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Date Title Duration Views Transcribed Play
2015-05-28 The Case For Andy Warhol | The Art Assignment | PBS Digital Studios 03:42 469,869 Play
2015-07-02 The Case For Mark Rothko | The Art Assignment | PBS Digital Studios 04:20 538,745 Play
2016-02-18 The Case for Yoko Ono | The Art Assignment | PBS Digital Studios 06:46 205,448 Play
2016-03-24 The Case for Minimalism | The Art Assignment | PBS Digital Studios 04:37 302,782 Play
2016-07-28 The Case for Abstraction | The Art Assignment | PBS Digital Studios 09:18 1,114,253 Play
2016-09-08 The Case for Performance Art | The Art Assignment | PBS Digital Studios 09:10 585,717 Play
2016-10-06 The Case for Ai Weiwei | The Art Assignment | PBS Digital Studios 05:54 410,746 Play
2016-12-16 Cases for Political Art | The Art Assignment | PBS Digital Studios 12:55 321,159 Play
2017-03-16 The Case for Surrealism | The Art Assignment | PBS Digital Studios 10:18 972,237 Play
2017-05-04 The Case for Copying | The Art Assignment | PBS Digital Studios 10:53 422,891 Play
2017-06-15 The Case for Land Art | The Art Assignment | PBS Digital Studios 09:29 309,511 Play