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MLA Full: "Hank and John Discover Chippy Butties." YouTube, uploaded by vlogbrothers, 8 April 2022,
MLA Inline: (vlogbrothers, 2022)
APA Full: vlogbrothers. (2022, April 8). Hank and John Discover Chippy Butties [Video]. YouTube.
APA Inline: (vlogbrothers, 2022)
Chicago Full: vlogbrothers, "Hank and John Discover Chippy Butties.", April 8, 2022, YouTube, 03:55,

(Note: An outtakes video will be uploaded to Hankschannel soon if it hasn't been already!)

P.S. John, I'm sorry I didn't upload this last week, I got confused.
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J: Good morning John? Why am I here? Why? Not a dance! No dancing. Oh god. No. Just FYI I set your chair a little low 
H: Was that on purpose
J: That joke never gets old to me
H: Did You?
J: I did. I did. I have no idea. Oh no.
H: We're in the same place at the same time because it's our mother's birthday and she loves that we're spending time just as brothers.
J: And our spouse's favourite thing when we sneak away
H: We're gonna make a video and play some Spiderman video games.
J: Hank, I know that you've asked the people of Twitter for some questions for me.
H: I have
J: Did they deliver?
H: John
J: Yes
H: Have you read any fanfic of your own books?
J: Oh yeah there's a lot of Isaac related Fault in our Stars fan fictions which is fun. There's even some people who wrote versions of the fanfiction that Daisy wrote in Turtles all the way Down
H: Oh Yeeeah I saw that
J: By the way, Hank, have I told you that Turtles all the way Down is gonna be a movie?
H: You have.
J: Like not for fun but for real.
I think you're about to go have a conversation with someone about it
J: The star of all turtles all the way down, Isabelle Merced, whose face is currently covering Hank's face. 
H: Is it my video?
J: It's your video so you've gotta do that
H: Oh no
What happens when the sun dies
J: Well I don't know what happens when the sun dies but I do believe that the people who love us will miss us.
My favourite Keanu Reeves line.
H: Yeah that's what happens after you die
J: and that is what happens when the sun dies.
H: No, it's not.
How do you keep learning things after school stops
I mean CrashCourse
J: Yeah, use CrashCourse.
H: That's definitely a way.
J: That's one way but in general, don't you think it's about pursuing inquiry and understanding how to-
H: It's about being curious and knowing how to chase the curiosity, knowing how to chase the question. That learning of how to ask the question, around the question, is kinda done by reading non-fiction. I always sorta have a block and I'm like I don't wanna read a big old book about that and then I do and I'm like I have so many questions.
J: It was actually so interesting, that's my relationship with science books, books of medical history, history books I just get so -
H: yeah
J: thrilled about them. To me, learning is about getting in touch with that part of you and then being, having the time and the space
H: Mhmm
J: and the skill-set to pursue that curiosity.
H: What's your favourite like think podcast where you like to learn stuff you didn't know before?
J: the Anthropocene reviewed
H: Oh my God, you literally knew everything in that podcast. It's the only podcast where you knew everything.
J: not when I started.
J: I love 99% invisible. I feel like I learned so much from it. I learn so much from Radio Lab from Invisibilia. There's a wonderful podcast through-line that I learn a lot from.
H: I was gonna say through-line.
Little Saint James wants to know do you have any Elden ring strength build PVP strategies?
J: I don't know what any of those words mean.
H: Why do I get shocked by metal the time in Vegas?
J: Why does that happen?
H: There's no air in the water.
There's no water in the air.
J: There is no air in the water its a huge problem; only fish have solved it.
H: Hahaha
J: Is that why when the air is dryer you get shocked more, is that why you get shocked in winter cuz the air is dry?
H: Yeah yeah yeah
J: Oh
H: Remember when I started a YouTube channel called all the questions and the goal was to answer every question?
J: -every question. Yeah, never think small.
H: I was like we can just record them 50 at a time.
J: You've gotta give an explanation because you gotta get watch time. You do it like a pronunciation guide where you like have the video start and the 15-30 seconds in you're like horsedewskies.
H: There's an app called How Jay Say
J: oh I know How Jay Say
H: But my favourite thing is that he's said everything, just because people know how to pronounce doesn't mean he hasn't said it. So he's just up in here:
How Jay Say:  Butts butts butts butts
H: Good old Jay
J: I was dancing
How Jay Say: Butylamine
H: There's not a lot of words that start with butt
How Jay Say: Butty also in the UK butty
H: hahaha
J: hahaha
H: What?!
J: It's over, it's over.
H: People in the UK what is that word?
J: Hank, it's a sandwich that contains nothing but bread and french fries
H: Ha
J: So, a chip butty is a particular kind of butty and any kind of disgusting buttered sandwich is a butty.
H: We actually have french fries upstairs.
J: We do.
H: We're gonna go get a chippy butty.
John, I'll see you on Tuesday
J: and right now.
H: I'll see you now.