Untranscribed videos

Date Title Duration Views Transcribed
2016-09-02 If You Need Surgery, Make Sure Your Surgeon is a Specialist 03:35 17,407
2016-09-09 The EpiPanic About the EpiPen Continues! 03:50 28,641
2016-09-17 Big Sugar, Big Money, and the Obfuscated Truth About Heart Disease 04:26 35,378
2016-09-30 Someone Give That Baby Peanut Protein! Also, Wearables Alone Don't Lead to Weight Loss. 04:00 16,172
2016-10-21 Health Care Reform, and the Issues We Face 05:48 22,826
2016-10-28 Lots of Private Insurance is Publicly Funded 04:33 14,331
2016-11-19 Republicans' Many Plans to Replace Obamacare 07:04 36,190
2016-12-16 Getting In-Network Care is Harder Than You'd Think 05:02 10,750
2016-12-23 It's Time for Your HPV Vaccine. Which is Effective after Only Two Shots 03:54 13,275
2017-01-06 Americans Spend a Lot on Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Back Pain 03:43 12,698
2017-01-13 Medicaid for Children Leads to Better Outcomes Later in Life 03:58 8,637
2017-01-20 The Effectiveness of Screening and Treating Diabetes 04:51 11,438
2017-02-03 Many with Employer Insurance Still Need CHIP to Insure Their Kids 04:28 10,488
2017-02-17 Good News! We Can Have Successes in Population Health! 03:55 11,967
2017-03-03 Are Beta-Blockers Useful in the Elderly after a Heart Attack? 04:02 13,220
2017-03-24 A Look at The DASH Diet 20 Years Later 04:05 39,557
2017-03-31 Health Care Reform, Tradeoffs, and the Need for Negotiation 03:56 21,877
2017-04-14 Measuring Safety Might Actually Improve It...At Least Temporarily 04:05 9,603
2017-04-28 Data and Studies on Malpractice 04:17 11,666
2017-05-05 Narrow Insurance Networks Limit Access, Especially for Kids 04:14 10,404
2017-05-21 The Advantages of Medicare Advantage 04:36 12,892
2017-06-09 Prostate Screenings Are Cool Again! 04:05 10,894
2017-06-16 Losing Sleep Over Where Babies Sleep 04:27 13,491
2017-07-07 The Senate's BCRA Bill: High Premiums, Huge Deductibles, AND Massive Medicaid Cuts 05:08 19,024
2017-07-14 The Senate and Obamacare, Part Deux 04:55 13,468
2017-07-21 There Still Hasn't Been a Vote on the BCRA 04:09 11,220
2017-08-04 Republicans Didn't Quite Repeal Obamacare...Yet 04:36 14,839
2017-08-11 The Trump Administration Has Many Options to Undermine Obamacare 03:40 11,548
2017-08-20 CBO to Trump: Ending Cost Sharing Increases Deficit 03:53 14,027