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MLA Full: "Fox Area Hose Down!" YouTube, uploaded by Animal Wonders Montana, 20 May 2021,
MLA Inline: (Animal Wonders Montana, 2021)
APA Full: Animal Wonders Montana. (2021, May 20). Fox Area Hose Down! [Video]. YouTube.
APA Inline: (Animal Wonders Montana, 2021)
Chicago Full: Animal Wonders Montana, "Fox Area Hose Down!", May 20, 2021, YouTube, 09:50,
Seraphina, our red fox, is due for a full hose down of her enclosure. Warm weather combined with her diligent den digging activity, made for a very dusty situation. Add in some fun new toys to discovered after a good hose down and we have one very happy fox!

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Hello!  Welcome back to Animal Wonders.  I'm Jessie.  Today I would like to show you how we clean out the fox enclosure.  It's a big project; we don't do this all the time.  We go in and we clean up the poop and all the dirty toys and things like that and give new toys.  But this is a big clean.  We're actually going to hose down the entire thing.

(Intro Music)

So the first thing we need to do is hook up the hose.  Let's go do that.  It is bright out here.  Thankfully it is nice and warm-ish.  I mean it's like almost 50 degrees that feels really warm after a Montana winter.  But it's warm enough that we can start doing water things; we've moved the hose outside, it won't freeze anymore and I'm going to go ahead and hook it up to the spigot and then we will drag the whole hose out to the fox enclosure.

We have a couple other construction projects going on.  We've got some gravel and we're working on our water ways, and some water's squirting out.  Hello Water!  What're you doing?  Like it's been locked on.  Unlock it.

Alright, now that we have the hose drug over to the fox enclosure we can see the outdoor door and we can see Seraphina is just sleeping away.  Look at this little cuite!  Hello.  Hi sweetheart.  You're having a great time.  Alright, I'm going to go ahead and make sure she is locked off in the indoor room.  I don't think she's going to mind too much.  But I want to make sure that she is not able to access the outside because I will be opening the door.

 Hi Seraphina!  You made it super dusty that's why we're cleaning you off.  She ran outside.  Slide that in there... That looks so dirty but it's not dirty it's just worn there.  Alright, so now we've locked that off; she cannot come through.  So now if she wants to come in - Hi, what are you doing?  What are you doing?  Hi!.  What a cute little fox!  Where are you going?  Hi!  Hi.   Hi sweetheart.  Yeah.  We're gonna deal with some of this dust you've made.  You made it very dusty in here.

Hey sweet girl, can you come inside now?  Yeah?  Come inside and relax like you were.  No, I will go in here and sit.  Go on in there!  Go on in there!  What are you doing?   What are you doing?  There she goes!  Nice pee spot too, let's get you all clean.

Alright now she is successfully locked off.  It is so dusty!  And that's why we're hosing it down.  There's no way we could wipe down all th is dust.  It is too dusty.  Look at that enrichment!  A box that she's ripped apart.  And that toy that she's demolished.  She's ripped that apart too but she's been super busy digging this tunnel -this little den here and kicking up all the dirt.  So time to de-dust.  You can even see on this doorknob it is so dusty, ugh!  Unlock and now we can open the door to the outside and there's our hose.

Alright! Let's do this.
(Washes enclosure)

It feels so much nicer in here!  It doesn't smell dusty.  It smells kind of like the forest smells after a rain.  Makes sense.  Everything is nice and washed clean with the water now the last thing I need to do is clean up the enrichment: the boxes that she's ripped apart, give her some new toys, and let her back in here.
(Tidying enclosure)

I have a whole bunch of fun toys for her.  Got this and this and this and this and this and this and a new blanket so I'm going to set these around real quick.  She's watching me from the window.  
(Places new toys)

Alright!  Let's let her back in.  (Happy Fox noises).  Now some animals can consume paper but luckily Sarafina does not eat paper.  So it is safe for me to put food on it.  
(Fox Playing)

Hi!  Is that your toy?  Yeah?  Do you like it so much?  Do you like it so much that you're going to bury it so nobody else can steal it?  Make sure it's nice and burried.  Good job.  Well done.  I love how foxes bury things with their nose.  Now your nose is all dirty!  Yeah, that's yours.  
(Fox playing)

Hi.  Hey sweetie girl.  Yeah (fox noises).  
While Seraphina is busy finishing off her banana I'd like to say thank you for watching and if you'd like to keep going on animal adventures with us and learning how we take care of all of these amazing animals be sure to subscribe and I'll see you soon.  Bye!