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COVID-19 Voting Update: Mississippi extended the deadline to postmark absentee ballots to November 3, 2020 and the deadline to receive ballots to November 8, 2020. Individuals under physician-ordered quarantine or individuals caring for a dependent in quarantine due to COVID-19 are now eligible to vote by mail with an absentee ballot. Voting registration deadline has been moved from October 2nd to October 5th.

[updated September 4, 2020]


Check your registration status:

Register to vote:

Request absentee ballot:

Find your polling location:

Find your sample ballot:

Campus Vote Project:


MediaWise is a nonprofit, nonpartisan project of the Poynter Institute and supported by Facebook. Complexly is an MVP partner, as are Campus Vote Project and Students Learn, Students Vote.
Hello Mississippi!

If you want to vote, first you’ll need to register. If you’re not sure if you’re registered already, you can use the link in the description to check your registration status.

If you’re not registered yet, or if you’ve moved or changed your name since the last time you voted, you’ll need to fill out a new registration form and mail it in. Like with a stamp. You can print off the registration form using the link below and mail it to your county circuit clerk, or find a paper application at the DMV, any state or federal social service agency, or your circuit clerk’s office if you don’t have access to a printer.

Either way, make sure you register by October 2nd if you want to vote in November. Once you’re registered, you get to vote. For most people, that means heading to the polls on November 3rd, but if you’re disabled, or won’t be in your home county on election day, you can apply to vote absentee.

There’s not a form to do that online though. You’ll have to find your municipal or circuit clerk’s contact information using the link below and write them, call them, or show up to their office in person to request an absentee ballot between September 17th and election day. The sooner you do it, the better so that you have enough time to get your ballot in the mail, fill it out at your own pace, and send it back before November 3rd.

For everyone else, you can go to the polls between 7am and 7pm on November 3rd, and there’s a link in the description to figure out where you need to go to vote. You’ll need to bring a photo ID with you, like a driver’s license, State ID, passport, student ID from a college or university in Mississippi, firearms license, or military or tribal ID. If you don’t have any of those, you can get a free voter ID card at your circuit clerk’s office during normal business hours.

Their locations and hours are in the links below, as is the state Voter ID website so you can look up contact information if you have questions or need help to get a voter ID. Closer to election day, you can go to the link in the description to look at a sample ballot that tells you everything you’ll be able to vote for. You don’t have to vote for every single item on the ballot—you can leave things blank if you want to, but your local elections can be pretty important, so it’s worth checking out what’s on there ahead of time.

You can even take a screenshot or print it out and bring it to the polls with you so you don’t forget how you want to vote. The best thing to do if you’re planning to vote this year is to make a plan to vote right now—from what day you’re gonna register to whether you’re going to vote in person or absentee. What kind of ID you’re going to use, and where it is, even what time you’re going to vote and how you’re going to get there.

Write it down, put it in your notes app, text it to a friend, just make a plan so that nothing unexpected stops you from being counted on November 3rd. All the links you need to check your registration and polling location are in the description. Thank you for voting.

How To Vote in Every State is produced by Complexly in partnership with The MediaWise Voter Project, which is led by The Poynter Institute and supported by Facebook.