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Date Title Duration Views Transcribed Play
2017-04-06 Crash Course Film History Preview 01:30 698,969 Play
2017-04-14 Movies are Magic: Crash Course Film History #1 09:44 1,049,587 Play
2017-04-20 The First Movie Camera: Crash Course Film History #2 09:26 557,878 Play
2017-04-27 The Lumiere Brothers: Crash Course Film History #3 09:31 452,583 Play
2017-05-04 Georges Melies - Master of Illusion: Crash Course Film History #4 10:22 751,578 Play
2017-05-11 The Language of Film: Crash Course Film History #5 09:29 375,078 Play
2017-05-18 The Birth of the Feature Film: Crash Course Film History #6 10:10 340,663 Play
2017-05-26 German Expressionism: Crash Course Film History #7 10:26 505,062 Play
2017-06-01 Soviet Montage: Crash Course Film History #8 12:29 513,182 Play
2017-06-08 The Silent Era: Crash Course Film History #9 09:16 352,413 Play
2017-06-15 Breaking the Silence: Crash Course Film History #10 09:36 296,598 Play
2017-06-30 The Golden Age of Hollywood: Crash Course Film History #11 09:56 437,031 Play
2017-07-06 Independent Cinema: Crash Course Film History #12 10:30 303,909 Play
2017-07-13 Home Video: Crash Course Film History #13 10:19 233,483 Play
2017-07-20 World Cinema - Part 1: Crash Course Film History #14 10:16 245,588 Play
2017-07-27 World Cinema - Part 2: Crash Course Film History #15 09:54 166,116 Play
2017-08-03 Experimental and Documentary Films: Crash Course Film History #16 10:21 235,072 Play
2017-08-10 Outtakes: Crash Course Film History 05:41 45,543 Play
2018-03-05 The Inventor Who Vanished: Crash Course Recess #1 03:51 246,889 Play