Video statistics

Date Title
2014-03-14 The Science Of REAL Hoverboards 04:41 533,502 12,313 113 1,141 5,747
2014-03-29 The Next X Prize: Artificial Intelligence! 04:23 281,039 7,645 60 974 5,187
2014-04-26 From Heartbleed to Tamiflu: Why We're Less Safe Than We Thought 05:22 354,909 9,662 84 734 6,255
2015-02-10 How Did a Magnet Just Break My Monitor? 01:59 547,467 12,082 321 854 2,712
2015-03-05 How Robotics Got Started: A Brief History 10:37 923,190 14,706 254 1,073 12,597
2022-01-05 The High-Tech Future of Sustainable Fishing 05:55 123,657 6,069 0 515 6,848