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Chelsea speaks with plastic surgery and beauty expert @LorryHill about the cost of cosmetic and plastic surgeries, the beauty maintenance celebrities are really buying into, and how we're all buying into a lie when it comes to celeb beauty secrets.
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Hello, everyone.
And welcome back to an all-new episode of The Financial Confessions, for which I am extremely excited because it's not every day that on this show we get to have someone whose content I watch so regularly. As you guys know, or perhaps maybe you don't, we've had a few other YouTubers on this channel whose content that I like to watch often, more in the social, political commentary genre, people like Big Joel and Tiffany Ferg.
And I love speaking to them as well. But it's been a while that we haven't had someone in a category that is a bit removed from the day-to-day, nitty-gritty of personal finance, but which, as we've discussed before heavily on this channel, impacts us financially, especially as women, in a massive way. I'm talking specifically about beauty norms, beauty standards, and the entire world and increasing industrial complex of cosmetic procedures.
Some of the most popular content that we've done on our channel in the past year has been about this phenomenon. I did a video about how celebrities are gaslighting us about beauty, as well as how they all manage to look so young. And no, it's not because they're unproblematic.
I did a video about the rise of Instagram face. And we also, in our new podcast series, Too Good to Be True, had our hosts, Ryan and Julia, dive into the often dark world of essentially counterfeit, or cheap, or shoddily done cosmetic procedures, which are increasingly the norm, as people want these effects but aren't necessarily able to afford what it really costs. Now, in the case of that episode of Too Good To Be True, our host, Ryan, went into detailed description of the many procedures that he's had done over the past few years, which totaled in the tens of thousands of dollars and necessitated months of arduous recovery.
And I've also been honest about various things that I've had done, mostly dermatological stuff and often to do with my ongoing, never-ending battle with my rosacea and acne. So it's important to note that at TFD, we never have, and continue to not have, judgments about procedures that you may deem worthy. We, of course, want you to make sure that they're financially viable for you and that you're not cutting corners in a way that could possibly damage you.
But where I do take a lot of issue is back to that initial comment about celebrities, influencers, and the wealthy effectively gaslighting us all about what is actually necessary to maintain these unbelievable aesthetics. It's not surprising that someone who was not only born genetically beautiful and also has limitless access to millions of dollars and a team of specialists to help monitor their diet, their exercise, their dermatology, their cosmetic procedures, and everything else, would manage to be beautiful well into older age. But it is surprising the extent to which it's still normalized to outright lie about these things.
And where that often does become incredibly insidious is when you consider the many young, impressionable people who are following these celebrities and influencers, who take their word for it and believe that if they're not able to achieve the same results, it's because something's wrong with them. My guest today is a YouTuber who I've watched extensively, and not only whose content I enjoy, but whose mission I really appreciate. Her platform is all about destigmatizing and understanding the reality of these cosmetic procedures in a way that's judgment-free but is also realistic about what actually goes on behind the scenes, so we can stop tricking ourselves into thinking that we're not seeing what we're actually seeing when we open up a magazine or Instagram.
So without further ado, I'd love to welcome my guest, YouTuber Lorry Hill. Hi. It's so nice to be here.
Hi. It's so nice to have you. Welcome.
So, for anyone listening or watching who may not be familiar with your content, could you just quickly summarize it for us? Yeah. So basically, my content is all about revealing celebrity plastic surgery and possible cosmetic procedures for people whose eyes are less attuned to different changes on the face.
A lot of times people will see a celebrity or somebody in the public eye and think something's changed about them, but they don't really realize or know what it is. Because I have kind of an extensive background in plastic surgery research, I can tell, generally, if the change came from plastic surgery or from aging or, less likely, from puberty. So my goal is just to lift the veil, as I say on my channel, of secrecy surrounding plastic surgery in the entertainment industry so that people just stop comparing themselves to celebrities.
It's interesting that you say "puberty" because something that's pretty new is the extent to which a lot of these procedures are happening on, effectively, children who aren't finished developing. Obviously, we can think of really clear examples, like Kylie Jenner and Bella Hadid, girls, essentially, who went through a lot of changes before their face was ever even able to fully develop. And I'm interested to where you kind of-- what your opinion is about the ethics of these types of procedures on developing children.
Oh my gosh, it's so hard because I know that surgeons, doctors will make a judgment call at the point at which-- it's a very individualized thing because-- I know this for a fact because I have surgeons as friends, some of them. And they say it just depends on each individual's circumstance. Sometimes they'll get a teenager that comes in and they're just ruthlessly bullied.
And they'll make-- about one facial feature, like a nose-- it's generally a nose. And yeah, they'll do a rhinoplasty on that patient. But it's not-- I feel like they don't make the decision-- it's not a generalized sort of decision that's made.
It's a case-by-case basis. I don't want to actually comment on the ethics of it just because each case is so different. I think, though, that if it's a bunch of different procedures on the same patient, I would like them to question it.
Yeah. No, I agree. I mean, I think that there's definitely-- something that we've talked about in some of the videos we've done is the way that class and culture really impact what we deem as being acceptable versus not acceptable when it comes to alterations.
Many American teenagers, including myself, have had extensive cosmetic orthodontist-- orthodontics as teenagers. I went through a ton of orthodontic stuff. Didn't wear my retainer, so they shifted.
But a lot of that was not necessary. A lot of it was for aesthetic reasons. And you mentioned nose jobs.
It was very common in my hometown, which was very affluent. I was not affluent, but a lot of people were. And a lot of the very affluent girls in my hometown would get nose jobs as graduation gifts before going off to college.
That was extremely common. And I think one of the issues that I have with the children thing, in particular, is if someone had-- because I don't have a dainty, ski slope nose. And I didn't like it as a child.
It wasn't something that I was objectively bullied over, but it was something that I didn't like. And if someone had come up to me at that age and been like, would you like a free nose job, I for sure would have gotten a nose job. And I don't know-- I mean, who knows how that would have ended up working out over the years.
But I do think that I probably wasn't in the greatest place. I'm glad I didn't get a tattoo at 18 because what I would have wanted at 18 probably wouldn't have been representative of me today. So I do think that there's probably benefit, even in certain cases, waiting until that child is a bit out of the extreme insecurity of high school to make those decisions.
I agree with you. Also, too, for better results, it's better to wait, because once growth has stabilized, especially the nose, it will turn out better. I think there's a few-- because I don't want to say for sure, but there's a few celebrity examples where there is speculation that because they got their nose worked on at 13 or 14, it collapsed.
So it caused more issues. And you can't really see it collapse, just eyeball it. But I can see it.
So yeah, I think for better results, it's better to wait past 18, too. Yeah. Well, I mean, your body is still developing.
One of the things that I think really frustrates me in the discourse we have around beauty and aging in our culture is-- and I sort of referenced it in the intro-- but that whole phenomenon of being like, this is how you age when you're not problematic. First of all, there are some absolute monsters in this world who look great in older age. Let's be clear about that.
But also, people were saying it about Anne Hathaway. And I'm like, first of all, Anne Hathaway is in her 30s. But she's also an objectively beautiful woman who's been rich and famous for 20-plus years.
Her being able to maintain a youthful, glamorous physique and appearance has nothing to do with her character. And it really, I think-- we say it as a joke kind of, but I really think that that mentality starts to sink into people. Yes.
I'm kind of wondering if you know where that started from. Who said that and then now we all hear it all the time? I don't know, but that person needs to be held to account because it has done serious-- I really believe that it's done a lot of damage to people's perception.
It's horrible. Because we'll look back at old Disney movies, right, where the evil person is ugly, and has a big nose, and a long chin, and hair growing out of their face or whatever. And we're like, wow, it's really messed up that we represent evil as manifesting as ugliness.
And yet that is the exact same logic of this is how you age when you're not problematic. I was going to say the exact same thing. We teach children that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.
And it's like, OK, that's completely such a bad message to say, like, if you look pretty on the outside, it must be because you're pretty on the inside. It's like, no. No, that has nothing to do with it.
That's not true. Our perception of what people naturally look like at different ages has been wildly warped. People don't genuinely know what it really means to look like X or Y age anymore.
And I would be curious where you-- how you integrate normalizing our perception of aging into the way you talk about these things. That's a really good point. And you just made me realize that I do need to analyze more older people, in particular women.
I feel like, yes, people ask for men, but I just don't get as much interest in men because of the pressures put on women in the society. So maybe I should talk more about older women and incorporate what normal aging looks like because I do-- the people you mentioned, I do believe they've had maintenance plastic surgery work done, because to even still look like an older version of yourself, you need to have some maintenance plastic surgery work done. It's just how skin ages.
So basically, maintenance plastic surgery is things like facelifts and laser work that will help maintain you looking like yourself as you age. So that's why I believe these female celebrities have had work done. Even though they're not known as the glamorous, stunning leads, they're still having surgery done to still look like themselves.
I think, also, we have a really arbitrary system for what we consider to be cosmetic surgery versus not. So, for example, I have an older woman in my life who is very adamantly one of those women, like, I'm going to age naturally. I'm not doing any of that stuff.
But she got the surgery that removes part of your eyelids that starts-- you know what I'm saying, where it's like a little-- just a tiny-- they cut off excess skin from your eyelids. Yeah, a blepharoplasty? There you go.
You can say that it's because you're not seeing as well. But let's be honest, a lot of times it's not because of that. It's because it's just your makeup is starting to smudge and it's just not as attractive or whatever.
And you don't feel good about it. You feel self-conscious about it. And that's totally fine.
But I think people often have this need to delude themselves, essentially, that if it's not literally a facelift or if it's not literally this, then they're not doing it. But it's like, all of these things are still the same thing, which is just modifications to change your appearance. Yes.
And I also think that there's this whole stigma of you're not vain if you don't-- if you don't have plastic surgery, then that means you're not vain. But there's other ways to be vain. I don't ever call anyone vain, but I feel like that's society's perception of you if you care about the way you look.
Like, oh, you're vain if you get plastic surgery. But, I mean, I know people who haven't had plastic surgery, but they're getting facials, they're doing other things, like getting eyelash extensions. They're doing all these other things.
But as long as they're not having plastic surgery, they say they're not vain. So people just reason it with themselves that way, I think. Yeah, and I think vanity is one of these things that is-- it's such an unfair standard, right, because when you think about women in-- for example, women in the public eye, how harshly they're judged when they don't look a certain way.
I think about things like the post-baby body, where I know you've done content on how normalized it's become for women to undergo plastic surgery after giving birth to return to their pre-baby figure. And I don't even think it's necessarily the case that a lot of those women who are undergoing those procedures in the public eye, for example, are doing so out of vanity. I think a lot of it is out of self-preservation and not wanting to be splashed across the cover of tabloids being stigmatized for not having bounced back fast enough.
That's for sure. And although sometimes I do wonder if it's to show themselves on Instagram and social media as having a flat stomach just 11 weeks or less after pregnancy because I just feel like social media is so pervasive now. I don't know-- I have heard that with paparazzi, you actually have to call them out to take pictures of you.
So I just wonder how much it's predatory paparazzi nowadays or maybe it's more they do want to show themselves a little bit, like I bounced back, and being known for bouncing back [INAUDIBLE].. I think it's probably both. Yeah.
Any line that you're going to draw about what is acceptable for appearance modification is always going to be arbitrary, right? You can't say, it's OK to wear makeup, but it's not OK to get Botox. Or it's OK to get Botox, but it's not OK to get fillers.
And the list goes on and on. And even the way you dress, the way you style your hair, all of these things-- getting cosmetic orthodontics and dentistry-- all of this stuff is ultimately elective and down to personal taste. So I feel like because there's never going to be a way to firmly say, OK, this is acceptable, the only sustainable solution is that do whatever you want, but be honest about it.
So I'm really interested to hear from you about-- if you want to describe, maybe a little bit, for those who haven't watched your videos, the procedures that you've elected to have-- but your mindset in why you choose to have them and what benefit you feel you get from them. Definitely. I'll go over that, too.
