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Emma Approved is a multi-platform series based on Emma, a novel by Jane Austen.
The series is produced by Pemberley Digital.
The series is developed by Bernie Su.

See more details at

Emma Woodhouse - Joanna Sotomura -
Harriet Smith - Dayeanne Hutton -
Alex Knightley - Brent Bailey -
Bobby Martin - James Brent Isaacs -

Executive Producer - Bernie Su -
Executive Producer - Hank Green -
Producer - Tracy Bitterolf -
Co-Executive Producer - Kate Rorick -
Director - Shilpi Roy
Writer - Tracy Bitterolf -
Cinematography - Raphe Wolfgang -
Editor - Cody Bonsignore
Story Editor - Tamara Krinsky -
Transmedia Producer - Alexandra Edwards -
Transmedia Editor - Angelique Hanus -
Assistant Director - Hannah Queiroz
Production Designer - Katie Moest -
Intro Music - Sally Chou -
Intro Design - Andrew Swaner
Art Direction - Adam Levermore -
Stylist - Jessica Snyder -
Script Supervisor - Ana Avila -
Makeup - Jennifer Jackson
Sound Mixer/Boom - Geoff Allison
Key Grip - Adrian Pacheco -
Gaffer - Tristan Starr
Post Production Coordinator - Chris Kwon -
Social Media Manager - Christina Cooper -
Development Assistant - Ariana Nedelman
EMMA: A key to running a successful business is recognizing opportunities where others might not. With Maddy I can still be getting business advice (*scoffs* which I don't need), when instead I saw an opportunity to help her and I grabbed it.
And if all of this inspires her to email Jane Fairfax about all the good I'm doing, I'm certainly not going to stop her.
The heart of what I do is helping people reach their fullest potential, and Maddy is selling herself short. With my help, Maddy's going to be operating at a completely different level, no, stratosphere! Maddy Bates, meet your new potential!

[Emma Approved opening theme]

ALEX: Explain it to me one more time.

EMMA: Too much creative for your business brain, Snarky Knightley?
We are going to throw a high-profile fundraiser with a celebrity guest ostensibly put on by Bates' Financial Services. There, Maddy will mix and mingle with elite potential clientele, and pick up new clients that can afford to pay her in money, not melons.

ALEX: Okay, but what cause is the fundraiser for?

EMMA: No idea.

ALEX: And where will it be held?

EMMA: No idea.

ALEX: Who is the celebrity guest?

EMMA: No idea. Isn't this a great plan? 

ALEX: Great is not the adjective that popped into my head.

EMMA: Listen, this is not that difficult, the details will work themselves out. Anyone who is anyone in the business community will be there. The world won't have seen a party like this since Great Gatsby, and we will be making Maddy Bates' life infinitely better!

ALEX: Uh-huh. One last question - how is this fundraiser being funded?

EMMA: Again with the details. We are killing two birds with one stone here. The fundraiser doubles as our business-building cocktail party! Harriet is putting together the guest list right now, and she's already put a placeholder on the Coles' ranch as a location, but I know we can find somewhere so much better.

ALEX: Humph.

EMMA: [pushes Alex aside] 

[video call to Harriet]

Harriet, bring that list of people to invite to the fundraiser. 

HARRIET: uhh...

EMMA: Harriet?

HARRIET: I have to back you call, Emma.

[enter Martin into video call screen]

MARTIN: Hey, Harriet.

[video call screen disappears]


[cut to Harriet's office]

HARRIET: Martin! What are you doing here?

MARTIN: Alex called me, and um, you, er, can I sit?

[pause while Martin sits down]

MARTIN: Uh, his computer was stuck on start-up, so I just, uh, did a safe-boot and ran disk utilities, utility, utility, uh, disk utility's the name of the program, uh you know it's not important, it's fixed now.

HARRIET: That's really good to hear.


MARTIN: How is everything?


MARTIN: Good. And, uh, Emma's computer?

HARRIET: Oh, it's really good. Haven't had any problems since you fixed the sound!

MARTIN: Oh, great. And, uh, yours? How's it doing?

HARRIET: It's... okay... uh, the PowerPoint crashed the other day, but I restarted it like you told me to and it's working great.

MARTIN: You always were a quick learner. Um... mind if I take a look?

HARRIET: Course! I mean, course not.  

[Martin takes keyboard]

MARTIN: Oh! Hey, you changed your desktop picture.

HARRIET: I did. It's my favorite scene from Mary Poppins's.

