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MLA Full: "There are so many bodies in the Paris Catacombs. | Tangents Clip #shorts #SciShow #SciShowTangents." YouTube, uploaded by SciShow, 24 August 2022,
MLA Inline: (SciShow, 2022)
APA Full: SciShow. (2022, August 24). There are so many bodies in the Paris Catacombs. | Tangents Clip #shorts #SciShow #SciShowTangents [Video]. YouTube.
APA Inline: (SciShow, 2022)
Chicago Full: SciShow, "There are so many bodies in the Paris Catacombs. | Tangents Clip #shorts #SciShow #SciShowTangents.", August 24, 2022, YouTube, 00:59,
Check out the full episode here:

Ceri Riley: Host
Sam Schultz: Host, Editor, Producer
Hank Green: Executive Producer, Host
Sarah Suta: Producer
Seth Gliksman: Editor
Savannah Geary: Editor, Associate Producer
Hank- In the 18th century, the city of Paris had a problem. They had too many dead bodies lying around in mass graves in their cemeteries, creating unsanitary conditions for the city's residents. Approximately how many bodies were moved from those cemeteries to the Paris catacombs?

Ceri- You're a Halloween expert, Sam. I feel like you would- you're going to be good at this question

Sam- Oh

C- How many bodies is like, it goes from being cool to "EW!' And then you start shoving them somewhere.

S- Well... skeletons are different. Bodies is one.

*All Laughing*

H- It's very true! yeah.

S- Skeletons... Skeletons, though, is 700,000 skeletons.

C- Oh?

S- If it's 700,001 skeletons? You got to get me out of there.

H- *laughing* Okay.

C- Okay, I'm going to say... 400,000.

H- Six... Million.

C- Ahhhhhhh!

S- Oh my god!

*all laughing*