And then I also wanted to say there is a little bit of privilege, if you want to call it that, by being-- we talked about this already-- with celebrities being born with beautiful bone structure already. So it's a lot easier in general just for people who are born with a lot of good traits, like good bone structure, a good nose and stuff, because then it's like, they have the privilege of really not needing plastic surgery or not doing it because they don't need it. And once they get older, it's like, OK, now I'll preserve what I have.
So that's also another little privilege that people who already are born with good starting off point have. So a lot of times it's those people that are saying, oh, I would never do it, who don't need it. Don't need it-- nobody needs it, but oftentimes it's that person who really doesn't have anything that you would really do.
Nothing sticks out for them to do. Exactly. So, yeah, so I have talked about a lot of the procedures I've had.
And I think it's important not to lie about it, in particular if you have a larger audience. If you're just kind of a regular person, not on social media, then I don't know. I don't know that you have to be-- you have to tell people.
I'm not so sure with that. But I think if you have an audience and there's people and young people who are going to be influenced by you, I think it's good to be honest, or at least allude to have done something. You can say, well-- if you're Kim Kardashian, you don't have to list your procedures.
But you can say-- you can allude. You can say, well, I've had a little help for something. And it really doesn't cost you anything to say that.
So sometimes it kills me because I'm just like, she could just do that. And I don't think it would affect the money coming in for her. If anything, I feel like people would be more endeared to her.
But I don't know. Maybe. I think the worst is the middle ground that you often get with a lot of these influencers who will admit to one or two things and pretend like, oh, they're finally coming clean and being honest about it, but conceal all the rest of the things that they did.
That, to me, is the most frustrating, because I'm like, I don't want to see you get a press run about coming clean about doing this when, obviously, you're still being deceptive about 10 other things. Yes, that kills me, too. Yeah.
You're right. That also-- that does bug me, yes. So yeah, I've had three major nose jobs.
My first one was when I was a lot younger. And the surgeon who did my nose job-- it didn't go well and he did a revision. And the revision was when he really took off too much.
He took out too much cartilage. And I needed to have reconstructive surgery, where they took cartilage from other places and put it in my nose. So that also can start you on a slippery slope, if one or two surgeries doesn't go well and then you have to repair it.
And then you start looking like you're obsessed with plastic surgery, when really you're just trying to repair what the surgeon did. Totally. Yeah.
And then I had more-- I haven't done a video where I talk about all my surgeries because I'm waiting to do that. So I'm just going to talk about the ones I've talked about on my channel. And then I had a blepharoplasty-- The eyelid. --what your friend had.
Yeah, I had that. And for me, my eyelid skin was sagging, but it didn't reach the point where it was over my eyelid. I have seen people with that problem.
And yeah, it was just cosmetic. And it was hard to do my eye makeup. So I had that done.
And then I also talked about-- two years ago, I had a facelift. And I feel like that surgery was really what-- it just became so obvious. After having a facelift, it became so obvious that so many celebrities have had facelifts because it really does stop you where you're at, at the age you're at, and make you look younger.
It just-- it's a game changer if you get the right surgeon. Did you do a full facelift or the lower? So a regular facelift is just a lower facelift.
When people talk about-- I know, I hear that term a lot, "full facelift." So that's an upper facelift. No, I didn't do the upper. But to me, a full facelift is a lower facelift because they take everything from here and they move it up diagonally.
And they do your neck, too. Man, I-- so I'm fully, I have told my husband this 15 times. I'm like, there's going to come a point where I am getting a facelift.
I think when I look at a lot of the most hailed examples of much older women who look fantastic for their age, to me it seems once you learn a little bit about this and you go down the rabbit hole a little bit and research some of this stuff, it becomes so obvious that the ones who look really good-- and you're like, how do they look like that-- they got really good facelifts. There's not a mystery. And a lot of times people will go the other route and keep trying to maintain youth via injection, which I think often will result in an aesthetic that people now know-- they recognize-- they know that that's probably not the right way to go.
But it's not typical for-- and occasionally it can happen. But a woman in her 50s, 60s and beyond to have a snatched neckline, that doesn't happen. And I think a lot of people don't realize how discreet a lot of these procedures have gotten.
And I wish that more people could be just-- I wish a lot of these, especially the more respected actresses and A-list ones who will not be open about it, I'm like, you are doing such a disservice by allowing people to think that look like that naturally. Yeah, definitely. I did get an early maintenance facelift.
But having done that, now I can tell you that a lot of the facelifts I see in Hollywood are late 30s. What? I was-- yeah, I was 42 when I got it.
But I feel like, yeah, I think I see more late 30s facelifts because that's kind of the time where certain-- it just depends, but you'll start to see some signs of aging late 30s. Not everyone, so I don't want people to freak out. But yeah, that's kind of when you start to see it.
So if you think about it, a lot of people who make money on their looks, freak out at that age. And they're like, oh, no, I don't want that to be seen on film. By the way, they can digitally alter film.
And I would love to do a video on that. And they do do that in movies and even some shows, but it's very expensive. So they'd rather hire the actor or actress who looks young already.
Yeah, so I can see why they're doing these procedures earlier. Totally. And when you get these procedures, can you talk a little bit about your experience as far as what makes you want them and then how you feel after the fact, assuming-- because you've had ones that you weren't happy with, that didn't go well-- assuming it goes well, what that experience is emotionally and psychologically?
Yeah. So, I mean, with the facelift, I was like-- I wanted to-- I had just started YouTube, so I wanted to feel and look youthful. And I kind of knew I was going to get a facelift around that time.
But it just sped it up for me starting on YouTube. Everybody is so young-- or at the time they were. And I feel like now there's more older people on there.
Yeah, so I kind of knew. And then I had a surgeon who I had in mind. And then the preparation for it, it was really scary.
The facelift was scary because you just don't know what to expect. I'd had nose jobs. But it was a really hard recovery.
Really? How so? Yeah.
You're just kind of-- and I document it in a video, but you just kind of feel-- you wake up and there's this pressure on your face. It's numb. But you just feel like you've made yourself sick.
That's what it feels like. Like, wow, I made myself sick. And then you have all these feelings of regret even before you see yourself because you just feel like, I'm a healthy person.
Why did I do this to myself? And I guess it's very normal to have those feelings. But you go through that for a few days until you feel better.
And then you look crazy. You look crazy. You look like a monster.
But then after two weeks, you start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. And you're like, OK, I think it's going to be for the best. And then after a month-- because it's a long recovery.
There are some facelifts that aren't. And a lot of celebrities get these other kinds. Is there a reason you opted for the one that had a longer recovery?
Yeah, just because I don't have to go-- well, I could wait on doing a video. So I could do the recovery. The other kind is a little bit more-- it's the endoscopic kind.
The other kind of facelift is less cutting of skin and more endoscopic. And I felt like I, at my age, I did need the cutting of skin. But some celebrities get the other kind.
And, see, it's kind of sordid, but there are-- celebrities often tend to-- allegedly tend to get procedures where it's very subtle. And they can redo them, but they do a little bit at a time. This happens often.
For me, I'm not going to do that. I don't want to do a bunch of surgeries to get subtle effects. So I just wanted a one-and-done.
After about a month, that's when you feel like, OK, I can go out in public. But it's still very much like, wow, am I swollen? Can people tell?
But yeah, once you're completely not swollen, not puffy, you do get this boost, this surge of-- I don't know what it is-- like a high almost. It's almost like a high for a few weeks. Yeah, I mean, I, as I said in the intro, I haven't done a facelift, but I have done various dermatological procedures that have a similar trajectory.
Like a Fraxel laser or a chemical peel are the kind of thing where you look fricking crazy for several days. And, again, I think part of my frustration is that even certain dermatological procedures just are inherently less stigmatized. Oh, it's OK if you want to do this for-- because I had acne, and I still have acne scars, and rosacea, which is a lot of discoloration.
And that's OK. You can do that because you're fixing a problem. But if you want to do it because you have sunspots, well, that's borderline because that's aging.
Or what if you want to do it to get rid of fine lines and wrinkles, which are a lot of lasers and peels can do? There's such a completely arbitrary standard. But I did have that same experience of not only was it there was a period where I was like, oh my god, this is horrible.
I can't believe I did this. But there was that similar feeling of, wow, this is-- and I don't have great skin now, but I definitely have massively improved skin from when I was younger. And there was that similar feeling of just like, this is amazing.
And I felt more like myself. I felt more confident. I felt more-- especially someone who's on 4K camera every fricking day-- happier with it.
And it really-- I cried, actually. I've cried multiple times in my dermatologist's office. But I really cried once from this feeling of I-- because I happen to have enough financial privilege to have gotten some of these dermatological procedures, I was able to realize benefits that I never would have been able to realize with literally years of a good skin routine.
They can change it overnight. And all of these celebrities who have this gorgeous, glowing skin, they're doing these procedures regularly. This is totally an everyday thing for them.
And it just is so frustrating that we continue to make it about how disciplined you are when it's really about, no, you could literally treat your skin like trash but go in and have a dedicated team of facialists and dermatologists who will make you look great. Yeah, 100%. Actually, your skin looks really, really good.
Oh, thank you. It's very nice. I'm wearing makeup.
Thank you. But still, I don't think that the makeup would lay so nicely if the underneath wasn't good. Can I just ask you really quickly, what was the best bang for your buck skin treatment?
So I would say probably the best-- so the Fraxel, I had higher expectations for. I wasn't overly thrilled because I've heard a lot of really good write-ups about it. And I just didn't feel like it was as-- and it's expensive.
So I was like, bang for buck factor, no. But so have you done a Vbeam laser? Yes.
I did. So Vbeam is especially for people with rosacea because it's for discoloration. So I have the kind of skin where if you touch me too much, it'll be red.
Water makes me red. And I can't laugh or smile or do anything without my whole face blooming red. And it definitely still is the case, but it's like, I would say at least a 30% to 40% reduction in just the redness from a few Vbeam sessions.
So that was huge. Wow. How many?
I think I did a total of three. Oh, my gosh. OK.
Yeah, it looks really good. I didn't have that great of results from it. But I've never tried Fraxel.
I'm just wondering if maybe I should go for it. I mean, I think the thing about lasers that are nice and noninvasive skin procedures that are nice is the worst you're likely going to do is lose money. And it is a lot of money.
And I want to be clear that this is not something that everyone should expect to be able to put in their budget. But if it is something that you can afford-- one thing I will never, ever make the mistake of again-- and I've talked about this on the channel-- I used to spend so much money on high-end skin care and be so frustrated that I wasn't getting the results. I literally will never, ever again do that.
Basically every single thing I have is from the drugstore for skin products, like moisturizer, cleansers. All that stuff is from the drugstore. And I will rather invest that money into dermatology.
And a lot of it is covered by insurance because of acne and rosacea. But even the stuff that's not, I'm like, I would much rather save up and get an actual procedure for that than lose my mind trying to get fancy products to work. Yeah, I agree with you.
So when it comes to-- so I mentioned the Ozempic thing. So for those at home who may be lucky enough to not know what's going on in the celebrity beauty phenomenon right now, can you talk a little bit about what's happening? The Ozempic thing?
Yeah, so all the GLP-1s, which it's something you take usually if you are prediabetic or have diabetes, and it helps to control your insulin. And I know that these medicines have been around for a little while. And in people who don't need it, who are thin, they tend to help them lose weight really quickly.
So a lot of celebrities, influencers, and public figures are taking diabetes medication. Although, I should say there's Wegovy, which is meant just for weight loss, which is a similar medicine as Ozempic. So they're taking these medicines to lose weight.
And why is that? Because I think even people who are just peripherally aware have seen that this is now a big trend in Hollywood and in New York, I'm sure, as well. And can you explain a little bit about what the trend is right now?
So the trend to look really thin? Yeah, is that something-- because, obviously, we had-- there was a very long era where it was, like, being curvaceous was the most aspirational thing. How long do you feel that this has been going on?
