Video statistics

Date Title
2014-02-17 The Healthcare System of the United States 07:36 781,630 7,984 118 1,182 10,074
2014-02-23 Canada's Healthcare System Explained! 07:25 713,108 11,150 322 2,241 8,766
2014-04-27 The Healthcare System of France 05:43 297,699 5,519 45 1,097 6,444
2014-05-18 Healthcare in The United Kingdom 06:12 466,377 5,879 129 2,128 6,682
2014-06-16 Healthcare in Singapore 08:13 299,590 5,374 65 617 9,298
2014-07-28 Healthcare in Germany 07:27 414,190 5,914 67 979 8,220
2014-08-11 Switzerland's Healthcare Explained! 07:08 216,578 3,325 36 632 7,956
2014-12-01 Australian Health Care 06:58 301,276 3,607 37 815 7,791