Transcribed videos

Date Title Duration Views Transcribed
2012-02-26 Obesity 11:59 1,825,217
2012-03-13 Why We Love Sugar 04:12 642,012
2012-03-15 The Sex Lives of Early Humans 03:58 12,465,975
2012-04-17 How Weed Works: THC 04:25 3,322,037
2012-04-27 Your Brain on Porn 06:48 3,590,766
2012-05-01 Why Sex? 04:53 1,059,293
2012-05-11 The Evolution of Male Homosexuality 07:51 1,759,694
2012-05-25 Origins of Intolerance 06:48 307,996
2012-06-04 Monogamy 08:41 1,220,566
2012-06-08 More on Mating & Monogamy 06:29 220,212
2012-07-05 5 Weird Reasons Not to Smoke 02:31 1,941,318
2012-07-10 5 Reasons Breastfeeding is Awesome 02:44 375,347
2012-07-24 3 Sad Surprises: The Human Genome Project 03:34 551,145
2012-11-04 Facts about Human Evolution 12:32 1,802,514
2012-11-19 Why Our Brains Want to Be Addicted | The Chemistry of Addiction 11:50 1,520,603
2013-03-26 Anxiety Hurts 03:21 682,273
2013-05-21 Angelina Jolie & Breast Cancer 03:47 265,047
2013-06-05 The Science of Hangovers 03:26 779,444
2013-06-11 Why Are There Righties & Lefties? 02:57 1,429,861
2013-08-29 Why Do We Kiss? 04:00 1,966,966
2013-09-10 Why Do We Laugh? 04:17 653,833
2013-09-17 Why Body Hair? 04:16 810,899
2013-09-20 What Happens If You're Struck By Lightning? 04:00 1,213,596
2013-09-25 5 Amazing Facts About Babies 03:03 611,689
2013-10-08 3 Weird Things That Happen When You're Pregnant 04:04 1,209,825
2013-10-15 Sleep: Why We Need It and What Happens Without It 08:37 2,239,851
2013-10-23 What Happens When You Stop Eating? 04:47 1,740,081
2013-10-26 Where Did Humans Come From? 04:29 409,650
2013-11-06 What Happens If You Go Without Water? 03:47 607,952
2013-11-13 What Color is Your Blood? 04:10 1,285,632
2013-11-15 Why We Feel Pain, and How We Kill it | A Look at Pain & Painkillers 10:05 1,397,997
2013-11-21 Can You Really Be Scared to Death? 03:45 1,182,374
2013-12-04 Placebos & Nocebos: How Your Brain Heals and Hurts You 03:44 425,720
2013-12-09 Performance Enhancing Drugs 09:02 1,298,092
2013-12-11 Sphincters - The Fascinating Truth 04:00 549,072
2013-12-17 The Agony of Motion Sickness 04:20 486,557
2013-12-21 Why Do Men Have Nipples? 03:42 1,259,185
2013-12-25 Why Do We Burp and Fart (So Much)?! 03:23 593,095
2014-01-03 The Truth About Gingers 04:26 7,021,804
2014-01-10 Circadian Rhythm and Your Brain's Clock 04:10 1,047,139
2014-01-21 Those Maddening Eyeball Floaters! 04:32 1,260,322
2014-02-07 Why Does Beer Make You Pee? 02:28 414,388
2014-02-11 Onions, Emotions, and Why We Cry 03:53 621,518
2014-02-13 10 Reasons You Might Be Hallucinating 09:09 1,462,619
2014-02-13 Do My Feet Smell Like Doritos? 02:44 334,363
2014-02-26 Why Did People Love Flappy Bird? 03:21 947,086
2014-02-27 Trouble in Bed: When Sleep Turns Against Us 07:51 950,052
2014-03-04 Why Do Bug Bites Itch? 02:25 929,855
2014-03-12 How Teenagers' Brains Are Actually Wired Differently 10:07 4,300,492
2014-03-18 Migraines: Not Just Another Headache 03:57 1,023,802
2014-03-24 Your Brain is Plastic 04:08 1,042,464
2014-03-25 Does Alcohol Really Keep You Warm? 02:00 255,726
2014-04-01 Kids and Sugar: The Sweet-and-Lowdown 03:22 672,633
2014-04-15 Why Do We Yawn? 02:46 442,359
2014-05-13 Chemistry & Corpses: The Science of Bog Bodies 04:13 322,783
2014-08-12 How Many Colors Can We See? 02:35 492,652
2014-08-29 SciShow Talk Show: The Clitoris & Wilbur the Hognose Snake 12:10 255,951
2014-09-04 Where Your Waste Actually Goes When You Flush 10:03 2,254,723
2014-09-10 Why Is My Poop Green? 02:49 1,654,812
2014-09-24 What Causes Brain Freeze? 02:48 546,385
2014-09-30 Does My Voice Really Sound Like That? 02:24 1,192,370
2014-10-15 World's Most Asked Questions: How Can I Get Rid of the Hiccups? 03:16 1,289,748
2014-10-16 World’s Most Asked Questions: What Is Love? 03:35 774,713
2014-10-20 How to Grow a Beard, According to Science 03:24 7,881,466
2014-10-22 World's Most Asked Questions: How Many Calories Should I Have in a Day? 03:51 424,481
2014-10-27 World's Most Asked Questions: How Can I Fall Asleep? 03:54 645,000
2014-10-31 3 Things We Can Do to Stop Ebola 06:00 354,247
2014-11-06 World's Most Asked Questions: Ten of YOUR Most Asked Questions! 04:33 471,873
2014-11-17 3 Facts About Dust Mites You'll Wish You Never Knew 04:01 655,688
2014-11-24 The Truth About Asparagus and Your Pee 04:36 755,203
2014-12-03 Motor Proteins: Tiny Pirates in Your Cells 03:36 410,347
2015-01-13 When You Burn Fat, Where Does it Go? | The Science of Weight Loss 02:42 2,229,283
2015-01-16 Dual-Sex Butterfly and the Risks of ... Oxygen 04:33 271,477
2015-03-10 Why Does Toothpaste Make Everything Taste Bad? 02:33 425,625
2015-10-19 3 Terrible Old-Timey Ways to (Not) Lose Weight 03:55 895,086
2016-01-27 The 6 Most Common Myths About Cancer 09:41 1,390,134
2017-12-19 Can You Really Die of Old Age? 02:21 293,474
2021-01-27 A User's Guide to the Human Body: Fun Facts You Should Know 22:31 362,099
2021-02-25 Body Parts You’ve Never Heard Of 04:50 108,728