Where do you feel that it's kind of heading? So I wonder if this started with the Kardashians getting thin. Probably.
I hate to say that, but I wonder if that's where it kind of bloomed. It didn't start-- thin has been in for a long time. Trigger warning, but I feel like we all understand that to be true because it's pushed on celebrities.
So it kind of gets watered down to the rest of us. Now it's kind of bloomed again with Kim losing a lot of weight, it looks like. There are people in my audience who say that the Kardashians now look normal, they don't look overly skinny.
But to me, they look pretty thin. Yeah. Also, you really don't realize how thin a lot of these people are when you're seeing them on camera.
That cannot be overstated. Every actress I've ever met in real life looks way thin compared to what you would think. Yeah, even the actresses that are, quote unquote, "curvy," when you see them in real life, maybe they're curvy, but they're so thin.
It's insane. Yeah, and that is something that I think a lot of people really don't realize when you're watching film and television. Everyone is so thin in Hollywood that they look normal compared to other thin people.
But then you see them in real life-- and that is another area of I didn't really get into it in the celebrity gaslighting video as much because I think it can be really treacherous territory to talk about weight in any capacity. And I do want to be really sensitive when I talk about it. But so we have, I think, in America a more prevalent culture of lying about cosmetic procedures than other countries-- and not all, but some other countries.
I know cosmetic procedures are also really popular in Korea, for example, and other cultures. So there is that. But America is definitely, that's one area in which we're really, I think, deceptive in pushing a really unsustainable image on young women and girls especially.
I go back to my grandmother, who died a size 2 after having six kids. I mean, all love to her. Rest in peace.
She was my icon. But she was smoking two packs a day and wasn't eating and would then have cabbage soup. And that was the reality of being that size.
And I think we do in America-- I think it was worse in the '90s. It's coming back now. There is this culture now where you have to look at these people who are maintaining these very, very low body weights and take their word for it that they're just having fish and vegetables.
It's mind-boggling. You know what, that's a really good point. I can't believe your grandmother.
Oh my god. I have to pull up a picture. She was such an icon.
Wow. Yeah, that's insane, a size 2. OK, that's a really good point that I didn't mention about Ozempic, is that it's helping celebrities to also just feel full longer.
So this medicine makes you feel-- after you eat a meal, you just don't want-- your stomach doesn't empty immediately. So you just feel full for a lot longer than if you weren't on it. So if celebrities say that they lost weight from diet and exercise, I mean, maybe some of them did.
But a lot of them are being helped by it because, yeah, truth, they lost weight through not eating as much. But it's because the medicine helped them not eat as much. And I don't want to be promoting the medicine.
That is not what I'm trying to do. I'm just trying to say that if you see a lot more thin celebrities than you normally do, it may be because they're on this medicine. And let's not forget, before that, phentermine and Adderall and Vyvanse and all that stuff is so common.
And to not be promoting Ozempic, I have someone very close to me who actually did need it and was made violently ill by it. It has a ton of really under-reported side effects. I'm going to link in the description to a recent Atlantic-- I think Atlantic article-- about how really unsustainable this is for people.
Also, important to note that as with many, many drugs that effectively work by suppressing appetite, which is, obviously, the most common method to use medication to help lose weight, it stops working when you stop taking it. Your appetite returns. And you're no longer digesting in this way or you're no longer having your appetite suppressed by amphetamines or whatever it might be.
So there's basically a perpetual cycle where you either have to constantly be doing it or we'll sometimes look at celebrities who go through cycles of weight loss and weight gain and it's like, yeah, because it's inevitable because they're trying to maintain something that their body is not meant to do. And yeah, I'm sure a lot of the celebrities you see yo-yoing probably were on different weight loss methods, like phentermine and now Ozempic. And also, you have to pay out of pocket if you're thin to take Ozempic.
So it's extremely expensive, upwards of $1,000, if not more, for a month's supply. Oh my gosh. I'm interested to know-- so before we get to-- we have some audience questions I want to go through quickly.
I can't get to all of them. We got so many. But I'll do as many as I can.
Where do you personally find that your-- how do you avoid conflating what genuinely brings you happiness and confidence and makes you feel better versus doing something to appeal to a standard that's not even your own? It's a really good question. I feel like when I go on camera, that is not what I look like in normal life.
Really? Yes. I am trying to dress up for you guys.
I'm trying to look good, honestly. I'm always surprised if I get recognized in real life, because I'm like really-- because I do look wildly different, mainly because I have no time because of kids and this career. But yeah, if I had time like I used to have time before YouTube and before being a mom, then yeah, I would-- your outfit today is awesome.
And I would, yes, I used to wear stuff like that. Well, yours is awesome, too. Well, no, but it's only for today.
I also have a run in my stocking from this morning, which I'm like, I can't stop thinking about it. It's all I've thought about since this morning. It's ruining my day.
No, but I think it's interesting-- I don't know-- I think that what I really sometimes get a little bit hot under the collar about is that I sometimes feel like there are certain-- women are in such an impossible position in terms of you're supposed to look beautiful, but as if you never tried. And trying makes you be vain and have low moral character and all of this other stuff and makes you vapid and superficial. But yet if you genuinely don't try, it's like that whole thing about no makeup makeup.
A lot of people don't realize what people actually look like when they're just rolling out of the house. But if you do that, then you look a mess and get it together. And it's like there's no-- it feels like oftentimes there's no winning.
Yeah. You know what? I think that what I like to do is at least put on foundation and then maybe some lipstick.
And then I'm good. That's my standard right there because I just-- other than that, if I had more time, yes, I would do the full thing. And when I do the full thing, I feel better.
And yeah, it's probably because I'm weighing how other people see me. And the foundation is just the bare minimum, where it's like, they won't be scared. [LAUGHS] I won't scare little kids. I'm sure you would not.
I'm a brows, lips, lashes girl. I just never leave the house-- I just can hear my mother in my head-- put a little lip color on. You look washed out.
But anyway-- also, I do want to share like that no matter what, as I pull up these audience questions, your personal level is, I think all of them are great. And I want everyone to feel exactly as they want to feel. And if you're someone who prefers full glam or prefers completely bare face sweatpants and a T-shirt or whatever it is, I just think it's really important to do the exercise.
And sometimes people could even benefit from journaling. Like how do I feel today? Do I feel confident?
Do I feel comfortable? Because I think a lot of people genuinely don't even necessarily know what is for themselves. That's true, too.
Yeah, that's true, too. I do-- it's a little bit messy. But after 40, you realize how much stuff we do for the male gaze.
And it's like, oh, that's a whole can of worms, where you're kind of going, am I doing this to look good for men or for myself? And that's a whole other thing. I want to say one thing about that.
And this is very important. And I just want to-- I love my husband. I do like to look nice for my husband.
I very much pay attention to the way I look around him because I also like him. And he's also-- he's very into-- he presents himself very well. But I go way more out of my way to look nice and get a cute look together when I'm going to be with-- I work with all women, or when I'm going out to meet a girlfriend for dinner.
That's true. I feel like I care so much more when I'm going out with girls because they actually notice things and it's fun. They do notice things.
That's actually true, too. I wonder how-- that would be an interesting video. How much we do to look good for our girlfriends, too.
Yeah. Yeah, and I think the female gaze-- it's often when you're wearing something like funky and interesting, that girls would be like, oh, I love that. Yes, it's great to get that kind of attention because it's not-- there's no malicious intent usually. [LAUGHS] Exactly.
Also, a lot of straight men just have no taste. So I'm like, I don't want to be dressing for that. Ooh, OK, so getting into the audience questions real quick.
So have any potential sponsors ever not wanted to work with you because you speak candidly about celebrities and have faced backlash? Not so much the celebrities, but more a lot of skincare and beauty brands don't want to work with me because I talk about plastic surgery. Yeah.
Could you-- because I know I have been familiar-- and, I have to say, you have a really great community because I've seen a few celebrities take issue with something that you've said about them. And you always go out of your way to say, this is speculation, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But your community is also really wonderful about defending you.
They're so great. I love them. What do you think the role is of preventative beauty and aging treatments?
It's hard because I've heard a few surgeons say this, and dermatologists, too, that there's really no such thing as preventative Botox. I started getting Botox when I was 23 just right here because I didn't like how I looked when I did the 11, the frowny face. And that did seem to prevent me needing it down the road.
I feel like I don't need as much Botox now. But I don't know that you can really prevent. I think the best prevention is a good sunscreen for people who are sensitive to the sun.
Most people are. I think that's the best prevention. Yeah, I would agree with that.
What are the most common procedures celebrities get done and lie about? Rhinoplasty, cheek implants-- I don't think anybody's ever admitted to cheek implants-- and probably a facelift. Do you think cheek implants are common?
Yeah. Really? Yeah, I do.
OK, can you talk about that? What's the deal? So I knew about that way back in the day from-- I don't know-- a lot of people aren't young enough to remember this.
But there is a movie called Doc Hollywood. Have you ever heard of it? It was, I think, Michael J.
Fox. And it's a true story about this plastic surgeon who moves to Hollywood and then starts working on a bunch of people. Anyway, that surgeon's name was Dr.
Steven Hoefflin. And he made a lot of the Hollywood faces we know and love today. And he would always use cheek implants and things like that to make the Hollywood face.
That was pretty standard. I kind of learned about that. And it's very common.
Some of the best implant-- there's one implant doctor-- I think he's still working. But some of the best implant doctors were in the LA area, who, a lot of these faces, where they don't make the whole face, but the cheek implants, that's a very standard Hollywood look for-- Yeah, I was always-- I used to be so naive. I was like, wow, every celebrity has such high cheekbones.
It's like, no, they don't. Not all of them. I mean, like-- Some of them do. --Margot Robbie-- yeah, no, no, I'm saying not all of them are fake.
Margot Robbie, I think her cheeks are real. Totally. And it also adds such scaffolding to your face to support the rest of your skin and keep things like drawn up.
But it really can go overboard. And you get that Waylon and Madame look. OK, Botox for migraines, fact or crap?
No, yeah, it can help a migraine. It really can. Yeah, I also got my masseter Botox.
And I haven't-- and I don't-- so I got injections of Botox into my jaw to stop from grinding my teeth with anxiety. And you do stop because you literally can't grind your teeth anymore. I haven't really noticed that it's changed the shape of my face at all.
I've been pretty vigilant about looking at pictures. I was worried-- I was honestly very worried that it was going to really change the shape of my face because sometimes it really does. And I'm more convinced now than ever that it's because those people are overdoing it.
Because if you just do it-- so my current plan is to do it once every two years because I don't want to totally weaken the muscle that it starts to really thin out and change. But there is, genuinely, if you are someone who grinds teeth, if you have frequent stress reactions and headaches and things like that because of it, it really can completely change the game. It can.
And a lot of the people whose face it really changes is because their masseters got huge from the grinding. Totally. You see people with a square-- very square jawline, who it goes completely down for them, which can be nice.
I think both looks can be good. Totally. I think it's also just know your face structure and don't do anything that's going to-- because also people just really underestimate how much it's like you change this and then this looks weird and then this looks weird.
Oh, yeah. Yes. OK.
If I want to maintain my looks well into my 50s, what should I be budgeting for? What amounts or what procedures? I think what things.
Definitely facelift and Botox, blepharoplasty. I think it would be important to talk about cost because a good facelift is probably between $15,000 and $25,000. I'm trying to think of what are the costs for mainstream middle America?
Yeah, probably $15,000. But if you want to go high-end, then $30,000. And then Botox-- I'm assuming they already started it-- a blepharoplasty.
So Botox, blepharoplasty, facelift or necklift. [LAUGHS] I'm like, I don't want to say anything else because people are going to freak out. But yeah. Yeah, I mean, I think-- yeah, I can't stress enough, I'm lucky enough to have a few people in my life who got a tasteful facelift and were very honest about it.
