Video statistics

Date Title
2013-12-22 Poinsettias Aren't Poisonous, and Other Holiday Myths: Healthcare Triage #8 06:44 86,067 2,081 35 243 7,749
2014-01-13 Myths About Antibiotics: Healthcare Triage #11 05:29 101,654 2,340 21 310 6,992
2014-05-11 Pregnancy Myths 10:05 202,507 3,429 64 475 12,002
2014-06-22 Citronella, Poison Potato Salad, and other Summer Myths 06:43 81,699 2,237 19 207 7,842
2014-12-16 Cold Weather Myths: Healthcare Triage 04:45 123,147 2,475 33 278 5,649
2015-01-23 Myths About Foster Care and About Abused Kids: HCT News 03:47 27,302 1,014 13 61 4,287
2015-02-20 Patients Bossing Doctors Around? It's a Myth: HCTriage News 03:24 26,803 1,045 7 99 3,992
2015-09-22 Myths About IUDs 07:03 178,751 2,125 37 284 8,161
2015-10-27 Strangers Aren't Going to Poison Your Kids' Halloween Candy 06:30 74,654 2,028 49 257 7,308