All videos

Date Title Duration Views Transcribed Play
2013-08-23 How to Open Champagne with a Saber -- Be More Interesting (Pt. 1 of 8) 04:43 235,151 Play
2013-08-30 How to Rip a Phonebook in Half -- Be More Interesting (Pt. 2 of 8) 04:07 251,940 Play
2013-09-06 How to Start a Fire Without Matches -- Be More Interesting (Pt. 3 of 8) 04:56 276,980 Play
2013-09-13 How to Walk on a Tightrope -- Be More Interesting (Pt. 4 of 8) 05:27 138,619 Play
2013-09-20 How to Break a Board -- Be More Interesting (Pt. 5 of 8) 05:59 168,323 Play
2013-09-26 How to Cook the Perfect Steak -- Be More Interesting (Pt. 7 of 8) 05:31 26,280 Play
2013-09-27 How to Master Archery -- Be More Interesting (Pt. 6 of 8) 04:47 155,997 Play
2013-10-04 How to Shave with a Straight Razor -- Be More Interesting (Pt. 8 of 8) 04:59 276,831 Play