And it looks really good when you get it right. It's crazy. Oh, yeah.
Did they say how much it was? Well, so one of them in New York, I believe it was $36,000. LA was a little less.
And then someone in a more suburban area, it was about $28,000 maybe. OK, yeah, that's a good-- that's great. It's all out of pocket, financed.
Two of them financed. I think one paid out of pocket, like totally cash. Wow.
Yeah. I mean, but OK, so for reference, though, I just redid my kitchen. I didn't even change out the cabinetry or the appliances.
And it was about-- I think it was, all told, $18,000, which included some issues with plumbing that were unexpected, which added several thousands dollars to it. But just changing the floor in my fricking tiny New York City apartment kitchen was $5,000. Stuff is expensive.
Stuff is expensive. And I'm not saying that you're better off getting a facelift than redoing your kitchen. That's a completely arbitrary-- it's apples and oranges.
But I'm just saying, people are-- life is expensive. Yeah, it is. I've seen a lot of tear trough fillers specifically go wrong.
What's the key to a good result? I'm not so sure. So this is not medical advice, but I don't know that I would say get it.
So your trough filler-- why do people get it? Because the volume-- they've lost volume. Usually it's because-- It's under here?
Yeah, I'm just trying to-- I'm scanning my brain. So usually-- I don't know for sure, but this is what I think-- that the fat has slipped down. So you want to see an oculoplast who will lift the fat back up to its rightful position so you're not filling it with filler, which who knows when that will-- you're going to keep putting filler in your face.
It's probably not a good thing. Better to reposition that fat pad back from where it's fallen. Hmm, OK.
On that note, what is filler creep and how can we avoid it? Oh, OK, don't-- yes, here's what it is. Filler creep is, in my opinion, when you just keep putting filler in your face.
And you don't even realize how big your face has gotten. And a lot of that filler will stay in and won't dissolve. So what you want to do is never put filler in your face to create features you don't have.
So don't put filler to create cheekbones. That's what implants are for. Maybe you can do it once just to see what-- if you like the look of it.
But filler and implants are different. So if you need volume to an area continuously to create a feature that you don't have, don't use filler for that. Use implants or go speak with a doctor and see if you're a good candidate for either implants or some kind of bone surgery.
Some people need actual bone jaw surgery. So yeah. I have had exactly one syringe of hyaluronic acid filler, which I got in a very-- so, for context, an extremely small amount when spread out over the face.
But I got it in a few very strategic places because after losing weight, I had essentially hanging skin. I mean, when I tell you that literally everyone in my life was like, what, we would have never noticed this, but I literally burst into tears. I was so excited and happy.
I was like, this is amazing. And I am extremely cautious about it. I did a ton of research before I-- I did Voluma.
And I was extremely cautious about where I went to and what I did and all that stuff. And I'm going to be extremely conservative about how often I redo it because that, I think, is also a big issue, is people do it very frequently. It also migrates.
It's a whole host of issues. But I will say, I feel confidently that issues like that, if you have very, very minor corrections that are-- they're not artificial because it's, like, I did lose weight, and that did make skin hang. But it's not like I'm like, oh, I'm changing the appearance.
And those are where I have personally, and I've also seen other people in my life be really, really happy with the results. And it doesn't look at all like-- no one in my life, I think, would ever guess that I did it. I feel great.
Oh, that's the most important thing. But also, I feel like you're more confident, too, when you feel that way, regardless of if people see it or not. But also, you used it in a way that it was meant for, just to fill volume deficiencies.
And also, you can use it in your lips. Someone can use it in their lips to fill volume that way. I know people are going to ask that question because there is no really good substitute for lip fillers.
So yes, you could create an upper lip or a lower lip that you don't have. But past that, yeah, you'll still get filler creep that way, too, because it can leave-- it can migrate out your lips, too. So you need a good injector, too.
We had an interview with a dermatologist here. But my dermatologist that I go to and the dermatologist we had both said very clearly that a huge percentage of their work is just correcting bad med spa injections-- That makes sense. Yeah. --which can literally be potentially life-threatening depending on what you're doing and where you're going.
Doo-doo-doo. What treatments give you the most bang for your buck to avoid needing surgery? Gosh, that's a good question.
So there's no-- nothing that I know of that-- there's no noninvasive treatments that can substitute surgery because once you need to remove excess skin, there's just no treatment that can shrink your skin that I know of that won't remove facial fat from your face. So you can't substitute treatments for surgery. That is my one opinion that I've done enough research now to say.
It's like, I didn't do it. I opted away from doing it. But when I was looking at options to replace volume loss for slight skin sagging, I guess, one of the options presented to me was Thermage, which is a treatment that is basically-- it's kind of a laser, I guess.
Is it a laser? It heats up your skin, basically. Well, suffice to say, it's supposed to, theoretically, be like-- it tightens your skin that way.
And in doing my research, I found basically no one who was like, this was worth it, because it's very expensive. So I think all that kind of stuff that promises the results of surgery without surgery or injections is often a scam a little bit. It is.
And I think people spend a lot more money doing those things than just saving up for a procedure. Oh, yeah. Thermage was going to be $3,000.
I was like, no. Yeah. And there's a whole industry built on catering to people who are scared of surgery.
And it's kind of predatory in a way because it's probably better just to get over your fear of surgery than to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on these procedures just so you don't have to have surgery. And it's minimal results. Do any of the cellulite treatments actually work?
And how long do they last? I don't know for sure, but-- I don't know for sure. I don't.
Because I've never had that. And I don't know anyone close to me who either does it, like a surgeon, or someone who's had it. So I can't speak intelligently on that.
Nor I. And I'm one of the many women who does have some. But I'm just like, I have limits.
I can't be spending all that money to have a perfectly smooth thigh. Yeah, me, too. I have it.
And I'd just rather just go spray tan myself. Exactly. I'm like, I use Jergens Natural Glow.
It's like $10 at the drugstore and it works really well. I just don't have-- No one cares. Yeah, no one cares.
OK, two more quick questions. What is with the fox eye everyone has now? So they're trying to create something that-- I've talked about it before.
It's kind of controversial, but they're trying to create the look of a long eye. And a long, horizontally long eye is something that is a beauty landmark. My mentor talked about it.
I have a mentor who's-- she's a lot older. And she studied a lot of art and went to Harvard and MIT. And she's talked about the long eye, and a lot of celebrities have a long eye.
And so when someone doesn't have a long eye, to create that look, they're using the fox eye surgery, which is a lateral canthoplasty, where they cut here and then they pull up on the eye and it elongates the eye. You can opt for getting the eye angled up or not. Or you could just have a neutral tilt.
Some people get the eye angled up, like Bella Hadid did, allegedly. So yeah, it's a trend. I mean, a real long eye, it doesn't-- it looks like a real long eye, but it's not an actual real long eye because for that, you have to have the bone structure to have long eyes.
And this is just mimicking the look of a long eye. So the last audience question-- and you don't have to answer if you don't want to, but who do you think is the most dishonest celebrity about their procedures? I can't answer that because I feel like it could potentially be slanderous for me to answer.
But I don't know. I feel like you guys all know there's a group of women who need to be more honest about their surgeries. There are so many of them that I'm just like, it really blows my mind that they-- I'm like, how do you guys even look people in the eye and say that you didn't do anything?
It's so crazy to me. And I honestly feel like-- so people have come for you before saying basically that it's like-- and I feel really passionately about this and I have to say it, basically saying some version of it's not cool to assume that other people have had procedures done, even though in a lot of cases, you're talking about things that are extremely obvious. And you always do go out of your way to say, this is your speculation.
This is your best guess. But I actually think the opposite is true. I think for our own mental health as normal, non-celebrity people, it's actually way healthier to assume that they're all getting stuff done and that they're all lying about it, and that if they're not getting actual surgical procedures that they're probably getting injectables, facials, lasers, peels, all that kind of stuff.
So they might as well. It's already completely out of the realm of possibility. And it's way better to compare yourself to that than the perception that they didn't.
Yes, 100%. I think it's way healthier to assume because I cannot stress to you guys enough so much that when I get into the weeds with figuring out if a celebrity has had surgery and how much, it's always more than I ever thought-- always more. Where I'm going like, oh, I'll be done-- I'll tell my husband and kids or my child-- I'll tell my husband and my son, I'll be done today with this video, and I won't be done for two days because I'll find so much-- so many more procedures than I would have ever guessed.
And it's insane because I tend to-- I'll even believe a celebrity when they say they haven't had anything. But I'll just make sure. And then I'll see so much more than I ever thought that they'd had done.
So it's better to assume that celebrities have had many things done because it's generally true. It is very generally true. And it's also, like, men are not exempt from this.
We've talked before on the channel about how almost every one of your favorite superhero actors is on some kind of steroid supplement. They're on cycles. Believe me.
These men in their mid-40s are not just suddenly transforming into Adonises because they ate a bunch of chicken breast. And they also have full-time trainers and nutritionists, all of this stuff. So a point being, it's better off and safer and better for mental health to assume that they're all getting stuff done and lying about it is my opinion.
Yes, and a lot of the male, especially the superhero actors, have had jaw implants allegedly. And I can really see it. Yes, they have.
One of them-- there's a British actor who his face is completely different. And he has a really sharp jawline now. He looks so masculine.
No, not him, it's [BLEEP]. Oh, yes, I've gotten his photo sent to me a few times. Yes. [BLEEP] And we can-- we'll beep the name out.
Looks like a completely different man. And he looks great. But he, obviously, got a jaw implant, amongst many other things.
And that's not even touching all of the men. And it's completely the norm for men in Hollywood to have hair transplants and be on Propecia their whole lives and all of that stuff. But all of this is a lie.
I don't know what people are doing. And someone on Twitter had shared a before and after of that actor being like, um, wow, someone had a glow-up. And another person was like, that's a weird word for jaw implant.
And then a bunch of people got mad at that person and were like, how dare you assume what he's had. And it's like, what are we, children? We can't acknowledge what's in front of our eyes?
It's infuriating to me. Yes, I agree. It should be OK to say that.
But yes, a lot of them have had that. And even Tom Cruise-- I did a video on him. And it's undeniable, allegedly, because you could see the changes with your eyes.
Of course. I've mentioned this several times on my own show, but if you go on to YouTube and search the wedding of David Foster and Yolanda Hadid from 2011, you will see Bella and Gigi in the crowd in the background. And Bella's face is completely unrecognizable.
It's probably the only surviving video of her original face. Oh, I haven't seen that. And she probably even at that time already had a few things.
But you can't look at that video and be like, she's only had a nose job. Yeah. There's no way.
Yeah, and she's had-- I mean, it looks like there's been some jaw surgery, which can radically change your face. But that's not all, obviously. Listen, Yolanda Hadid walked into that surgeon's office and slammed a picture of Carla Bruni in 1992 on that table and she was like, this.
And he did a great job-- or she. Yeah, she looks a lot like her. Yes.
She really does. Yeah, she does. And listen, she looks great, but-- and I think one of the best-- to end on this note-- I think one of the best comparisons that people ever made was when you're talking about men getting hair transplants and jaw surgery and women getting all these different procedures, that's gender-affirming surgery on some level.
You are really affirming the way that you want to look. You're affirming your masculinity, your femininity. And we have totally normalized it for cis hetero people.
But also we've totally normalized it, that we can lie about it as long as it's under a certain level of obviousness. And I do feel like it's really destructive for mental health to not acknowledge the reality of this. Yeah, I 100% agree with you.
And I think we're headed towards more transparency. Maybe I'm naive, but I feel like with people starting to admit procedures, maybe it'll happen in the next decade, I hope. Listen, on these two chairs, you'll always get honesty.
That's our promise. Well, Lorry, it has been such a pleasure. It was so exciting to finally meet you in person.
I've been such a fan for a long time. And, yeah, right back at you. And thank you so much for having me.
Thank you. And, obviously, everyone go check out her channel, Lorry Hill on YouTube. We'll link it in the description.
