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View count:5,601
Last sync:2025-02-02 20:00
This is like, record time from conception to fruition for an idea for me. Very exciting.
Hello. It's the 14th day of April, the 13th day of me vlogging everyday in April. I just got a new wide angle lens. That's me without it. That's me with it. Yeah.

Wide angle lenses are great, you get to have a lot more control over what you're doing with the camera. It comes along with a bunch of different stuff that I have gotten so far to make my audio/visual set-up a lot better. Which includes a mic-holder, that actually fits my mic stand. Whereas before, it sort of like hung off, and it would like, fall all the time. That's why my mic hisses a little bit. You hear the hiss? Yeah.

So, last week I told you about Truth or Fail fact finders and already it is up and it is working and it is running and it is working extremely well. You can go to or just click on the link in my pants and then all of your people who raised your hands before, you can go and you can search out facts and you can find facts. 

There are a couple of things on that page that do not work. Like the links at the bottom that goes to the guide to go to facts. I have written the guide to go to facts, I just have not put it into a webpage yet. 

But I figured I would talk about what makes a really good Truth or Fail fact right now. I love Truth or Fail facts when they are surprising, interesting, fascinating. Has a nice interesting description. It's got to have more than just the fact to it, it's got to also have a little bit of backstory. Which is why the admission form has a "more info" section. Also it's very important that you leave a citation. We have to fact-check all of these facts, and a lot of the facts...are hard to fact-check. Also, citations are better when they are articles from reputable newspapers or Wikipedia articles, not lists of trivia facts, because lists of trivia facts are often full of not true things. 

Pitfalls to avoid include:
1. Overly specific facts. Like facts that are dates or number based. Because nobody cares whether 49,000 or 50,000 of something happened. If it's the difference between, you know, one number and another number, nobody cares.

Also, overly esoteric facts. So, if you know a lot of stuff about Star Wars, and you're giving me facts that are like, you know, interesting to people who are really, really into Star Wars, that's not going to do well. Truth or Fail needs to have a very broad appeal. 

Also, for that reason, it's good to avoid stuff, generally, that you know a lot about. Because things that you know a lot about, you might not think that a fact is interesting because you've heard it a thousand times, and you've known it for years. But the fact is, not, most people probably haven't. 

I like to write Truth or Fail about stuff I don't really know much about, because when I write it about stuff I know a lot about, the facts that most people find interesting, I don't find interesting anymore. So I end up doing facts that most people don't find interesting, because they're so esoteric. 

So those are just a couple of guidelines before jumping in. Now, please, if you're interested, jump in. If you submit a fact, and it gets approved, I'm pretty sure that our system will send you an email, saying that your fact has been approved. If your fact doesn't get approved, it's not necessarily because it's a bad fact. It could also be because we have already had that fact submitted by someone else. 

But I have learned so many fascinating things over the last few hours, just going through these facts, and doing the fact-checks. Thank-you all, so very much. I'll talk to you tomorrow.