MARTIN: Yeah, the penguins, it's great.

[Harriet and Martin begin talking at the same time]

BOTH: Sorry.

MARTIN: Heh... I'm sorry, you were saying?

HARRIET: Oh, I was just wondering if you were still playing poker.

MARTIN: Actually, I have a tournament next week.

HARRIET: Oh, what's the prize?

MARTIN: Beef jerky. Yeah, between that and the, uh, nacho cheese I'm going to have a lot of snack foods to share...
Anyway, your system looks beautiful... you know, as far as computers go.

HARRIET: Oh good.


MARTIN: I should get back to work.

HARRIET: Thank you, for your help.

[Martin gets up, begins to leave, but returns]

MARTIN: You know what, before I forget, um... make sure you back up your files regularly. Don't want to lose anything important to you.

HARRIET: Thanks. I-I will.

[Martin exits]

[cut to Emma's office]
[Alex clutches a struggling Emma]

EMMA: Ugh! Let me go!

ALEX: Emma, everything is fine, he's just here to fix her computer, okay?

EMMA: Ugh!

ALEX: You don't have to save Harriet from Martin.

EMMA: Says you, what's he doing here?

ALEX: He's out IT guy and my computer froze, thus, I called him to repair it.

[Alex releases Emma]

EMMA: Do you have any idea what you've done?

ALEX: Yes, I got my computer fixed, thank you for your concern.

EMMA: Alex, this is going to set my work back with Harriet months! How could you do this?

ALEX: Do you mean to tell me that I can never call our IT guy to fix an IT problem ever again? Is that really what you're saying?

EMMA: No, but why did you have to call that one?

ALEX: Whatever objections you have to Martin, as unfounded as they are, he is a solid IT person.

EMMA: I see what you're doing, Alex Knightley, and I don't like it.

ALEX: What am I doing?

EMMA: You are trying to get them back together again, and it's not going to work.

ALEX: That's funny, that's really funny.

EMMA: No. It's not.

ALEX: Yes, it is, because it just shows how your mind works.

[Emma turns away, Alex grabs her and turns her back around]

That is something right out of the Emma Woodhouse playbook, but that's not in mine.

EMMA: Okay. Your computer was broken - prove it.

ALEX: I can't prove it because my computer is fixed because Martin is good at his job.

EMMA: [sighs annoyed]

ALEX: [exhales exasperatedly] If you don't mind, we should really get back to ours.

[Alex gets up to leave]

EMMA: Fine.

ALEX: Fine!

EMMA: Fine!

ALEX: Fine. [begins to close door after him]

[Emma makes to stand up]

ALEX: Stay...

[Emma sits back down with a sullen expression]
[Alex closes door]

[cut to Harriet's office]

[Enter Emma]

EMMA: Are you okay?

HARRIET: I think so... It was just so weird seeing him again. 

EMMA: Weird is normal. The important thing is that it's over. You never have to have your first run in with him anymore because you already did it. It's out of the way.

HARRIET: He was nice. Nicer than I thought he would be. 

EMMA: Did you expect him to be mean?

HARRIET: Maybe. I guess I thought he would be mad at me.

EMMA: No one could ever be mad at you for doing the right thing. The takeaway here is that he is fine. B-Mart is doing great on his own and so are you. Now you know that for sure and you can move on.

HARRIET: [Sighs] He noticed I changed my desktop photo.

EMMA: People who work in IT tend to be observant. The best thing for you to do is to focus on something else and we have plenty to focus on.

HARRIET: Oh right, the benefit! I completely forgot.

EMMA: Yeah, and there's still a ton of work to do. Alex was asking about our list so we better have something impressive to show him. The bigger, the better.

HARRIET: Right away Emma.

[Emma makes to stand up]

HARRIET: He told me to make sure that I back up all my files. Do you think that means anything?

EMMA: I wouldn't read too much into that. Good luck with the research.

[Exit Emma]

[Cut to Emma's office]

EMMA: Poor, poor Harriet. Just when she was starting to feel like herself again, Alex had to go and bring B-Mart back into the picture. Why would he do that? Men can be so insensitive. Of course, she's going to spend some time processing, but if I can just get her to focus on what we have to do, she'll be fine.
We don't have time to worry about men - Maddy Bates needs our help. Maybe at the benefit, Harriet will meet someone who will make her forget all about B-Mart and State Senator Scumbag. Harriet Smith and Maddy Bates, meet your new potential!

[Outro theme]