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MLA Full: "BONUS: We Are All Bat People (Songified Batman Argument)." YouTube, uploaded by vlogbrothers, 30 March 2015,
MLA Inline: (vlogbrothers, 2015)
APA Full: vlogbrothers. (2015, March 30). BONUS: We Are All Bat People (Songified Batman Argument) [Video]. YouTube.
APA Inline: (vlogbrothers, 2015)
Chicago Full: vlogbrothers, "BONUS: We Are All Bat People (Songified Batman Argument).", March 30, 2015, YouTube, 02:09,
New Auto-Tune the News Featuring Hank:

The Gregory Brothers (of Auto-Tune the News and Schmoyoho) got a hold of our argument about Batman, and made it into a catchy song. SO HONORED TO BE A SONGIFIED VIDEO!

You can download the song on iTunes!

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Voice-over: Good morning, Hank and John. You remember that epic Batman argument you had? 

John (speaking):  I kind of HATE Batman...

Voice-over: It just got songified so... now we can all dance to the sound of brothers fighting. 

Hank (singing): You've got Batman ENTIRELY wrong. John, we are all bat-people. 

(clap clap clap) 

John (singing): Hank, Gotham never gets better for long. Crime is not actually caused by evil. 

Hank (singing and overlapping John): We are all bat-people!

John (singing): Crime is not actually caused by evil! 
(3-beat instrumental break

John (singing): Batman's just a rich guy with an affinity for bats, who is playing out his insane fantasy... how is that heroic?
Hank (singing): Batman's values and actions are a reflection of our own values and actions to make the world BETTER! 
John (singing): Doesn't Batman understand how difficult it is for an underfunded city like Gotham to replace roads and bridges?
Hank (singing): We see ourselves in the cracks in his facade, in his anger and frustration because we have all these things too.
John (singing): Hank

Hank (singing): John, John

John (singing): Hank

Hank (singing): John

John (signing): Hank, Hank...
Hank (singing): John, you've got Batman ENTIRELY wrong..... John, we are all Bat-people! 
( clap clap clap )

John (singing): Hank, Gotham never gets better for long... Crime is not actually caused by evil! 
Hank (singing): We are all bat-people! 
John (singing): Crime is not actually caused by evil! 

(Instrumental Break

John (singing): Crime is caused by systemic disenfranchisement and poverty and lack of access to job opportunities...
Hank (singing): We are not the heroes Earth needs (echoes: Earth needs)... but the heroes Earth just happened to get. 
John (singing): Hank

Hank (singing): John, John
John (singing): Hank

Hank (singing): John

John (singing): Hank, Hank

Hank (singing): John, you've got Batman ENTIRELY wrong! John, we are ALL Bat-people! 
( clap clap, clap ) 

John (singing): Hank, Gotham never gets better for long. Crime is NOT actually caused by evil! 
Hank (singing): We are all bat-people! 

John (singing and slightly overlapping Hank): Crime is not actually caused by evil... 
(clap clap, clap clap)

Hank and John at the same time: John/Hank, I will see you on Friday/Tuesday.
Voice-over: ...and everybody won. THE END. 
(voice-over clip from suggested video plays over end roll)