Previous: Breakfast Sundae - Welcome to Sanditon: Ep 10
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Last sync:2025-03-08 18:15
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Still digging into the reasons for Domino's "glitch" last week. But Mayor Parker has been busy too.

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Welcome to Sanditon is a modernized adaptation of the unfinished Jane Austen manuscript, Sanditon. The series is produced by Pemberley Digital. See other Pemberley Digital projects at

The series is developed by Margaret Dunlap and Jay Bushman.

See more details at

Gigi Darcy - Allison Paige -
Clara Breton - Lenne Klingaman -
Ed Denham - Kyle Walters -
Tom Parker - Joel Bryant -

Executive Producer - Jay Bushman -
Executive Producer - Margaret Dunlap -
Executive Producer - Bernie Su -
Executive Producer - Hank Green -
Producer - Jenni Powell -
Co-Executive Producer - Kate Rorick -
Director - Bernie Su -
Writer - Kate Rorick -
Cinematography - Joshua Caldwell -
Assistant Director - Stuart Davis -
Transmedia Producer - Alexandra Edwards -
Transmedia Editor - Dana Shaw -
Production Designer - Katie Moest -
Art Direction and Visual Effects - Adam Levermore -
Post-Production Supervisor - Chris Kwon -
Editor - Wesly Varghese -
Makeup - Jennifer Jackson
Script Supervisor - Stephanie Rose -
Sound Mixer/Boom - Ryan Bertrolami -
Gaffer - Joey Harris -
Key Grip - Adrian Pacheco -
Hi William! Well, we checked out both Edward and Clara's hardware and software and found nothing wrong. Which leaves us with the other theory of what was going on that night. And that's not going to show up on a diagnostic. So, you're just going to have to rely on your intuitive sister to check it out.

Domino, call Edward Denham.

Ed: Hey Gigi. Are you calling to ask if you can steal my phone again?
Gigi: Uh, no, I'm trying to make sure it's working properly.
Ed: Spectrum is green. [chuckle] Uh, did you figure out what was wrong with it?
Gigi: Uh, interesting you should mention that. I've got a theory of what was going on that night, and I'm not sure what happened was a glitch.
Ed: Uh, uh, w-what do you mean? [looking above camera] Hey, uh Clara.
Clara: [off screen] Hi Ed! Oh- [enters screen] Hey Gigi! You should get down here, we have a special today on Triffid-flavored ice cream.
Gigi: Oh! I will definitely have to check that out.
Clara: Cool. See you soon. Oh, [raises fist] fight the power. [leaves screen]
Ed: If Domino wasn't glitching the other night, uh, why did it, uh, stop when we started actually talking about the shop, but uh, leave in all that stuff about Triffids and The Walking Dead?
Gigi: Well maybe Domino thought that was more important than whether the shop became a juice bar.
Ed: Huh?
Gigi: Look, I know it's just an app, but Domino really like the romantic drama.
Ed: Uh, romantic drama? For me and Clara? I- [laughs nervously] No! No, no! Ridiculous! I- I mean, if uh Domino were to able to be uh deduce human emotion, that would uh, that would make it Skynet. Are you saying that Pemberley Digital invented Skynet?
Gigi: Ed, is it really that crazy?
Ed: Gigi, I don't have a... crush on Clara. Sh- she is a nice person but, I can't, okay? I c- I can't! I mean, i- if people were to think that I do, uh you know, people like- [looks off screen] Tom!
Tom: [arriving from offscreen] Edward!
Ed: Tom!
Tom: I have excellent news. You have been a hell of a team player, but you are relieved of duty!
Ed: I'm fired? No, I can explain, I-
Tom: [talking over Ed] No, no, no, no! We need you back at the office! We have a new strategy in place that will make Sanditon the synergistic health beacon I know it can be.
Gigi: What's that?
Tom: [enters screen] Miss Darcy! Well, I have to thank you. Uh, you were right to give me that little shove into ramping up our marketability. I have secured not one, but two health-conscious businesses moving into the Trafalgar Health and Wellness Retail District.
Ed: What kind of businesses?
Tom: Ah, well, one is a stationary cycling training facility and the other is a high end spinning program. And, the best news is that- [looking at Clara arriving on screen] Hey Clara! Just the businesswoman I came to see!
Clara: [on screen] Hello, Mayor! Can I get you anything? Rocky Road? Kiss the Triffid?
Tom: Uh, no, thank you. I was just telling Gigi and Ed here about the new lifestyle enterprises coming to town, one of which has a juice bar attached to it. So I'll be taking my business there. Now, you missed out on your chance to be part of the New Sanditon, and now the free market will decide.
Clara: Ah. Well. Okay then, Tom. Uh, sure I can't get you anything?
Tom: No, not anymore.
Clara: [leaves screen]
Tom: [to Ed] Yeah, you can pack up and we'll see you back at the office.
Ed: Uh, actually, Tom, I think that Clara is about to crack, um, maybe I should stay. Here.
Tom: No need! No, there are much more important demands on your attention. Elsewhere. [to Gigi] Thanks again, Miss Darcy. [leaves screen]
Ed: [to Gigi] I- I guess I should go. I'll talk to you later, Gigi.

Gigi: Well, I still think I'm right about the glitch, but in the mean time, it looks like the future of Sanditon is about to arrive. Bye, William.