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Last sync:2025-01-28 04:15


Citation formatting is not guaranteed to be accurate.
MLA Full: "Cup Stacking and Glasses Picking." YouTube, uploaded by vlogbrothers, 28 September 2011,
MLA Inline: (vlogbrothers, 2011)
APA Full: vlogbrothers. (2011, September 28). Cup Stacking and Glasses Picking [Video]. YouTube.
APA Inline: (vlogbrothers, 2011)
Chicago Full: vlogbrothers, "Cup Stacking and Glasses Picking.", September 28, 2011, YouTube, 03:51,
In which Hank discusses the international peculiarity of Cup Stacking, the undeniable skill of Steven Purugganan, the subjective value of most things and asks you to help him pick his new glasses.


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A Bunny
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Good morning John. You may have noticed that my glasses keep falling off of my face, so I am at the mall, and I was hoping, if at all possible, if you could help me decide on a new pair of glasses. Because I love these, but they are irreparably wacky-falling-off-my-head-bent-out-of-shape. So I'm gonna pick five, and then you're gonna vote on which one I should get. If you remember, that's what I did originally with these glasses, some four years ago. I did well that time, so I trust you not to make a really horrible decision. But before we get to the voting I have something very important to discuss with you: cup stacking. Sorry. I should have said sport stacking, because that is the official name of the sport in which you stack cups. Alex Day! Stop, don't fall! Ah! Since Alex doesn't have a poster, he said in his recent video that people could just put his vinyl album up on the wall, so that's what I did. Back to sport stacking. Now, I've watched a lot of sport stacking videos on YouTube and I imagine if you spend any time on YouTube you've watched them as well. Now, there's two kind of visceral reactions that one has upon watching, for example, world record holder Steven Purugganan, fourteen years old, stack cups really fast. One just, legitimately, that's crazy, that's amazing, that's a physically amazing feat. And the second is inevitably: why? So I find cup stacking weird but the really weird thing about finding it weird is that it's kind of weird that we find it weird. Do you follow me on that one? So it's strange to us to think that a fourteen year old child would spend, you know, significant hours, like tens of hours a week developing cup stacking skills, but it's not strange to us at all to think that a child would spend a lot of time developing, like, kicking balls into net skills or throwing balls through hoops skills or knocking balls into holes far away with clubs skills. I'm just rambling now but sports, I think, by definition, are useless activities. Like if they were useful, they wouldn't be sports. Whether you're knocking down pins or throwing balls or stacking cups, there's no, like, objective reason to be doing those things. Value is placed upon those things by mutual agreement of a group of people, whether that group of people is several hundred cup stackers, or thirty million people watching the Super Bowl. 
This collective agreement is where almost all value comes from. There might be some value that's genetic, that like we, like, love and family and that- that kind of value, that's not a collective agreement, that's just something that's in us. But everything else, it's not, it's not objectively valuable. We value it because we've come together as a group of people to value it. Cup stacking, to me, points this out because it's so new and it's so peculiar that the first reaction that everyone has is “What? Why would someone spend time doing that?” But that's the question: why do we spend time doing anything? It's because we, and the people that we care about, the people in our communities get excited about ideas and we do them together and it's fun. I am kind of worried that sport stacking is kind of coming to an end because there may just not be any way to get any better than Steven Purugganan already is. But whatever. A community created sport stacking, it drove people to do amazing things, and the community that created sport stacking, kind of, sport stacking created that community! And the guy who popularized it was a freaking P.E. teacher! And now he runs like a four-million-dollar-a-year sport stacking business! I mean, that's just really impressive, I mean, you can count the number of P.E teachers who've turned their P.E. career into million-dollar businesses on like one, like one finger. So that is why I think sport stacking is pretty cool and very nerdy, And now we must move on to pick my glasses, so here they are! We have these ones, we have these ones, we have these ones, we have these ones, and we have these ones. And now is your chance to click. You will be taken to a video, and the view count for that video will be the absolute score for those glasses, so if you watch all of them, your vote doesn't count. So don't do that, just watch the one or ones that you like the best. And then I'm gonna buy those, and then I'm gonna wear them for, like, ever, so don't screw it up! I'll be able to stop pushing my glasses up every three seconds. Which, for the people who uh, who seem to rejoice in counting the number of glasses push-ups that I do in a video, I know that will be sad for you. But for the rest of you, hopefully, you'll be happy. John, I'll see you on Friday.