100 days
100 Days follows two best friends, John Green and Chris Waters, on a quest to improve their fitness and health over a one hundred day period. Two averagely unfit guys in their (very) late 30s, John and Chris learn from the experts how to make sustainable changes in their lives and have a healthy and productive midlife crisis.
100 Days follows two best friends, John Green and Chris Waters, on a quest to improve their fitness and health over a one hundred day period. Two averagely unfit guys in their (very) late 30s, John and Chris learn from the experts how to make sustainable changes in their lives and have a healthy and productive midlife crisis.
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Date | Title | Duration | Views | Transcribed |
2016-12-19 | First Steps with Craig Benzine | 100 Days | 04:44 | 94,415 | |
2017-01-01 | Consulting the Experts | 100 Days | 08:34 | 88,599 | |
2017-01-06 | From Balance Balls to Medicine Balls: Days 3-7 | 100 Days | 07:08 | 102,234 |