Crash Course Biology #40 10:26 1,789,285
2013-01-28 Crash Course Biology & Ecology Outtakes 04:10 160,029