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Subscribe for more: | VlogBrothers' Hank Green explains his relationship with his brother, "Fault in Our Stars" author, John Green. See more of these brothers at

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The Story of VlogBrothers' John Green (by Hank Green) | Vanity Fair's New Establishment #36

Songspub: Song "Momma" (Instrumental) Perfomed by MDR; Song "Black Curtain" (Instrumental) Performed by Lovett
Hank: I'm Hank Green. I'm half of the Vlogbrothers, the younger half. John and I have been making video blogs back and forth for seven years now and so I think it would be crazy to think that, ah, we're not kind of a little bit trying to one-up each other every video, so there's that brotherly thing.

When I first read The Fault In Our Stars I was, I called John pretty much right when I finished and I was like "You know this is gonna be a really big deal." A little bit of something inside of him knew, um, bit I don't think anybody expected it to get this big. Like I walk into airport book stores and not only is it there it's, like, featured and it has, like, its own shelf.

John's success has been weird and it has come along with a bunch of weird things like, uh, this thing which is that John is number 36 on Vanity Fair's New Establishment List among amazing company. Um, so we're making a video which I'm narrating.

John Green is a better Nerdfighter than you. What's a Nerdfighter you ask? Someone who fights on behalf of nerds. With YA novels and video blogs as his weapons, John Green has led a crusade for intellectualism and that's why he is number 36 on Vanity Fair's New Establishment List.

John started recruiting his nerd army with Vlogbrothers, a video blog that he hosts with his very handsome brother Hank who is me.

John: Good morning Hank.

Hank: Good morning John.

John: Good morning Hank.

Hank: Good morning John.

Together we dispense knowledge on everything from the science of the teenage brain to the history of the octothorpe. In one such video John briefly mentioned the concept of Nerdfighters and a movement was born. Now John and I have a series of educationy online shows like Crash Course and SciShow which have drawn more than 8.6 million subscribers on YouTube and have been viewed more than 1.6 billion times. We started VidCon, a conference/celebration to unite online video lovers.

Man: That sounds interesting.

Hank: John has garnered so much Internet influence that his literary recommendations boost sales in books, a phenomenon that book bloggers refer to as "The John Green Bump". And then, of course, there are the sales of John's own books.

Thanks to Nerdfighters, John's YA novel The Fault In Our Stars reached the number one position on Amazon as soon as he released the title, six months before it was even published. The insightful tear-jerking novel about teens with cancer has now sold more than 10.7 million copies and the movie version of the book hit the number one spot at the box office during its opening weekend, grossing over $266 million worldwide. At the first public screening when John took the stage, fans screamed louder for him than for the films stars and that's proof that nerds are one step closer to taking over the world.

It means a lot to me because I get to do cool things with my big brother and he's still my big brother, you know. Like, as you grow, like, that dynamic still exits where I just want him to think I'm cool even though I'm 34 years old.

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