Previous: Enjoy the Adorbs - Ep: 20
Next: The Unavoidable Invitation - Ep: 22



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Last sync:2025-02-16 04:15
Experience The Lizzie Bennet Diaries in real time! In honor of the 5 year anniversary, join us on Facebook as we re-visit Lizzie’s story with a curated transmedia experience -
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I'm back and so is Charlotte! Our semester is over and though we started this as a school project we are keeping the video diaries going! Also, we'll be going to Vidcon in two weeks so come say hi!

Start from the first video -
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The Lizzie Bennet Diaries is a Primetime Emmy Award winning series based on Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice.
The series was produced by Pemberley Digital.
See other Pemberley Digital projects at
The show was developed and executive produced by Hank Green and Bernie Su.
See more details at

Lizzie Bennet - Ashley Clements -
Charlotte Lu - Julia Cho -

Executive Producer - Hank Green -
Executive Producer - Bernie Su -
Producer - Jenni Powell -
Director - Bernie Su -
Writer - Margaret Dunlap -
Cinematography - Jason Raswant
Assistant Director - Stuart Davis -
Editor - Michael Aranda -
Consulting Producer - Margaret Dunlap -
Transmedia Producer - Jay Bushman -
Intro Music and Graphics - Michael Aranda -
Makeup - Heather Begley
Production Designer - Katie Moest -
Production Assistant - Tahlena Chikami
Hey Internet!

Wow, once again, I apologize, for my little sister. Really? A Haul video? Who does that? Let's not encourage her. I don't know what happened. She must have blackmail material on Charlotte, or something. I couldn't blog because I had this huge final project due for my practicum and social media seminar and... well... you really don't care. Although it is kind of ironic, when you think about it. Anyway, long story short, too late. 

My name is Lizzie Bennet, and the semester is over!

[Intro plays]

Hooray! But don't worry, this is not the end of my video blog. Because Charlotte, the sneaky little thing that she is, has a plan. VidCon is only about a week away, and since we have viewers, a mind-boggling number of viewers actually, which is amazing, but also a little scary. Charlotte wants to use the convention as a way to network and maybe create some professional opportunities. 

[Charlotte] Don't say that, you make it sound totally calculating, like I'm only doing this as a resume builder. 

[Lizzie] Well, if someone offered you a job that, you know, paid, would you turn it down?

[Charlotte] Probably not, but I wouldn't stop working on these video diaries. I like our viewers, it's a nice little community. Besides, what I'm hoping, is that someone might pay us to keep doing this. 

[Lizzie] Ooh, does that mean we go all Hollywood?

[Charlotte] It might mean we could move out of our parents' houses.

[Lizzie] We could do that right now, if we didn't mind living in a refrigerator box. 

[Charlotte] Please! We could totally afford two refrigerator boxes! 

[Lizzie] You wouldn't want to share a refrigerator box with me? I'm hurt. 

[Charlotte] It's only because you snore.

[Lizzie] I do not. 

[Charlotte] The people need to know. 

[Lizzie] So what am I going to do with myself now that classes have finished for the summer? Because I spend so much time on this video blog talking about school. 

Well, in light of current circumstances, and because, well, I'm not an idiot. I'm trying to get a job. Beyond my current job of keeping my mother's head from exploding. I apologize in advance for how much I'm going to complain about this because I hate job interviews. 

[Charlotte] Poor baby. 

[Lizzie] In the 20 seconds it takes for me to walk in and say, "Hi, my name is Lizzie Bennet." they've already decided whether they're going to hire me or not. It's the most high pressure first impression ever. 

[Charlotte] Higher pressure than dating?

[Lizzie] It's way worse than dating. What you think of them doesn't even matter. They take their pick and you're it, or you're not. 

[Charlotte] So, it's how you're mother thinks dating works. 

[Lizzie] And a decent job is almost as hard to find as a decent guy. 

[Charlotte] You always were picky. 

[Lizzie] Hey, I'm not saying my job has to be saving the world or anything, but I'd like to at least not make the planet, or the culture, worse.
[Charlotte] And what if Fat People on Skinny Island offered you crazy money to hold people up to public humiliation on national television? You'd turn them down? 

[Lizzie] Yeah, I would. 

[Charlotte] Even if taking the job meant you could save the house, and you could give away huge amounts of your crazy money to charity?

[Lizzie] It's so easy to do something for the money and say that you're gonna do good later, and then never get around to doing any good. Instead of getting rich so I can save the world, I'd like to find someone who's already rich who can pay me to save it for them. So that's my plan!

[Charlotte] I thought you said you didn't need to save the world?
[Lizzie] Well, I don't... I would totally settle for changing the culture. 

[Charlotte] Yeah, and how much time and energy do you spend worrying about your sister's love life again? 

[Lizzie] Anyway, tune in next time when, when... uhh...

[Charlotte] When?

[Lizzie] When I'll probably be worrying about my sister's love life. 

[Outro plays]