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MLA Full: "When you sit for so long your butt hurts #shorts #science #SciShow." YouTube, uploaded by SciShow, 14 March 2022,
MLA Inline: (SciShow, 2022)
APA Full: SciShow. (2022, March 14). When you sit for so long your butt hurts #shorts #science #SciShow [Video]. YouTube.
APA Inline: (SciShow, 2022)
Chicago Full: SciShow, "When you sit for so long your butt hurts #shorts #science #SciShow.", March 14, 2022, YouTube, 00:52,
After sitting and scrolling through the internet for hours, your butt can start to hurt. Why? Dead butt syndrome, also known as gluteal amnesia.

The butt muscle, or gluteus maximus, is your biggest and strongest muscle. Its job is to stabilize you and help you preform all sorts of movements, like I could use mine for walking upstairs, or squatting, or doing a really great dance. But the muscle can weaken if you sit for too long, leading to dead butt syndrome. 

If you've ever felt your butt going numb after a long road trip, that could also be from a different cause, like a pinched sciatic nerve, which goes through your butt and ends in your leg. 

So one solution to this is to always keep your butt muscles engaged by varying what you sit on or standing periodically. Some researchers say that for most people it's okay to sit more than double the time you stand, while others say you should only sit one third of the time you stand.

That is not happening, but either way, variety should help you get that butt in gear.