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Hi Utah, if you want to vote in the  2022 midterm elections there are three   steps you need to take.

Register, make  your plan, and of course, vote.   Lets start with getting registered. If you have  a Utah ID or drivers license, you can register   online.

If not, you’ll need to print out an  application form and mail it in. Links to both   are at But either way you  register, you need to do it by October 28th.   If you miss that deadline though, don’t  worry.

You can still register in person   at your early voting or election day  Vote Center through election day.   Then it’s time to make your plan  for how you’re going to vote.   Utah makes it pretty easy for you. As long as  you’re registered by the deadline, they’ll send   a ballot to your house. You don’t even have to ask  for it.

But if you need it sent somewhere other   than your home address, like if you are going to  be out of town or go to school in another state,   update your voter registration to let them know  before ballots get mailed in early October.   You can either mail your ballot  back or drop it off at a vote   center or drop box by November 8th. But if you’d prefer to vote in person or   need to register after the deadline, you can use  that same link to find a vote center near you.   They’re open from October 25th to November  4th, and on November 8th from 7am to 8pm.   If you’re voting in person, be sure to bring  an ID. A drivers license, state ID, passport,   military or tribal ID, will work.

But if you don’t  have any of those, you can bring two proofs of   residence, like a utility bill, paycheck, bank  statement with your name and address on it,   a birth certificate, hunting or fishing license,  social security card, vehicle registration,   or a student ID from a college in Utah. So once you have your plan for how you’re going   to register, and how and when you want to return  your ballot, you just need to follow the plan,   and vote on or before November 8th. If you want to know everything that you can vote   for ahead of time, you can find a sample ballot  here so that you have time to research candidates   and make your decisions.

You don’t have to vote  for everything on your ballot for it to count,   but this is your best chance to choose who  gets to make decisions about your life:   all the way from congress to your  city council or school board.   We’ve put all the links for everything you need  to register, visit a vote center, or track your   ballot at Thank you for voting!