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MLA Full: "Now, we can be as quiet as owls #shorts #science #SciShow." YouTube, uploaded by SciShow, 28 April 2022,
MLA Inline: (SciShow, 2022)
APA Full: SciShow. (2022, April 28). Now, we can be as quiet as owls #shorts #science #SciShow [Video]. YouTube.
APA Inline: (SciShow, 2022)
Chicago Full: SciShow, "Now, we can be as quiet as owls #shorts #science #SciShow.", April 28, 2022, YouTube, 01:00,
Imagine the jet propellers of a plane. 

Now put owl wings on them. I did not have you do that just for fun. This is an actual sound-dampening solution. See, owls have special feathers that allow them to fly quietly and sneak up on their dinner. And the secret is letting air flow through each feather's evenly spaced bristles and fringe. That smooths and scatters and silences the air. 

So we may be able to copy that to make technology quieter, from wind turbines to planes. Jet and wind turbine noise both come from the wind flowing off the back of each blade, creating air turbulence that we experience as noise. 

So researchers 3D printed an owl wing-shaped cover to go over air turbine blades. And the prototypes were ten decibels quieter without slowing them down. If we're able to achieve that with planes in the future, a Boeing 737 would sound ten times quieter when landing. 

So even though an owl wing is small scale, we can use these stealth hacks at larger scales to make big wing-inspired tech.