And I will see you guys all back here next week on an all new episode of The Financial Confessions. Bye. Bye. [MUSIC PLAYING]
And welcome back to an all-new episode of The Financial Confessions, for which I am extremely excited because it's not every day that on this show we get to have someone whose content I watch so regularly. As you guys know, or perhaps maybe you don't, we've had a few other YouTubers on this channel whose content that I like to watch often, more in the social, political commentary genre, people like Big Joel and Tiffany Ferg.
And I love speaking to them as well. But it's been a while that we haven't had someone in a category that is a bit removed from the day-to-day, nitty-gritty of personal finance, but which, as we've discussed before heavily on this channel, impacts us financially, especially as women, in a massive way. I'm talking specifically about beauty norms, beauty standards, and the entire world and increasing industrial complex of cosmetic procedures.
Some of the most popular content that we've done on our channel in the past year has been about this phenomenon. I did a video about how celebrities are gaslighting us about beauty, as well as how they all manage to look so young. And no, it's not because they're unproblematic.
I did a video about the rise of Instagram face. And we also, in our new podcast series, Too Good to Be True, had our hosts, Ryan and Julia, dive into the often dark world of essentially counterfeit, or cheap, or shoddily done cosmetic procedures, which are increasingly the norm, as people want these effects but aren't necessarily able to afford what it really costs. Now, in the case of that episode of Too Good To Be True, our host, Ryan, went into detailed description of the many procedures that he's had done over the past few years, which totaled in the tens of thousands of dollars and necessitated months of arduous recovery.
And I've also been honest about various things that I've had done, mostly dermatological stuff and often to do with my ongoing, never-ending battle with my rosacea and acne. So it's important to note that at TFD, we never have, and continue to not have, judgments about procedures that you may deem worthy. We, of course, want you to make sure that they're financially viable for you and that you're not cutting corners in a way that could possibly damage you.
But where I do take a lot of issue is back to that initial comment about celebrities, influencers, and the wealthy effectively gaslighting us all about what is actually necessary to maintain these unbelievable aesthetics. It's not surprising that someone who was not only born genetically beautiful and also has limitless access to millions of dollars and a team of specialists to help monitor their diet, their exercise, their dermatology, their cosmetic procedures, and everything else, would manage to be beautiful well into older age. But it is surprising the extent to which it's still normalized to outright lie about these things.
And where that often does become incredibly insidious is when you consider the many young, impressionable people who are following these celebrities and influencers, who take their word for it and believe that if they're not able to achieve the same results, it's because something's wrong with them. My guest today is a YouTuber who I've watched extensively, and not only whose content I enjoy, but whose mission I really appreciate. Her platform is all about destigmatizing and understanding the reality of these cosmetic procedures in a way that's judgment-free but is also realistic about what actually goes on behind the scenes, so we can stop tricking ourselves into thinking that we're not seeing what we're actually seeing when we open up a magazine or Instagram.
So without further ado, I'd love to welcome my guest, YouTuber Lorry Hill. Hi. It's so nice to be here.
Hi. It's so nice to have you. Welcome.
So, for anyone listening or watching who may not be familiar with your content, could you just quickly summarize it for us? Yeah. So basically, my content is all about revealing celebrity plastic surgery and possible cosmetic procedures for people whose eyes are less attuned to different changes on the face.
A lot of times people will see a celebrity or somebody in the public eye and think something's changed about them, but they don't really realize or know what it is. Because I have kind of an extensive background in plastic surgery research, I can tell, generally, if the change came from plastic surgery or from aging or, less likely, from puberty. So my goal is just to lift the veil, as I say on my channel, of secrecy surrounding plastic surgery in the entertainment industry so that people just stop comparing themselves to celebrities.
It's interesting that you say "puberty" because something that's pretty new is the extent to which a lot of these procedures are happening on, effectively, children who aren't finished developing. Obviously, we can think of really clear examples, like Kylie Jenner and Bella Hadid, girls, essentially, who went through a lot of changes before their face was ever even able to fully develop. And I'm interested to where you kind of-- what your opinion is about the ethics of these types of procedures on developing children.
Oh my gosh, it's so hard because I know that surgeons, doctors will make a judgment call at the point at which-- it's a very individualized thing because-- I know this for a fact because I have surgeons as friends, some of them. And they say it just depends on each individual's circumstance. Sometimes they'll get a teenager that comes in and they're just ruthlessly bullied.
And they'll make-- about one facial feature, like a nose-- it's generally a nose. And yeah, they'll do a rhinoplasty on that patient. But it's not-- I feel like they don't make the decision-- it's not a generalized sort of decision that's made.
It's a case-by-case basis. I don't want to actually comment on the ethics of it just because each case is so different. I think, though, that if it's a bunch of different procedures on the same patient, I would like them to question it.
Yeah. No, I agree. I mean, I think that there's definitely-- something that we've talked about in some of the videos we've done is the way that class and culture really impact what we deem as being acceptable versus not acceptable when it comes to alterations.
Many American teenagers, including myself, have had extensive cosmetic orthodontist-- orthodontics as teenagers. I went through a ton of orthodontic stuff. Didn't wear my retainer, so they shifted.
But a lot of that was not necessary. A lot of it was for aesthetic reasons. And you mentioned nose jobs.
It was very common in my hometown, which was very affluent. I was not affluent, but a lot of people were. And a lot of the very affluent girls in my hometown would get nose jobs as graduation gifts before going off to college.
That was extremely common. And I think one of the issues that I have with the children thing, in particular, is if someone had-- because I don't have a dainty, ski slope nose. And I didn't like it as a child.
It wasn't something that I was objectively bullied over, but it was something that I didn't like. And if someone had come up to me at that age and been like, would you like a free nose job, I for sure would have gotten a nose job. And I don't know-- I mean, who knows how that would have ended up working out over the years.
But I do think that I probably wasn't in the greatest place. I'm glad I didn't get a tattoo at 18 because what I would have wanted at 18 probably wouldn't have been representative of me today. So I do think that there's probably benefit, even in certain cases, waiting until that child is a bit out of the extreme insecurity of high school to make those decisions.
I agree with you. Also, too, for better results, it's better to wait, because once growth has stabilized, especially the nose, it will turn out better. I think there's a few-- because I don't want to say for sure, but there's a few celebrity examples where there is speculation that because they got their nose worked on at 13 or 14, it collapsed.
So it caused more issues. And you can't really see it collapse, just eyeball it. But I can see it.
So yeah, I think for better results, it's better to wait past 18, too. Yeah. Well, I mean, your body is still developing.
One of the things that I think really frustrates me in the discourse we have around beauty and aging in our culture is-- and I sort of referenced it in the intro-- but that whole phenomenon of being like, this is how you age when you're not problematic. First of all, there are some absolute monsters in this world who look great in older age. Let's be clear about that.
But also, people were saying it about Anne Hathaway. And I'm like, first of all, Anne Hathaway is in her 30s. But she's also an objectively beautiful woman who's been rich and famous for 20-plus years.
Her being able to maintain a youthful, glamorous physique and appearance has nothing to do with her character. And it really, I think-- we say it as a joke kind of, but I really think that that mentality starts to sink into people. Yes.
I'm kind of wondering if you know where that started from. Who said that and then now we all hear it all the time? I don't know, but that person needs to be held to account because it has done serious-- I really believe that it's done a lot of damage to people's perception.
It's horrible. Because we'll look back at old Disney movies, right, where the evil person is ugly, and has a big nose, and a long chin, and hair growing out of their face or whatever. And we're like, wow, it's really messed up that we represent evil as manifesting as ugliness.
And yet that is the exact same logic of this is how you age when you're not problematic. I was going to say the exact same thing. We teach children that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.
And it's like, OK, that's completely such a bad message to say, like, if you look pretty on the outside, it must be because you're pretty on the inside. It's like, no. No, that has nothing to do with it.
That's not true. Our perception of what people naturally look like at different ages has been wildly warped. People don't genuinely know what it really means to look like X or Y age anymore.
And I would be curious where you-- how you integrate normalizing our perception of aging into the way you talk about these things. That's a really good point. And you just made me realize that I do need to analyze more older people, in particular women.
I feel like, yes, people ask for men, but I just don't get as much interest in men because of the pressures put on women in the society. So maybe I should talk more about older women and incorporate what normal aging looks like because I do-- the people you mentioned, I do believe they've had maintenance plastic surgery work done, because to even still look like an older version of yourself, you need to have some maintenance plastic surgery work done. It's just how skin ages.
So basically, maintenance plastic surgery is things like facelifts and laser work that will help maintain you looking like yourself as you age. So that's why I believe these female celebrities have had work done. Even though they're not known as the glamorous, stunning leads, they're still having surgery done to still look like themselves.
I think, also, we have a really arbitrary system for what we consider to be cosmetic surgery versus not. So, for example, I have an older woman in my life who is very adamantly one of those women, like, I'm going to age naturally. I'm not doing any of that stuff.
But she got the surgery that removes part of your eyelids that starts-- you know what I'm saying, where it's like a little-- just a tiny-- they cut off excess skin from your eyelids. Yeah, a blepharoplasty? There you go.
You can say that it's because you're not seeing as well. But let's be honest, a lot of times it's not because of that. It's because it's just your makeup is starting to smudge and it's just not as attractive or whatever.
And you don't feel good about it. You feel self-conscious about it. And that's totally fine.
But I think people often have this need to delude themselves, essentially, that if it's not literally a facelift or if it's not literally this, then they're not doing it. But it's like, all of these things are still the same thing, which is just modifications to change your appearance. Yes.
And I also think that there's this whole stigma of you're not vain if you don't-- if you don't have plastic surgery, then that means you're not vain. But there's other ways to be vain. I don't ever call anyone vain, but I feel like that's society's perception of you if you care about the way you look.
Like, oh, you're vain if you get plastic surgery. But, I mean, I know people who haven't had plastic surgery, but they're getting facials, they're doing other things, like getting eyelash extensions. They're doing all these other things.
But as long as they're not having plastic surgery, they say they're not vain. So people just reason it with themselves that way, I think. Yeah, and I think vanity is one of these things that is-- it's such an unfair standard, right, because when you think about women in-- for example, women in the public eye, how harshly they're judged when they don't look a certain way.
I think about things like the post-baby body, where I know you've done content on how normalized it's become for women to undergo plastic surgery after giving birth to return to their pre-baby figure. And I don't even think it's necessarily the case that a lot of those women who are undergoing those procedures in the public eye, for example, are doing so out of vanity. I think a lot of it is out of self-preservation and not wanting to be splashed across the cover of tabloids being stigmatized for not having bounced back fast enough.
That's for sure. And although sometimes I do wonder if it's to show themselves on Instagram and social media as having a flat stomach just 11 weeks or less after pregnancy because I just feel like social media is so pervasive now. I don't know-- I have heard that with paparazzi, you actually have to call them out to take pictures of you.
So I just wonder how much it's predatory paparazzi nowadays or maybe it's more they do want to show themselves a little bit, like I bounced back, and being known for bouncing back [INAUDIBLE].. I think it's probably both. Yeah.
Any line that you're going to draw about what is acceptable for appearance modification is always going to be arbitrary, right? You can't say, it's OK to wear makeup, but it's not OK to get Botox. Or it's OK to get Botox, but it's not OK to get fillers.
And the list goes on and on. And even the way you dress, the way you style your hair, all of these things-- getting cosmetic orthodontics and dentistry-- all of this stuff is ultimately elective and down to personal taste. So I feel like because there's never going to be a way to firmly say, OK, this is acceptable, the only sustainable solution is that do whatever you want, but be honest about it.
So I'm really interested to hear from you about-- if you want to describe, maybe a little bit, for those who haven't watched your videos, the procedures that you've elected to have-- but your mindset in why you choose to have them and what benefit you feel you get from them. Definitely. I'll go over that, too.
