Video statistics

Date Title
2019-08-02 Crash Course Artificial Intelligence Preview 03:50 576,052 16,756 161 635 3,991
2019-08-09 What Is Artificial Intelligence? Crash Course AI #1 11:46 742,068 18,356 4 581 12,113
2019-08-16 Supervised Learning: Crash Course AI #2 15:23 394,235 9,369 103 263 16,012
2019-08-23 Neural Networks and Deep Learning: Crash Course AI #3 12:23 339,725 7,547 5 177 12,605
2019-08-30 Training Neural Networks: Crash Course AI #4 12:29 190,692 4,851 50 139 13,491
2019-09-06 How to make an AI read your handwriting (LAB) : Crash Course Ai #5 17:17 175,111 4,969 50 155 18,340
2019-09-20 Unsupervised Learning: Crash Course AI #6 12:35 172,218 4,147 53 82 12,798
2019-09-27 Natural Language Processing: Crash Course AI #7 13:29 138,500 3,386 0 109 14,289
2019-10-04 Make an AI sound like a YouTuber (LAB): Crash Course AI #8 16:00 90,495 2,242 23 101 17,565
2019-10-11 Reinforcement Learning: Crash Course AI #9 11:28 147,696 3,774 30 76 11,872
2019-10-18 Symbolic AI: Crash Course AI #10 13:22 113,856 2,983 1 94 13,600
2019-10-25 Robotics: Crash Course AI #11 10:12 133,756 2,655 3 77 11,268
2019-11-01 AI Playing Games: Crash Course AI #12 11:31 82,761 1,812 31 105 11,999
2019-11-08 Let's make an AI that destroys video games: Crash Course AI #13 13:26 93,227 2,038 24 66 15,687
2019-11-15 Humans and AI working together: Crash Course AI #14 10:13 72,886 1,642 33 72 11,447
2019-11-22 How YouTube knows what you should watch: Crash Course AI #15 10:52 86,426 2,873 42 107 12,353
2019-11-29 Let's make a movie recommendation system: Crash Course AI #16 14:41 72,196 1,672 26 60 17,299
2019-12-06 Web Search: Crash Course AI #17 11:15 82,158 1,773 36 60 12,275
2019-12-13 Algorithmic Bias and Fairness: Crash Course AI #18 11:20 170,202 3,343 4 154 12,768
2019-12-20 Cats vs Dogs? Let's make an AI to settle this: Crash Course AI #19 13:05 84,334 1,760 0 98 14,794
2019-12-27 The Future of Artificial Intelligence: Crash Course AI #20 11:00 209,424 4,166 109 191 11,665