Hello and welcome to Hankgames without Hank! My name is John Green. I'm the manager of the AFC Wimbledon Wimbly Womblys, today taking on Brentford, once-mighty Brentford. Now they've got a guy with grey hair in their starting line up. Um, Brentford used to be one of the uh- I- and I think are again, sort of a... Hot team in world football, but um, here they are with a goal keeper named Button. Uh, taking on the AFC Wimbledon Wimbly Womblys.
You just saw Callum Kennedy's hideous, horrible, unforgivable hair. Meredith likes it. And uh, you also saw John Green's beautiful, beautiful ginger puff. Um, used to be John Bennet, but then he married John Green and he became John Green.
Today Meredith is going to tell me the top AFI movies of all time and I'm going to tell you what I thought of them, if i saw them, which I probably didn't.
Quick preface here, I like bad movies. Um and I know- it's a character flaw and I want to apologize to like proper film fans out there. Oh, these handshakes, they're so much better than they were in FIFA 13. Um, I want to apologize to proper film fans, including Meredith. As you can see there we're top of the league, we're top of the league, AFC Wimbledon, top of the league.
Um, but yeah, I mean you gotta say we are not favorites to go up this season, - it's our first season in league one, can we really achieve back-to-back promotions? It's looking good at the moment, but um, you know... We haven't- it hasn't been nearly as easy as last year. Um, so Meredith, I know you were a film major - I want to apologize to you in advance for all- the- my total ignorance when it comes to proper, good movies.
When I met Josh Boone, the director of The Fault in Our Stars movie, he asked me what my favorite movie was and I said my favorite movie is Harvey which is I- I think is a justifiable choice although it's not really a filmy kind of film - it was a play before it was a movie, and then I said that my second favorite movie was Die Hard 4 and he was so horrified.
Now my second favorite movie isn't Die Hard 4, but it is one of my favorite movies. I think that it's an important film and certainly in American history, but also in world cinema. Um, you know, it really, it brought something new, uh, to- what, what is going on? That guy just dribbled for seventeen minutes.
Um, it brought something new to uh, to film that we hadn't seen before. It was, it was like Gravity, but instead of being sort of a special effects revolution it was a revolution, um , in the character, uh played by Bruce Willis whose name I forget because, you know, we all know that he's just Bruce Willis. Oh God, what are we doing against Brentford! Oh, for the love of everything holy!