Transcribed videos

Date Title Duration Views Transcribed
2015-07-29 Episode #4: What is Consent? - Engage by Uplift 06:08 8,339
2015-08-13 Episode #6: Coercion- Engage by Uplift 05:31 7,030
2015-08-27 Episode #8: Responding to Disclosures - Engage by Uplift 05:49 6,423
2015-09-10 Episode #10: Bystander Intervention - Engage by Uplift 06:06 4,528
2015-09-24 Episode #12: Power Dynamics Between Fans & Creators - Engage by Uplift 05:52 6,435
2015-11-12 Episode #18: People of Color & Sexual Assault - Engage by Uplift 06:38 5,999
2015-12-04 Episode #20: Asking for It - Engage by Uplift 06:27 2,825
2015-12-17 Episode #22: Rape Culture - Engage by Uplift 06:25 6,463
2016-01-07 Episode #24: Power of the Internet - Engage by Uplift 06:39 3,303