And then I also wanted to say there is a little bit of privilege, if you want to call it that, by being-- we talked about this already-- with celebrities being born with beautiful bone structure already. So it's a lot easier in general just for people who are born with a lot of good traits, like good bone structure, a good nose and stuff, because then it's like, they have the privilege of really not needing plastic surgery or not doing it because they don't need it. And once they get older, it's like, OK, now I'll preserve what I have.
So that's also another little privilege that people who already are born with good starting off point have. So a lot of times it's those people that are saying, oh, I would never do it, who don't need it. Don't need it-- nobody needs it, but oftentimes it's that person who really doesn't have anything that you would really do.
Nothing sticks out for them to do. Exactly. So, yeah, so I have talked about a lot of the procedures I've had.
And I think it's important not to lie about it, in particular if you have a larger audience. If you're just kind of a regular person, not on social media, then I don't know. I don't know that you have to be-- you have to tell people.
I'm not so sure with that. But I think if you have an audience and there's people and young people who are going to be influenced by you, I think it's good to be honest, or at least allude to have done something. You can say, well-- if you're Kim Kardashian, you don't have to list your procedures.
But you can say-- you can allude. You can say, well, I've had a little help for something. And it really doesn't cost you anything to say that.
So sometimes it kills me because I'm just like, she could just do that. And I don't think it would affect the money coming in for her. If anything, I feel like people would be more endeared to her.
But I don't know. Maybe. I think the worst is the middle ground that you often get with a lot of these influencers who will admit to one or two things and pretend like, oh, they're finally coming clean and being honest about it, but conceal all the rest of the things that they did.
That, to me, is the most frustrating, because I'm like, I don't want to see you get a press run about coming clean about doing this when, obviously, you're still being deceptive about 10 other things. Yes, that kills me, too. Yeah.
You're right. That also-- that does bug me, yes. So yeah, I've had three major nose jobs.
My first one was when I was a lot younger. And the surgeon who did my nose job-- it didn't go well and he did a revision. And the revision was when he really took off too much.
He took out too much cartilage. And I needed to have reconstructive surgery, where they took cartilage from other places and put it in my nose. So that also can start you on a slippery slope, if one or two surgeries doesn't go well and then you have to repair it.
And then you start looking like you're obsessed with plastic surgery, when really you're just trying to repair what the surgeon did. Totally. Yeah.
And then I had more-- I haven't done a video where I talk about all my surgeries because I'm waiting to do that. So I'm just going to talk about the ones I've talked about on my channel. And then I had a blepharoplasty-- The eyelid. --what your friend had.
Yeah, I had that. And for me, my eyelid skin was sagging, but it didn't reach the point where it was over my eyelid. I have seen people with that problem.
And yeah, it was just cosmetic. And it was hard to do my eye makeup. So I had that done.
And then I also talked about-- two years ago, I had a facelift. And I feel like that surgery was really what-- it just became so obvious. After having a facelift, it became so obvious that so many celebrities have had facelifts because it really does stop you where you're at, at the age you're at, and make you look younger.
It just-- it's a game changer if you get the right surgeon. Did you do a full facelift or the lower? So a regular facelift is just a lower facelift.
When people talk about-- I know, I hear that term a lot, "full facelift." So that's an upper facelift. No, I didn't do the upper. But to me, a full facelift is a lower facelift because they take everything from here and they move it up diagonally.
And they do your neck, too. Man, I-- so I'm fully, I have told my husband this 15 times. I'm like, there's going to come a point where I am getting a facelift.
I think when I look at a lot of the most hailed examples of much older women who look fantastic for their age, to me it seems once you learn a little bit about this and you go down the rabbit hole a little bit and research some of this stuff, it becomes so obvious that the ones who look really good-- and you're like, how do they look like that-- they got really good facelifts. There's not a mystery. And a lot of times people will go the other route and keep trying to maintain youth via injection, which I think often will result in an aesthetic that people now know-- they recognize-- they know that that's probably not the right way to go.
But it's not typical for-- and occasionally it can happen. But a woman in her 50s, 60s and beyond to have a snatched neckline, that doesn't happen. And I think a lot of people don't realize how discreet a lot of these procedures have gotten.
And I wish that more people could be just-- I wish a lot of these, especially the more respected actresses and A-list ones who will not be open about it, I'm like, you are doing such a disservice by allowing people to think that look like that naturally. Yeah, definitely. I did get an early maintenance facelift.
But having done that, now I can tell you that a lot of the facelifts I see in Hollywood are late 30s. What? I was-- yeah, I was 42 when I got it.
But I feel like, yeah, I think I see more late 30s facelifts because that's kind of the time where certain-- it just depends, but you'll start to see some signs of aging late 30s. Not everyone, so I don't want people to freak out. But yeah, that's kind of when you start to see it.
So if you think about it, a lot of people who make money on their looks, freak out at that age. And they're like, oh, no, I don't want that to be seen on film. By the way, they can digitally alter film.
And I would love to do a video on that. And they do do that in movies and even some shows, but it's very expensive. So they'd rather hire the actor or actress who looks young already.
Yeah, so I can see why they're doing these procedures earlier. Totally. And when you get these procedures, can you talk a little bit about your experience as far as what makes you want them and then how you feel after the fact, assuming-- because you've had ones that you weren't happy with, that didn't go well-- assuming it goes well, what that experience is emotionally and psychologically?
Yeah. So, I mean, with the facelift, I was like-- I wanted to-- I had just started YouTube, so I wanted to feel and look youthful. And I kind of knew I was going to get a facelift around that time.
But it just sped it up for me starting on YouTube. Everybody is so young-- or at the time they were. And I feel like now there's more older people on there.
Yeah, so I kind of knew. And then I had a surgeon who I had in mind. And then the preparation for it, it was really scary.
The facelift was scary because you just don't know what to expect. I'd had nose jobs. But it was a really hard recovery.
Really? How so? Yeah.
You're just kind of-- and I document it in a video, but you just kind of feel-- you wake up and there's this pressure on your face. It's numb. But you just feel like you've made yourself sick.
That's what it feels like. Like, wow, I made myself sick. And then you have all these feelings of regret even before you see yourself because you just feel like, I'm a healthy person.
Why did I do this to myself? And I guess it's very normal to have those feelings. But you go through that for a few days until you feel better.
And then you look crazy. You look crazy. You look like a monster.
But then after two weeks, you start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. And you're like, OK, I think it's going to be for the best. And then after a month-- because it's a long recovery.
There are some facelifts that aren't. And a lot of celebrities get these other kinds. Is there a reason you opted for the one that had a longer recovery?
Yeah, just because I don't have to go-- well, I could wait on doing a video. So I could do the recovery. The other kind is a little bit more-- it's the endoscopic kind.
The other kind of facelift is less cutting of skin and more endoscopic. And I felt like I, at my age, I did need the cutting of skin. But some celebrities get the other kind.
And, see, it's kind of sordid, but there are-- celebrities often tend to-- allegedly tend to get procedures where it's very subtle. And they can redo them, but they do a little bit at a time. This happens often.
For me, I'm not going to do that. I don't want to do a bunch of surgeries to get subtle effects. So I just wanted a one-and-done.
After about a month, that's when you feel like, OK, I can go out in public. But it's still very much like, wow, am I swollen? Can people tell?
But yeah, once you're completely not swollen, not puffy, you do get this boost, this surge of-- I don't know what it is-- like a high almost. It's almost like a high for a few weeks. Yeah, I mean, I, as I said in the intro, I haven't done a facelift, but I have done various dermatological procedures that have a similar trajectory.
Like a Fraxel laser or a chemical peel are the kind of thing where you look fricking crazy for several days. And, again, I think part of my frustration is that even certain dermatological procedures just are inherently less stigmatized. Oh, it's OK if you want to do this for-- because I had acne, and I still have acne scars, and rosacea, which is a lot of discoloration.
And that's OK. You can do that because you're fixing a problem. But if you want to do it because you have sunspots, well, that's borderline because that's aging.
Or what if you want to do it to get rid of fine lines and wrinkles, which are a lot of lasers and peels can do? There's such a completely arbitrary standard. But I did have that same experience of not only was it there was a period where I was like, oh my god, this is horrible.
I can't believe I did this. But there was that similar feeling of, wow, this is-- and I don't have great skin now, but I definitely have massively improved skin from when I was younger. And there was that similar feeling of just like, this is amazing.
And I felt more like myself. I felt more confident. I felt more-- especially someone who's on 4K camera every fricking day-- happier with it.
And it really-- I cried, actually. I've cried multiple times in my dermatologist's office. But I really cried once from this feeling of I-- because I happen to have enough financial privilege to have gotten some of these dermatological procedures, I was able to realize benefits that I never would have been able to realize with literally years of a good skin routine.
They can change it overnight. And all of these celebrities who have this gorgeous, glowing skin, they're doing these procedures regularly. This is totally an everyday thing for them.
And it just is so frustrating that we continue to make it about how disciplined you are when it's really about, no, you could literally treat your skin like trash but go in and have a dedicated team of facialists and dermatologists who will make you look great. Yeah, 100%. Actually, your skin looks really, really good.
Oh, thank you. It's very nice. I'm wearing makeup.
Thank you. But still, I don't think that the makeup would lay so nicely if the underneath wasn't good. Can I just ask you really quickly, what was the best bang for your buck skin treatment?
So I would say probably the best-- so the Fraxel, I had higher expectations for. I wasn't overly thrilled because I've heard a lot of really good write-ups about it. And I just didn't feel like it was as-- and it's expensive.
So I was like, bang for buck factor, no. But so have you done a Vbeam laser? Yes.
I did. So Vbeam is especially for people with rosacea because it's for discoloration. So I have the kind of skin where if you touch me too much, it'll be red.
Water makes me red. And I can't laugh or smile or do anything without my whole face blooming red. And it definitely still is the case, but it's like, I would say at least a 30% to 40% reduction in just the redness from a few Vbeam sessions.
So that was huge. Wow. How many?
I think I did a total of three. Oh, my gosh. OK.
Yeah, it looks really good. I didn't have that great of results from it. But I've never tried Fraxel.
I'm just wondering if maybe I should go for it. I mean, I think the thing about lasers that are nice and noninvasive skin procedures that are nice is the worst you're likely going to do is lose money. And it is a lot of money.
And I want to be clear that this is not something that everyone should expect to be able to put in their budget. But if it is something that you can afford-- one thing I will never, ever make the mistake of again-- and I've talked about this on the channel-- I used to spend so much money on high-end skin care and be so frustrated that I wasn't getting the results. I literally will never, ever again do that.
Basically every single thing I have is from the drugstore for skin products, like moisturizer, cleansers. All that stuff is from the drugstore. And I will rather invest that money into dermatology.
And a lot of it is covered by insurance because of acne and rosacea. But even the stuff that's not, I'm like, I would much rather save up and get an actual procedure for that than lose my mind trying to get fancy products to work. Yeah, I agree with you.
So when it comes to-- so I mentioned the Ozempic thing. So for those at home who may be lucky enough to not know what's going on in the celebrity beauty phenomenon right now, can you talk a little bit about what's happening? The Ozempic thing?
Yeah, so all the GLP-1s, which it's something you take usually if you are prediabetic or have diabetes, and it helps to control your insulin. And I know that these medicines have been around for a little while. And in people who don't need it, who are thin, they tend to help them lose weight really quickly.
So a lot of celebrities, influencers, and public figures are taking diabetes medication. Although, I should say there's Wegovy, which is meant just for weight loss, which is a similar medicine as Ozempic. So they're taking these medicines to lose weight.
And why is that? Because I think even people who are just peripherally aware have seen that this is now a big trend in Hollywood and in New York, I'm sure, as well. And can you explain a little bit about what the trend is right now?
So the trend to look really thin? Yeah, is that something-- because, obviously, we had-- there was a very long era where it was, like, being curvaceous was the most aspirational thing. How long do you feel that this has been going on?
Where do you feel that it's kind of heading? So I wonder if this started with the Kardashians getting thin. Probably.
