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Last sync:2024-10-07 15:00
The weekly show where we share the DFTBA warehouse with you!

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*DFTBA by Hank Green plays*

Hey there! I am Matthew Gaydos, and welcome to the weekly show where we share the DFTBA Warehouse with you.

We got big news folks! And it comes in the form of NEW SITE NEWS!
That's right we got a brand new Look at it, it's pretty. has had several design changes over the years but this new one isn't just a pretty repackaging, it's also got fun new features that I wanna tell you about today.

One thing that a lot of you guys have asked for when shopping on is for the ability to buy posters and t-shirts in the same order, because previously on our old website you couldn't do that because we ship things separately because one goes in a tube and the other one goes in a bag or a box depending on what you order.

So you were previously unable to order posters and t-shirts in the same order but now we have a whole new system that's gonna allow you to do that and we just- we'll take care of it.

We will ship your posters and your t-shirts separately with two different tracking numbers but you will only have to place one order, so it's much easier for you guys.

Another cool feature on the website is this little section down here you'll see on every product page, and it's a place where you guys can upload your own photos of you wearing your DFTBA merch.

That makes it so won't just see the pictures that we put up but you'll also see your pictures and other peoples pictures of the merchandise out there in the wild!

Also if you're interested in this kind of thing there are new bios up on the website for every single DFTBA employee.

There's also a new feature there on the website to make an account so that all of your shipping information and all that is saved, so when you do wanna buy something on it's very easy to just log-in and make your purchase as easy as possible.

And it also allows you to keep track of all of the orders you placed on so that you can see them all on a nice, neat little place.

And one last thing about the new website before you guys just go and scroll through it and click it and just check it out yourselves. There are brand new creator pages with fun backgrounds and banner images and the just- they look neat.

So those are some of the new features on the new website and of course it is still over at, so go check it out, let us know what you think of the new design and all the new features down in comments below and on Twitter and Tumblr and all of those places.

But that is it for this week guys, don't forget to leave your questions and your comments down in the comment section below.

The link to the one and only thing I talked about today will be down in the flap (description), and you can always find me on my channel at or on Twitter @MatthewGaydos.

And today's videos going to end a little bit differently than normal because intern Paige from the Indianapolis office wrote a lovely song to commemorate the launch of the new DFTBA Records website. So I'm going to leave you with that video and I will see you next week with a brand new episode of The Warehouse and until then, Don't Forget To Be Awesome.


You may have noticed some changes 'round here and
If you haven't then I'll try to make 'em clear
And I know you know we've got Pizza John but there's much more
So get ready to see what we have in store

We've got racer-backs, carrot-onesies,
Big and small infinities, and Gallifrey and DFTBA,
We've got 'Everything is Dead' t-shirts, inspirational posters,
And plenty things that say 'Okay? okay.'

It's fair to say we've got Ariel beat,
Our who-zits and what-zits are really quite neat.
And if I wanted to fit everything we have into one song,
I think it would be about 5 hours long.

We've got mugs for you coffee interns,
Posters for you job hunters,
A set of Lizzie Bennet DVDs,
Booty Revolution underwear,
Songs to which pants you should wear,
And a timeline of U.S. History.

If there's something you want from your favorite creator
Then you might as well head over to DFTBA
Why not do it now, no need to wait until later,
In fact I don't think there's anything else I need to say.