Video statistics

Date Title
2012-09-07 Intro to Vlogging - Maria Of The Lu - Ep: 1 02:36 270,881 3,543 34 491 1,908
2012-09-11 What Are You Watching? - Ep: 2 02:04 198,615 2,280 9 457 1,825
2012-09-14 Vlogging 2.0 - Ep: 3 01:32 181,898 1,890 6 167 1,498
2012-09-18 Editing Exercise - Ep: 4 01:53 171,701 1,927 8 132 1,789
2012-09-21 Mentoring - Ep: 5 01:55 162,290 2,011 14 212 1,783
2012-09-25 Employee Evaluation - Ep: 6 02:06 163,742 2,106 9 171 1,756
2012-09-28 Without Reservation - Ep: 7 01:33 173,540 2,598 6 185 1,338