I hate to say that, but I wonder if that's where it kind of bloomed. It didn't start-- thin has been in for a long time. Trigger warning, but I feel like we all understand that to be true because it's pushed on celebrities.
So it kind of gets watered down to the rest of us. Now it's kind of bloomed again with Kim losing a lot of weight, it looks like. There are people in my audience who say that the Kardashians now look normal, they don't look overly skinny.
But to me, they look pretty thin. Yeah. Also, you really don't realize how thin a lot of these people are when you're seeing them on camera.
That cannot be overstated. Every actress I've ever met in real life looks way thin compared to what you would think. Yeah, even the actresses that are, quote unquote, "curvy," when you see them in real life, maybe they're curvy, but they're so thin.
It's insane. Yeah, and that is something that I think a lot of people really don't realize when you're watching film and television. Everyone is so thin in Hollywood that they look normal compared to other thin people.
But then you see them in real life-- and that is another area of I didn't really get into it in the celebrity gaslighting video as much because I think it can be really treacherous territory to talk about weight in any capacity. And I do want to be really sensitive when I talk about it. But so we have, I think, in America a more prevalent culture of lying about cosmetic procedures than other countries-- and not all, but some other countries.
I know cosmetic procedures are also really popular in Korea, for example, and other cultures. So there is that. But America is definitely, that's one area in which we're really, I think, deceptive in pushing a really unsustainable image on young women and girls especially.
I go back to my grandmother, who died a size 2 after having six kids. I mean, all love to her. Rest in peace.
She was my icon. But she was smoking two packs a day and wasn't eating and would then have cabbage soup. And that was the reality of being that size.
And I think we do in America-- I think it was worse in the '90s. It's coming back now. There is this culture now where you have to look at these people who are maintaining these very, very low body weights and take their word for it that they're just having fish and vegetables.
It's mind-boggling. You know what, that's a really good point. I can't believe your grandmother.
Oh my god. I have to pull up a picture. She was such an icon.
Wow. Yeah, that's insane, a size 2. OK, that's a really good point that I didn't mention about Ozempic, is that it's helping celebrities to also just feel full longer.
So this medicine makes you feel-- after you eat a meal, you just don't want-- your stomach doesn't empty immediately. So you just feel full for a lot longer than if you weren't on it. So if celebrities say that they lost weight from diet and exercise, I mean, maybe some of them did.
But a lot of them are being helped by it because, yeah, truth, they lost weight through not eating as much. But it's because the medicine helped them not eat as much. And I don't want to be promoting the medicine.
That is not what I'm trying to do. I'm just trying to say that if you see a lot more thin celebrities than you normally do, it may be because they're on this medicine. And let's not forget, before that, phentermine and Adderall and Vyvanse and all that stuff is so common.
And to not be promoting Ozempic, I have someone very close to me who actually did need it and was made violently ill by it. It has a ton of really under-reported side effects. I'm going to link in the description to a recent Atlantic-- I think Atlantic article-- about how really unsustainable this is for people.
Also, important to note that as with many, many drugs that effectively work by suppressing appetite, which is, obviously, the most common method to use medication to help lose weight, it stops working when you stop taking it. Your appetite returns. And you're no longer digesting in this way or you're no longer having your appetite suppressed by amphetamines or whatever it might be.
So there's basically a perpetual cycle where you either have to constantly be doing it or we'll sometimes look at celebrities who go through cycles of weight loss and weight gain and it's like, yeah, because it's inevitable because they're trying to maintain something that their body is not meant to do. And yeah, I'm sure a lot of the celebrities you see yo-yoing probably were on different weight loss methods, like phentermine and now Ozempic. And also, you have to pay out of pocket if you're thin to take Ozempic.
So it's extremely expensive, upwards of $1,000, if not more, for a month's supply. Oh my gosh. I'm interested to know-- so before we get to-- we have some audience questions I want to go through quickly.
I can't get to all of them. We got so many. But I'll do as many as I can.
Where do you personally find that your-- how do you avoid conflating what genuinely brings you happiness and confidence and makes you feel better versus doing something to appeal to a standard that's not even your own? It's a really good question. I feel like when I go on camera, that is not what I look like in normal life.
Really? Yes. I am trying to dress up for you guys.
I'm trying to look good, honestly. I'm always surprised if I get recognized in real life, because I'm like really-- because I do look wildly different, mainly because I have no time because of kids and this career. But yeah, if I had time like I used to have time before YouTube and before being a mom, then yeah, I would-- your outfit today is awesome.
And I would, yes, I used to wear stuff like that. Well, yours is awesome, too. Well, no, but it's only for today.
I also have a run in my stocking from this morning, which I'm like, I can't stop thinking about it. It's all I've thought about since this morning. It's ruining my day.
No, but I think it's interesting-- I don't know-- I think that what I really sometimes get a little bit hot under the collar about is that I sometimes feel like there are certain-- women are in such an impossible position in terms of you're supposed to look beautiful, but as if you never tried. And trying makes you be vain and have low moral character and all of this other stuff and makes you vapid and superficial. But yet if you genuinely don't try, it's like that whole thing about no makeup makeup.
A lot of people don't realize what people actually look like when they're just rolling out of the house. But if you do that, then you look a mess and get it together. And it's like there's no-- it feels like oftentimes there's no winning.
Yeah. You know what? I think that what I like to do is at least put on foundation and then maybe some lipstick.
And then I'm good. That's my standard right there because I just-- other than that, if I had more time, yes, I would do the full thing. And when I do the full thing, I feel better.
And yeah, it's probably because I'm weighing how other people see me. And the foundation is just the bare minimum, where it's like, they won't be scared. [LAUGHS] I won't scare little kids. I'm sure you would not.
I'm a brows, lips, lashes girl. I just never leave the house-- I just can hear my mother in my head-- put a little lip color on. You look washed out.
But anyway-- also, I do want to share like that no matter what, as I pull up these audience questions, your personal level is, I think all of them are great. And I want everyone to feel exactly as they want to feel. And if you're someone who prefers full glam or prefers completely bare face sweatpants and a T-shirt or whatever it is, I just think it's really important to do the exercise.
And sometimes people could even benefit from journaling. Like how do I feel today? Do I feel confident?
Do I feel comfortable? Because I think a lot of people genuinely don't even necessarily know what is for themselves. That's true, too.
Yeah, that's true, too. I do-- it's a little bit messy. But after 40, you realize how much stuff we do for the male gaze.
And it's like, oh, that's a whole can of worms, where you're kind of going, am I doing this to look good for men or for myself? And that's a whole other thing. I want to say one thing about that.
And this is very important. And I just want to-- I love my husband. I do like to look nice for my husband.
I very much pay attention to the way I look around him because I also like him. And he's also-- he's very into-- he presents himself very well. But I go way more out of my way to look nice and get a cute look together when I'm going to be with-- I work with all women, or when I'm going out to meet a girlfriend for dinner.
That's true. I feel like I care so much more when I'm going out with girls because they actually notice things and it's fun. They do notice things.
That's actually true, too. I wonder how-- that would be an interesting video. How much we do to look good for our girlfriends, too.
Yeah. Yeah, and I think the female gaze-- it's often when you're wearing something like funky and interesting, that girls would be like, oh, I love that. Yes, it's great to get that kind of attention because it's not-- there's no malicious intent usually. [LAUGHS] Exactly.
Also, a lot of straight men just have no taste. So I'm like, I don't want to be dressing for that. Ooh, OK, so getting into the audience questions real quick.
So have any potential sponsors ever not wanted to work with you because you speak candidly about celebrities and have faced backlash? Not so much the celebrities, but more a lot of skincare and beauty brands don't want to work with me because I talk about plastic surgery. Yeah.
Could you-- because I know I have been familiar-- and, I have to say, you have a really great community because I've seen a few celebrities take issue with something that you've said about them. And you always go out of your way to say, this is speculation, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But your community is also really wonderful about defending you.
They're so great. I love them. What do you think the role is of preventative beauty and aging treatments?
It's hard because I've heard a few surgeons say this, and dermatologists, too, that there's really no such thing as preventative Botox. I started getting Botox when I was 23 just right here because I didn't like how I looked when I did the 11, the frowny face. And that did seem to prevent me needing it down the road.
I feel like I don't need as much Botox now. But I don't know that you can really prevent. I think the best prevention is a good sunscreen for people who are sensitive to the sun.
Most people are. I think that's the best prevention. Yeah, I would agree with that.
What are the most common procedures celebrities get done and lie about? Rhinoplasty, cheek implants-- I don't think anybody's ever admitted to cheek implants-- and probably a facelift. Do you think cheek implants are common?
Yeah. Really? Yeah, I do.
OK, can you talk about that? What's the deal? So I knew about that way back in the day from-- I don't know-- a lot of people aren't young enough to remember this.
But there is a movie called Doc Hollywood. Have you ever heard of it? It was, I think, Michael J.
Fox. And it's a true story about this plastic surgeon who moves to Hollywood and then starts working on a bunch of people. Anyway, that surgeon's name was Dr.
Steven Hoefflin. And he made a lot of the Hollywood faces we know and love today. And he would always use cheek implants and things like that to make the Hollywood face.
That was pretty standard. I kind of learned about that. And it's very common.
Some of the best implant-- there's one implant doctor-- I think he's still working. But some of the best implant doctors were in the LA area, who, a lot of these faces, where they don't make the whole face, but the cheek implants, that's a very standard Hollywood look for-- Yeah, I was always-- I used to be so naive. I was like, wow, every celebrity has such high cheekbones.
It's like, no, they don't. Not all of them. I mean, like-- Some of them do. --Margot Robbie-- yeah, no, no, I'm saying not all of them are fake.
Margot Robbie, I think her cheeks are real. Totally. And it also adds such scaffolding to your face to support the rest of your skin and keep things like drawn up.
But it really can go overboard. And you get that Waylon and Madame look. OK, Botox for migraines, fact or crap?
No, yeah, it can help a migraine. It really can. Yeah, I also got my masseter Botox.
And I haven't-- and I don't-- so I got injections of Botox into my jaw to stop from grinding my teeth with anxiety. And you do stop because you literally can't grind your teeth anymore. I haven't really noticed that it's changed the shape of my face at all.
I've been pretty vigilant about looking at pictures. I was worried-- I was honestly very worried that it was going to really change the shape of my face because sometimes it really does. And I'm more convinced now than ever that it's because those people are overdoing it.
Because if you just do it-- so my current plan is to do it once every two years because I don't want to totally weaken the muscle that it starts to really thin out and change. But there is, genuinely, if you are someone who grinds teeth, if you have frequent stress reactions and headaches and things like that because of it, it really can completely change the game. It can.
And a lot of the people whose face it really changes is because their masseters got huge from the grinding. Totally. You see people with a square-- very square jawline, who it goes completely down for them, which can be nice.
I think both looks can be good. Totally. I think it's also just know your face structure and don't do anything that's going to-- because also people just really underestimate how much it's like you change this and then this looks weird and then this looks weird.
Oh, yeah. Yes. OK.
If I want to maintain my looks well into my 50s, what should I be budgeting for? What amounts or what procedures? I think what things.
Definitely facelift and Botox, blepharoplasty. I think it would be important to talk about cost because a good facelift is probably between $15,000 and $25,000. I'm trying to think of what are the costs for mainstream middle America?
Yeah, probably $15,000. But if you want to go high-end, then $30,000. And then Botox-- I'm assuming they already started it-- a blepharoplasty.
So Botox, blepharoplasty, facelift or necklift. [LAUGHS] I'm like, I don't want to say anything else because people are going to freak out. But yeah. Yeah, I mean, I think-- yeah, I can't stress enough, I'm lucky enough to have a few people in my life who got a tasteful facelift and were very honest about it.
And it looks really good when you get it right. It's crazy. Oh, yeah.
Did they say how much it was? Well, so one of them in New York, I believe it was $36,000. LA was a little less.
