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MLA Full: "The Dry Sock Trick! | Science Project for Kids." YouTube, uploaded by SciShow Kids, 3 May 2016,
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APA Full: SciShow Kids. (2016, May 3). The Dry Sock Trick! | Science Project for Kids [Video]. YouTube.
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Chicago Full: SciShow Kids, "The Dry Sock Trick! | Science Project for Kids.", May 3, 2016, YouTube, 03:53,
Bath time's a great time to do experiments with water, and Squeaks wants to show you a great trick you can try out next time you're in the tub!
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There's never a bad place or a bad time to have fun with science! Including the tub! In fact, the tub is a great place to try a really neat trick that Squeaks likes to do during bath time.

Would you believe that I could take this little sock and put it underwater? And when I take it out of the water, it's still completely dry? Well, I can! And so can you. Do you want to find out how?

To get started, ask a grown-up to help you find a tall glass or cup, and one of your socks. You can use a wad of tissue, or anything else that's small and can get smushed into the bottom of a cup. You'll also need a big container of water. If you don't want to wait until your next bath to try this, you can use a sink or even a big bucket. Just be sure you're very careful with the water.

Now, don't put the sock on our foot. Instead, put it into the bottom of the cup, and stuff it in there really tight. The sock needs to be in there tightly enough that it won't fall out, not even when you turn the cup upside down.

Next, hold the upside down cup over the water, so it's straight up and down, then slowly push the cup down into the water. Be careful not to tip it. Push it straight down all the way to the bottom. Now lift it slowly back out, and again, keep it standing straight.

Now, when we turn it over, and take out the sock, the sock is completely dry! It's not magic, it's science. Now, let's try to figure out what happened. Think about what the cup looked like before we put it into the water. What was inside it? The sock was in there, but there was something else too. Something that we couldn't see.

Right you are, Squeaks! There was air inside the cup. And air is made of matter. Do you know what else is made of matter? Everything! You, me, the sock, the cup, the computer you're looking at right now. Everything is made of matter. And matter takes up space. That means it needs room.

Maybe you've tried to put a lot of things into your backpack, and they didn't all fit. All of those things are made of matter. And they take up room. So there wasn't enough room for all of them.

Well, air is made of matter too. So even before you put the cup into the tub, it was already full of matter. There was the sock, and then air took up all the space in the cup that wasn't filled with the sock.

So when we push the cup down into the water, there wasn't a lot of room for the water to get into the cup. Instead, the water just pushed the air farther into the bottom of the cup. And since there was only air at the end of the cup, the sock didn't get wet.

Don't believe me that there's air is the cup, even when it's under water? Well, let's try it again. Last time, we made sure the cup was straight up and down the whole time. But I wonder what would happen if we didn't keep the cup straight.

Okay, here we go. But this time, when we get the cup on the bottom of the tub, let's tip the cup to one side. What do you see? I see a big bubble! Now, take the cup out of the water. Do you think that the sock is going to be wet or dry? I think this time, it's gonna be wet. And, it is! But why?

When we tilted the cup, the bubble that came out was the air that was inside the cup. And when we let the air out, the space in the cup that used to have air in it then filled up with water. And we ended up with a soggy, wet sock.

So you see, the tub is a great place to have fun and conduct experiments, while you're also getting clean.

Thanks for joining us on SciShow Kids! If you have any questions about anything at all, just grab a grown-up, and send us an email to or leave us a comment down below. We'd like to thank Google Making  Science for helping us make this episode, and thank you for watching! We'll see you next time, here at the Fort!

(End Sequence)