And then someone in a more suburban area, it was about $28,000 maybe. OK, yeah, that's a good-- that's great. It's all out of pocket, financed.
Two of them financed. I think one paid out of pocket, like totally cash. Wow.
Yeah. I mean, but OK, so for reference, though, I just redid my kitchen. I didn't even change out the cabinetry or the appliances.
And it was about-- I think it was, all told, $18,000, which included some issues with plumbing that were unexpected, which added several thousands dollars to it. But just changing the floor in my fricking tiny New York City apartment kitchen was $5,000. Stuff is expensive.
Stuff is expensive. And I'm not saying that you're better off getting a facelift than redoing your kitchen. That's a completely arbitrary-- it's apples and oranges.
But I'm just saying, people are-- life is expensive. Yeah, it is. I've seen a lot of tear trough fillers specifically go wrong.
What's the key to a good result? I'm not so sure. So this is not medical advice, but I don't know that I would say get it.
So your trough filler-- why do people get it? Because the volume-- they've lost volume. Usually it's because-- It's under here?
Yeah, I'm just trying to-- I'm scanning my brain. So usually-- I don't know for sure, but this is what I think-- that the fat has slipped down. So you want to see an oculoplast who will lift the fat back up to its rightful position so you're not filling it with filler, which who knows when that will-- you're going to keep putting filler in your face.
It's probably not a good thing. Better to reposition that fat pad back from where it's fallen. Hmm, OK.
On that note, what is filler creep and how can we avoid it? Oh, OK, don't-- yes, here's what it is. Filler creep is, in my opinion, when you just keep putting filler in your face.
And you don't even realize how big your face has gotten. And a lot of that filler will stay in and won't dissolve. So what you want to do is never put filler in your face to create features you don't have.
So don't put filler to create cheekbones. That's what implants are for. Maybe you can do it once just to see what-- if you like the look of it.
But filler and implants are different. So if you need volume to an area continuously to create a feature that you don't have, don't use filler for that. Use implants or go speak with a doctor and see if you're a good candidate for either implants or some kind of bone surgery.
Some people need actual bone jaw surgery. So yeah. I have had exactly one syringe of hyaluronic acid filler, which I got in a very-- so, for context, an extremely small amount when spread out over the face.
But I got it in a few very strategic places because after losing weight, I had essentially hanging skin. I mean, when I tell you that literally everyone in my life was like, what, we would have never noticed this, but I literally burst into tears. I was so excited and happy.
I was like, this is amazing. And I am extremely cautious about it. I did a ton of research before I-- I did Voluma.
And I was extremely cautious about where I went to and what I did and all that stuff. And I'm going to be extremely conservative about how often I redo it because that, I think, is also a big issue, is people do it very frequently. It also migrates.
It's a whole host of issues. But I will say, I feel confidently that issues like that, if you have very, very minor corrections that are-- they're not artificial because it's, like, I did lose weight, and that did make skin hang. But it's not like I'm like, oh, I'm changing the appearance.
And those are where I have personally, and I've also seen other people in my life be really, really happy with the results. And it doesn't look at all like-- no one in my life, I think, would ever guess that I did it. I feel great.
Oh, that's the most important thing. But also, I feel like you're more confident, too, when you feel that way, regardless of if people see it or not. But also, you used it in a way that it was meant for, just to fill volume deficiencies.
And also, you can use it in your lips. Someone can use it in their lips to fill volume that way. I know people are going to ask that question because there is no really good substitute for lip fillers.
So yes, you could create an upper lip or a lower lip that you don't have. But past that, yeah, you'll still get filler creep that way, too, because it can leave-- it can migrate out your lips, too. So you need a good injector, too.
We had an interview with a dermatologist here. But my dermatologist that I go to and the dermatologist we had both said very clearly that a huge percentage of their work is just correcting bad med spa injections-- That makes sense. Yeah. --which can literally be potentially life-threatening depending on what you're doing and where you're going.
Doo-doo-doo. What treatments give you the most bang for your buck to avoid needing surgery? Gosh, that's a good question.
So there's no-- nothing that I know of that-- there's no noninvasive treatments that can substitute surgery because once you need to remove excess skin, there's just no treatment that can shrink your skin that I know of that won't remove facial fat from your face. So you can't substitute treatments for surgery. That is my one opinion that I've done enough research now to say.
It's like, I didn't do it. I opted away from doing it. But when I was looking at options to replace volume loss for slight skin sagging, I guess, one of the options presented to me was Thermage, which is a treatment that is basically-- it's kind of a laser, I guess.
Is it a laser? It heats up your skin, basically. Well, suffice to say, it's supposed to, theoretically, be like-- it tightens your skin that way.
And in doing my research, I found basically no one who was like, this was worth it, because it's very expensive. So I think all that kind of stuff that promises the results of surgery without surgery or injections is often a scam a little bit. It is.
And I think people spend a lot more money doing those things than just saving up for a procedure. Oh, yeah. Thermage was going to be $3,000.
I was like, no. Yeah. And there's a whole industry built on catering to people who are scared of surgery.
And it's kind of predatory in a way because it's probably better just to get over your fear of surgery than to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on these procedures just so you don't have to have surgery. And it's minimal results. Do any of the cellulite treatments actually work?
And how long do they last? I don't know for sure, but-- I don't know for sure. I don't.
Because I've never had that. And I don't know anyone close to me who either does it, like a surgeon, or someone who's had it. So I can't speak intelligently on that.
Nor I. And I'm one of the many women who does have some. But I'm just like, I have limits.
I can't be spending all that money to have a perfectly smooth thigh. Yeah, me, too. I have it.
And I'd just rather just go spray tan myself. Exactly. I'm like, I use Jergens Natural Glow.
It's like $10 at the drugstore and it works really well. I just don't have-- No one cares. Yeah, no one cares.
OK, two more quick questions. What is with the fox eye everyone has now? So they're trying to create something that-- I've talked about it before.
It's kind of controversial, but they're trying to create the look of a long eye. And a long, horizontally long eye is something that is a beauty landmark. My mentor talked about it.
I have a mentor who's-- she's a lot older. And she studied a lot of art and went to Harvard and MIT. And she's talked about the long eye, and a lot of celebrities have a long eye.
And so when someone doesn't have a long eye, to create that look, they're using the fox eye surgery, which is a lateral canthoplasty, where they cut here and then they pull up on the eye and it elongates the eye. You can opt for getting the eye angled up or not. Or you could just have a neutral tilt.
Some people get the eye angled up, like Bella Hadid did, allegedly. So yeah, it's a trend. I mean, a real long eye, it doesn't-- it looks like a real long eye, but it's not an actual real long eye because for that, you have to have the bone structure to have long eyes.
And this is just mimicking the look of a long eye. So the last audience question-- and you don't have to answer if you don't want to, but who do you think is the most dishonest celebrity about their procedures? I can't answer that because I feel like it could potentially be slanderous for me to answer.
But I don't know. I feel like you guys all know there's a group of women who need to be more honest about their surgeries. There are so many of them that I'm just like, it really blows my mind that they-- I'm like, how do you guys even look people in the eye and say that you didn't do anything?
It's so crazy to me. And I honestly feel like-- so people have come for you before saying basically that it's like-- and I feel really passionately about this and I have to say it, basically saying some version of it's not cool to assume that other people have had procedures done, even though in a lot of cases, you're talking about things that are extremely obvious. And you always do go out of your way to say, this is your speculation.
This is your best guess. But I actually think the opposite is true. I think for our own mental health as normal, non-celebrity people, it's actually way healthier to assume that they're all getting stuff done and that they're all lying about it, and that if they're not getting actual surgical procedures that they're probably getting injectables, facials, lasers, peels, all that kind of stuff.
So they might as well. It's already completely out of the realm of possibility. And it's way better to compare yourself to that than the perception that they didn't.
Yes, 100%. I think it's way healthier to assume because I cannot stress to you guys enough so much that when I get into the weeds with figuring out if a celebrity has had surgery and how much, it's always more than I ever thought-- always more. Where I'm going like, oh, I'll be done-- I'll tell my husband and kids or my child-- I'll tell my husband and my son, I'll be done today with this video, and I won't be done for two days because I'll find so much-- so many more procedures than I would have ever guessed.
And it's insane because I tend to-- I'll even believe a celebrity when they say they haven't had anything. But I'll just make sure. And then I'll see so much more than I ever thought that they'd had done.
So it's better to assume that celebrities have had many things done because it's generally true. It is very generally true. And it's also, like, men are not exempt from this.
We've talked before on the channel about how almost every one of your favorite superhero actors is on some kind of steroid supplement. They're on cycles. Believe me.
These men in their mid-40s are not just suddenly transforming into Adonises because they ate a bunch of chicken breast. And they also have full-time trainers and nutritionists, all of this stuff. So a point being, it's better off and safer and better for mental health to assume that they're all getting stuff done and lying about it is my opinion.
Yes, and a lot of the male, especially the superhero actors, have had jaw implants allegedly. And I can really see it. Yes, they have.
One of them-- there's a British actor who his face is completely different. And he has a really sharp jawline now. He looks so masculine.
No, not him, it's [BLEEP]. Oh, yes, I've gotten his photo sent to me a few times. Yes. [BLEEP] And we can-- we'll beep the name out.
Looks like a completely different man. And he looks great. But he, obviously, got a jaw implant, amongst many other things.
And that's not even touching all of the men. And it's completely the norm for men in Hollywood to have hair transplants and be on Propecia their whole lives and all of that stuff. But all of this is a lie.
I don't know what people are doing. And someone on Twitter had shared a before and after of that actor being like, um, wow, someone had a glow-up. And another person was like, that's a weird word for jaw implant.
And then a bunch of people got mad at that person and were like, how dare you assume what he's had. And it's like, what are we, children? We can't acknowledge what's in front of our eyes?
It's infuriating to me. Yes, I agree. It should be OK to say that.
But yes, a lot of them have had that. And even Tom Cruise-- I did a video on him. And it's undeniable, allegedly, because you could see the changes with your eyes.
Of course. I've mentioned this several times on my own show, but if you go on to YouTube and search the wedding of David Foster and Yolanda Hadid from 2011, you will see Bella and Gigi in the crowd in the background. And Bella's face is completely unrecognizable.
It's probably the only surviving video of her original face. Oh, I haven't seen that. And she probably even at that time already had a few things.
But you can't look at that video and be like, she's only had a nose job. Yeah. There's no way.
Yeah, and she's had-- I mean, it looks like there's been some jaw surgery, which can radically change your face. But that's not all, obviously. Listen, Yolanda Hadid walked into that surgeon's office and slammed a picture of Carla Bruni in 1992 on that table and she was like, this.
And he did a great job-- or she. Yeah, she looks a lot like her. Yes.
She really does. Yeah, she does. And listen, she looks great, but-- and I think one of the best-- to end on this note-- I think one of the best comparisons that people ever made was when you're talking about men getting hair transplants and jaw surgery and women getting all these different procedures, that's gender-affirming surgery on some level.
You are really affirming the way that you want to look. You're affirming your masculinity, your femininity. And we have totally normalized it for cis hetero people.
But also we've totally normalized it, that we can lie about it as long as it's under a certain level of obviousness. And I do feel like it's really destructive for mental health to not acknowledge the reality of this. Yeah, I 100% agree with you.
And I think we're headed towards more transparency. Maybe I'm naive, but I feel like with people starting to admit procedures, maybe it'll happen in the next decade, I hope. Listen, on these two chairs, you'll always get honesty.
That's our promise. Well, Lorry, it has been such a pleasure. It was so exciting to finally meet you in person.
I've been such a fan for a long time. And, yeah, right back at you. And thank you so much for having me.
Thank you. And, obviously, everyone go check out her channel, Lorry Hill on YouTube. We'll link it in the description.
And I will see you guys all back here next week on an all new episode of The Financial Confessions. Bye. Bye. [MUSIC PLAYING]